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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

The hard, hard left asked for this.

"More spending programs, please."
"More centralization of government powers, please."
"More interference in markets not delivering results to our satisfaction, please." ...
Careful what you wish for, indeed ...
A rather timely CBC article about the NDP leveraging the LPC’s collapse in support for more desired policy outcomes, and some of the prospects for going to the polls (spoiler- not soon). A few of us having been basically saying exactly this for a while.
See above:

"The NDP are talking about asking for more, thinking the LPC will want to avoid an election.

The LPC should simply point to the parties' standings in recent polls. Maybe also ask about the contents of the NDP's campaign war chest."

I suspect the LPC can easily call the NDP on this one. 338 has the NDP at only 18%, and 15% is what I customarily think of as their hard floor. Can't recall whether I've seen anything recently suggesting the NDP isn't in good fiscal shape to go into an election. An election triggered by the NDP that results in CPC gains - even if another LPC/NDP coalition can command the house - will be laid firmly at the feet of the NDP. An "unnecessary" election provoked by demands for more spending might tip the result to a CPC majority, and that would definitely be blamed on the NDP.

I look forward to the NDP pulling the trigger on an election.

I look forward to the NDP further pushing the LPC into the NDP's corner.

Either way, win-win.
See above:

"The NDP are talking about asking for more, thinking the LPC will want to avoid an election.

The LPC should simply point to the parties' standings in recent polls. Maybe also ask about the contents of the NDP's campaign war chest."

I suspect the LPC can easily call the NDP on this one. 338 has the NDP at only 18%, and 15% is what I customarily think of as their hard floor. Can't recall whether I've seen anything recently suggesting the NDP isn't in good fiscal shape to go into an election. An election triggered by the NDP that results in CPC gains - even if another LPC/NDP coalition can command the house - will be laid firmly at the feet of the NDP. An "unnecessary" election provoked by demands for more spending might tip the result to a CPC majority, and that would definitely be blamed on the NDP.

I look forward to the NDP pulling the trigger on an election.

I look forward to the NDP further pushing the LPC into the NDP's corner.

Either way, win-win.

The NDP may decide that, if they can no longer get sought-after policy concessions, it will be time to reset the timer and get the clock started on the next opportunity. They have a natural place in our current political order as kingmakers to an LPC minority, and they could make a strategic decision to hammer that point home- play ball, or get relegated to opposition for quite a while.
The NDP seem to assume that a LPC-CPC coalition is improbable. Under Trudeau, maybe. But the LPC has always been composed of two main factions (being a traditionalist, I still think of them as the Trudeau-Chretien and Turner-Martin factions). If a leader from whatever is the inheritor of the Turner-Martin tradition emerges, the NDP could be shut out for a long time.
The NDP seem to assume that a LPC-CPC coalition is improbable. Under Trudeau, maybe. But the LPC has always been composed of two main factions (being a traditionalist, I still think of them as the Trudeau-Chretien and Turner-Martin factions). If a leader from whatever is the inheritor of the Turner-Martin tradition emerges, the NDP could be shut out for a long time.

Potentially yes- but it takes two to tango. The way Poilievre is running his party, it could be politically damning for him to be seen as cooperating with the LPC, which he would have to do for anything approaching longer term stability in a minority.

You’re not wrong that it could happen, but the increased partisan polarization makes it somewhat less likely as things presently stand. That could absolutely change.
The Liberals don’t want to solve the housing crisis, they just want to be seen as doing something.

At the end of the day basically all politicians own property and have vested interests in keeping housing prices high. Why would they purposely do something to harm themselves?
Potentially yes- but it takes two to tango. The way Poilievre is running his party, it could would be politically damning for him to be seen as cooperating with the LPC, which he would have to do for anything approaching longer term stability in a minority.

You’re not wrong that it could happen, but the increased partisan polarization makes it somewhat less likely as things presently stand. That could absolutely change.

Agreed on all points, but from more of a definitive POV.
The Liberals don’t want to solve the housing crisis, they just want to be seen as doing something.
No one (politically) wants to solve the housing crisis, it's too convenient of issue to peg partisan reasons to, sell a brand, and opportunistically advance ideological agendas.
But then if the champagne socialists cant get their iPones and the like how will the pontificate from on high ?
Following Canada's environmental laws is difficult, expensive, and simply not doable for many resource manufacturing processes. The only ones left are basically the ones grandfathered in.

Meanwhile we will import goods made with no environmental standards which wouldn't even be legal to manufacture in Canada. We need to seriously re-evaluate what we consider important. To me this is almost a form of slavery, my personal term for it is environmental slavery. Basically we aren't willing to deal with the negatives which come with manufacturing (increase in cancers, health risks, localized pollution, etc.) but are more than willing to use the benefits of manufacturing to our advantage. As long as someone else is doing the heavy lifting for us, we are on board. Basically NIMBYs for goods.

Easy to preach about the environment when we aren't directly facing any of the consequences for our actions.