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Step Test Super Thread

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Whoever administers the test should be doing a demonstration for you, just to show you how to step (not double stepping on the middle step and all that). As for the beat, just go with it. You aren't supposed to try and be faster or anything, the whole purpose of the step test is to check your cardiovascular fitness by measuring how your heart rate increases after a fixed amount of exercise. They then get you to sit down for 10 minutes or so and recheck your pulse, to check recovery rates (another form of cardiovascular fitness). It is a simple and quick test that can be done in a small area, hence the reason why you do it at the recruiting centre instead of the 2.4k run or the 20m SR. Just spend less time on here worrying about it and more time running your behind around the block and you'll be fine.
Gibson27 said:
Guys i did the step test two days ago and was stopped because of "White Coat Hypertension". Which means that my bloodpressure goes out of whack when i see doctors or get nervous like my testing. I have a good question.

I'm redoing the test this Tuesday, the instructor wasn't very clear on the whole format of the test, the levels, and there was one point where i thought the tape stopped so i did and she told me to keep going. Then i messed up altogether. Anyways i was wondering are we just stepping alongside the tape or trying to beat the tape? like the shuttle run perhaps? I have my clearance from my family doc so next time i won't be stopped.

Any help would be great, tips are most welcome. Darn blood pressure

If your blood pressure is too high I wouldn't go back so soon...You need to get fit and stop eating junky foods...Try goin for lots of runs and burn off any big foods you eat by doing lots of push up and sit ups...

If you can...change your times...

If not just try breathing through your nose while your doin the step and if your not sure still on how to do it just ask your instructor...

And it is not a shuttle run...Stay with the tape...He should let it go 2 sets and then you go...just keep that tempo in mind and say it in your head...if the tape stops keep going until the instructor comes over and tells you to...

Good luck.

I think i need to clarify a few things,

I don't have high blood pressure normally, only when i see a doctor hence the name White coat hypertension .

As for diet and exercise ,I'm an avid bodybuilder, I don't eat junkfood and my routine weeks before my physical was 45 mins weights per day and 2 one hour cardio sessions twice a day.

At the docs office my blood pressure after 5 mins went to norm. The fact i was nervous as hell drove it through the roof. My heart rate was superb during the testing till i was stopped due to the high bp numbers.

As far as i know my heart rate was in the low range, now that i have clearance from my doc to continue, I  should be fine, time will tell I'll let you guys know the outcome.

Thanks for your help guys, any more tips would be a great help.
Gibson27 said:
I think i need to clarify a few things,

I don't have high blood pressure normally, only when i see a doctor hence the name White coat hypertension .

As for diet and exercise ,I'm an avid bodybuilder, I don't eat junkfood and my routine weeks before my physical was 45 mins weights per day and 2 one hour cardio sessions twice a day.

At the docs office my blood pressure after 5 mins went to norm. The fact i was nervous as heck drove it through the roof. My heart rate was superb during the testing till i was stopped due to the high bp numbers.

As far as i know my heart rate was in the low range, now that i have clearance from my doc to continue, I   should be fine, time will tell I'll let you guys know the outcome.

Thanks for your help guys, any more tips would be a great help.

If thats the case don't be nervous...Go in knowing that even if you do fail it's not the end...you can retake the PT quite easily so just go in as if your just goin for another workout...Block out everything else and keep that mind set.

Good luck.
I think if i do go in this time with that mentality i'll do better, I know what to expect, what the test consists of and everyone does better the second time. Hopefully.
Gibson27 said:
I think if i do go in this time with that mentality i'll do better, I know what to expect, what the test consists of and everyone does better the second time. Hopefully.

My problem is the grip test and i gotta redo that...damn lol
I got 56 one hand and  58 on the other. I have good grip because of my mechanics trade.
Hey All

Does anyone know where I could download the audio for the step test, so I can burn it to a cd?

thanks for the help!

renfley said:
Hey All

Does anyone know where I could download the audio for the step test, so I can burn it to a cd?

thanks for the help!

Arrrghhh why would you burn this on CD? you're gonna be stuck with the song in your head for a week or so... ;)  this song was awful! I did it in french and it was only counting from 1 to 8 with an stupid music on background, like the music my grandfather was listening 60 years ago with accordeon an all.. arrgghhh awful...

IMHO, you would'nt need this song as running is the best exercise to get ready for this test, and it's easier than running 2.4km in 11:56 min, believe me! just my 2 cents...

I passed it 2 weeks ago, kinda easy as I train 4 times a week but well, i'm not a good runner and I barely make the 2.4 km in 11:00 min but I passed the step test with flying colours. Feel free to ask if you got more questions but don't be that concerned, run A LOT and you should do fine!

Isn't the music still: Up 2-3 Down 2-3 repeated in 3 minute intervals? Are you planning on torturing someone with it?
I had to do a third phase which was a double step, anyone else have to do that too?  Also how did you guys get your grip test results? They wouldn't tell me mine.
NOOOOO I HATE THAT AUDIO TRACK. lol i felt like i was going to die with the accordion playing or what ever it was and the whole up 2 3 down 2 3 thing AHHHHHHHHHHH. hehehehehe just that fun.
i got to the third one that was even more fun :D yay
as for the grip test i looked at the scale before the person took it away hehehehe and i passed.

Doing the grip test I had to read the result to the evaluator and show him to confirm so that we were both on the same page.
B.McTeer said:
NOOOOO I HATE THAT AUDIO TRACK. lol i felt like i was going to die with the accordion playing or what ever it was and the whole up 2 3 down 2 3 thing AHHHHHHHHHHH. hehehehehe just that fun.
i got to the third one that was even more fun :D yay
as for the grip test i looked at the scale before the person took it away hehehehe and i passed.


In fact, the most difficult thing in the step test is not to roll on the floor laghing at this "music" with 1-2-3... which makes you FAIL the test, hahaha.

Since my application process length will be more than 6 months, I'll have to retry not to ROFL!!
Ohh god... I went to the CFRC today to ask for my file status and it's still in Borden for approval so that's ok, but I HEARD THAT SONG from the room where another applicant was doing his PT.. arrgghh awful moment! I wonder if i'll be able to sleep tonight...(better drink a couple of beers to forget that)

I did get my grip test results but I don't remember them. The hint is to position the thing correctly in your hand so that it doesn't slip when you apply pressure on it.

Best of luck to y'all!

NiTz said:
Ohh god... I went to the CFRC today to ask for my file status and it's still in Borden for approval so that's ok, but I HEARD THAT SONG from the room where another applicant was doing his PT.. arrgghh awful moment! I wonder if i'll be able to sleep tonight...(better drink a couple of beers to forget that)

In Montreal CFRC, there's no physical test, which is purely understandable from the personnel's pointe of view. Probably due to this freakin music... just kidding, heheehe.

NiTz said:
I did get my grip test results but I don't remember them. The hint is to position the thing correctly in your hand so that it doesn't slip when you apply pressure on it.

Don't worry about that. I'm not particularly strong and my grip test was 60 left hand and 61 right hand. The minimum is a CUMULATIVE 75. I did 121... The criteria is minimal.

Lol.. sure it's understandable.. When I did my PT test, I asked the girl how she do to listen this song all day long without becoming insane and she answered: " I don't know, maybe am I already insane?" LoL  :cdn:
Oh man i lost my balance form double stepping i dont know how many times, also on another note, How important is your recovery time? I know mine was fine but i was just wondering
I guess that the recovery time is important cause it tells how fast you recuperate after a "hard" exercise.
I don't think you can fail the test because of your recovery time except if you're stilll struggling and short of breath 10 minutes after the test.. and it's understandable. I did fine too.

cheers!  :salute:
That step test is an embarassment to the forces, the recruit and the PT staff administering it.  The only thing it accomplishes is to ensure theyre not going to kill you on your BMQ.  In my opinion if you can't do the 2.4km  in under 11:34m go home and run until you can, if you can't keep up on the runs in basic trianing you are going to be singled out anyway.  Prep for a 6-8km run in about 45 min.  Then you wiill be good to go.

I hope youre not heading into a combat arms or combat support trade worrying about the step test.  If you are, youre gonna be in a lot of pain for the next few years of your life.

Good luck in your career though.
