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  1. Bean

    Is it just me?

    You may also want to speak with someone in the Joint Career Tranisions office.  There was a mention of CF/DND employees now being eligible for assitance through this program a few months ago so it may be worth a check.  I have included the NCR link below and anyone else can get to the National...
  2. Bean

    CadetPat field uniform

    Lets be clear here, Cadetpat is a League initiative not a cadets canada initiative.  It is optional purchase designed for the needs of the cadet program, and using non-public funds.  So the CF has spent not one red cent producing this pattern.  Furthermore at this time I believe it is a BC...
  3. Bean

    Teaching Drill at NSCE

    There may not be squads, however moving from one position to antoher must be taught carefully.  You have to teach the lesson as if it were brand new cadets so when teaching the positions no squads, but moving from At Ease to Attention you can break down into two squads to ensure the leg is...
  4. Bean

    Heading to the UK - Need Advice

    A restaurant suggestion, if you like chinese food, is the Royal China in Notting Hill.  Best I've had anywhere and lots of it.  As for a pub, I spent a fair bit of time at the Bear and Staff and was never disappointed.  Its on the Charring Cross Road, not far from the Theatre district.  If you...
  5. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    Does that mean you were in 845 and left for 800, or you started in 800?
  6. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    "Phoenix" was never an officially adopted name for the squadron.  It was always officially 845 Mississauga until the early 90's (92-93 I think) when the official name was changed to Avro Arrow.  At least this is what Sloaner is telling me as we sit in my cube.  The "Phoenix" nickname was...
  7. Bean

    Alternate for the CIC

    Let us not jump too quickly on chair_borne, he does raise some excellent points in the change in culture and approaches in how the cadet system was administered in the past.  We must recognize that the society we live in has changed and the CCM has changed along with it.  Many  of his points are...
  8. Bean

    Poll for CIC Officers

    Too bad this isn't a multiple select poll, several apply.  Ex cadet, ex-reservist from the PRes.  CIC is just a different way to serve.
  9. Bean

    Army Cadet Radio's for FTX's

    Paracowboy is 100% right, we often ask the local unit for the equipment and they have been more than happy to assist, and often provide instructors as well so the cadets get taught by people who have used the kit and Radio procedure in an operational environment.  Its all relationship building...
  10. Bean

    CadetPat field uniform

    There is a CATO on the various orders of dress for each of the cadet branches, the most clear one is actually the air cadet one.  Basically the CO can authorize the wear of combats (refering to the older OG combats), or civilian look-a-like clothing.  Anything the cadet wears for a field uniform...
  11. Bean

    A war-time mobilization role for the CIC?`

    Well let me again draw from personal experience.  In my past I have worked on a multi-departmental project led by DND and when th senior officer learned I held a commission (albeit a CIC commission) he had no problem putting me into the field for training and eval purposes.  During this time I...
  12. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    The way I, and others I know, had structured the recuit training was all of the Level 1 GCK and Citizenship, plus half of the drill periods allocated for level one.  Depending on the squadron, this takes between 10-15 training nights and usually one famil weekend in the field or a famil flying...
  13. Bean

    A war-time mobilization role for the CIC?`

    As a current CIC officer/former Pres member I've thought about this alot as well.  In deed during the Ice Storm of '98 mnay of the CIC officers in affected areas were asked to assist in aid to the civil power activities, but no official instruction was given from the RCO so it was no different...
  14. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    I know a good number of units who start their first years off in a "recruit phase" and until they pass that and are sworn in (not a legal oath) the 5 months doesn't start.  This lets the SQN have them as regular AC's until about May so everyone is an LAC just prior to the Annual Review.  That...
  15. Bean

    Queens Regulations and Orders

    Try this one. http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/intro_e.asp
  16. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    I can conceed the point about 4 years being too short, I agree that 5 years would be a better target, but I'll go out on a limb and expect they did some research (although I can't say for sure they did) into when the greatest level of departure from the program was.  In my experience we lost the...
  17. Bean

    The air cadet thread

    I think that the long service medal for the air cadet program is a good idea to recognize the achievement.  Retention rates beyond the fourth year in my experience with the program is low so I would expect that is why they set the bar at that point.  The purpose is to recognize service, where as...
  18. Bean

    wogs and kit

    As Squadron CO indicated, there is a lot of interpretation as to what CIC officers are issued (regardless of element) beyond the DEU's.  I'd be surprised to see a CIC officer with CADPAT goretex, but I wouldn't rule it out.  When I was first kitted coming from PRes to the CIC I turned all my kit...
  19. Bean

    Alternate for the CIC

    A good rule to be sure Nobby. ShadowHawk, I agree completely with your post in selection of the personnel we try and put into uniform, but I must admit if they are planning on amking a commitment to the organization, a higher physical standard would be recommended (and I checked, the literaure...
  20. Bean

    Alternate for the CIC

    So lets see if I can sum up the last little bit.   Generally we acknowledge that a good number of CIC officers do maintain a physical fitness level that lends credit to the image of the CF.   There are noted examples of CIC officers who, for whatever reason, do not maintain an adequate fitness...