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Spain is pulling out

And I am merely trying to return the service Bruce :D
I think also you‘ll find if you type in heritage front you‘ll find the same number of people calling for a "Christian domination" or "final war between the christians and heathens" you‘ll find as many search hits.
The point is both sides have groups radicals, and both groups are minorities within a much larger group.

It‘s not anti-semitism.
It‘s calling for a boycot of Israeli companies products etc. It‘s common throughout the Muslim community, they buy Muslim products (zam zam cola for example) rather than support countries they feel support zionist interests. Some people refuse to support child labour by not buying gap, this particular spin is refusing to support Israeli occupation of territory they feel they have as much right to.

Alot of people do not agree with the occupation of the palestinian territory, in fact this seems
to be one of the more peaceful means by which they are protesting occupation of what they see as their lands as well.

Rather boycott companies than blow themselves up yes?

I‘m not going to touch either religion/races right to occupy that territory because that is an entirely different argument.

You won‘t find propaganda like that on sites like the ones you‘ve listed because they are not trying to a put a particular spin on anything, nor are they catering to any one group. The telegraph (I‘m assuming as the link is a dead one) is a news service, which has a responsiblity to be unbiased; Point me to any Christian site and you‘ll find they will push their own spin on topics like abortion, divorce etc.

It‘s like comparing apples and oranges.
As they say one mans terr, is another mans freedomfighter, and whatever it is its inappropaite for such a thing to have in Australia. i dont care if was in Palestine, but its in bad taste here, and boycotting things as johnson products, coke, and a heaps of other things which are more USA than Isreal. i find it simply in bad taste, thats all.


I don‘t know if I would lump boycotters in with terrorists;
Thanks mate got the bug worked out of the Link right quick.

Bad taste, perhaps, but I‘m sure the people living in permanent refugee camps find that in bad taste too. It‘s a painful argument that‘s really just one giant circle.

This is over my head however; For all my worth and moderate knowledge of these things, I cannot even begin to comment on the situation in Israel/Palestine, and any campaigns surrounding it.
I view the islamicsydney site as news site for muslims, and not as religious site at all, so i would direcly compare it to any such similar site I have added here.

Boycotting and terrorism have really nothing in cxommon, but it can be seen to be in support of the bad guys.

I too wont be commenting on the Israel/palestine thing in the ME, but recently here in Sydney the PLO had a rally, which supporters caused over $1,000,000.00 in damages in Sydney, mainly smashed windows, cars, and cafes/businesses damaged, etc.

Then, in tit for tat style, the Israelis had one too, a week later, same place and no damage, put too much publicity on the news for both.

Personally this mentality and behaviour abhorent, and the rallies I find disgusting, as its got nothing to do with Australia.

If either side wants to do this sort of thing, why don‘t both sides go home and do it there, not in our peaceful country.


Well a news site for Muslims is still a news site for Muslims.
Find a news site for christians, it‘ll have all the same spin doctoring for different arguments.

Alright I‘m going to say agree to disagree since it seems for every argument one of us produces the other produces an equal counterargument.

Thats cool, at least we can discuss this. I have been trying to paint a room in the house all day, and I have got only one coat done, soa s they say here, ‘I better get a wiggle on‘ and get it done.

Have a good day,


And now back to:

Sorry to pull that off topic folks it was, and I the moderator should be ashamed, but I don‘t think that‘s ever been discussed in quite so much detail.
Whats to be ashamed of, Che. Its all linked together whether we like it or not. This is a forum for stating claim of facts and thoughts which are pertinant to radical Islam which is behind the Spainish attack, and hopefully everyone here can learn from it.

I hate discusing politics and religion, but in certain cases its twistedly intertwined, and in this new war its connected, so it should be accepted in this case.

Che, I‘d rahter discuss the fine tastes of a cold beer between us, two allies fighting for the same cause.

Anyways, discussing abortion, and divorce, is a far cry from discussing hatred, and alienation of western countries, being promoted by a minortiy in a western country, try doing the same in certain ME countries, and you‘ll be woken in the middle of the night and disappear.

Cheers and beers,

No more relgion,let‘s talk politic‘s.

Now if yesterday we knew what we know today i.e no unconventional weapon‘s,the lies ,ok the half truth‘s from Bush,the US‘s conection‘s to Iraq via the father re. CIA,US support of Saddam against Iran,Exile Iraqi intel which is proving to be questionable.
I could go on what has come to light over the last little while and there is lot‘s of info coming out now.
Would the U.S. and the Nation‘s it got to go along with them would they have declared war today?
Would these Countries have the support of their people today?
Hey mate you are up late, its only 191824KMar04 here. About 25C, and not a cloud in the sky. Finished painting, and I reckon its time for a swim down the end of the road, to wash teh paint off.


Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
[qb] Hey mate you are up late, its only 191824KMar04 here. About 25C, and not a cloud in the sky. Finished painting, and I reckon its time for a swim down the end of the road, to wash teh paint off.


Wes [/qb]
That sounds far dinkum Digger,now go muck out your dunny. ;)

I just got off work and having a cannie :blotto:
It‘s about 3c windy and raining and snowing at the higher elevation‘s. :crybaby:

Cheers :blotto:
Hey SPR,

Its a tinnie or a tube! Haha, Had a good swim, nearly trod on a nice stingray about 1 metre in wing span, one of the tan coloured ones, and they cam in well in the sand. Its almost 2100, and still 23C. Not bad for an autumn day.

I posted some Osama cartoons (which appeared in this weeks Sydney paper) on my website if you want to go have a look.

To get there do the fol:

1. go to google
2. seach for L1A1 armourer
3. follow the links
4. go to message board
4. enjoy


On your bike you!
Stop teasing us lot.
I hope you get a blow back off the barbie and all your tinnies are warm. ;)

Thank‘s for the info and will do Wes.
Dont forget to sign the guest book, and have a look at the albums too.

