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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Not directly, but their ascent to power and their policy initiatives have been accompanied by a lot of alarmist messaging (from many sources) intended to shape opinions to favour the party and its policies.

Covid lockdowns might be worth investigating. The Brits are also seeing an uptick in mental health issues amongst the young since Covid.
Not just COVID. Climate doom. Racialist strife. Gender strife. Apologia to everyone ever offended by any white European male. For people who care about such things, constant fear of being denounced for something said or done at anytime since childhood.
Not just COVID. Climate doom. Racialist strife. Gender strife. Apologia to everyone ever offended by any white European male. For people who care about such things, constant fear of being denounced for something said or done at anytime since childhood.

Fair comment. Arguably 50 years of telling people "We're Doomed! Stop eating and drinking! And for Pete's sake, stop having children!"

The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich (1968) and The Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth" (1972).
Fair comment. Arguably 50 years of telling people "We're Doomed! Stop eating and drinking! And for Pete's sake, stop having children!"

The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich (1968) and The Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth" (1972).
The damage in the younger generations might turn out to be catastrophic.

So very many young women have sworn against motherhood and as many young men have given up on relationships.

Time will tell.
This was in my inbox today. I think it probably is reflective of the entire English speaking world and possibly a lot more.

View attachment 80468

I do think it seriously understates the situation though. Typically only 55% of the Voting Age Population actually vote.

So now you are looking at

45% don't vote
50% of the 55% are Independent
25% of the 55% are Democrats
25% of the 55% are Republicans


45% don't vote
28% Independents
14% Democrats
14% Republicans


14% Left Wing Loonies
14% Right Wing Loonies
72% DILLIGAS (Pass the beer)
I suspect its more those with direct party affiliations vote and those who are independent who don’t.

Partisans choose to be part of the process to their benefit. Those who oppose the options tend to choose none.

Basically your likely getting 25% of the population voting Republican, 25% voting Democrat, and 5% independent/swing.

What that chart does tell me is now is likely a good time for a new political party in the states, they only need to figure out what that 49% of independents value to make it work.
The damage in the younger generations might turn out to be catastrophic.

So very many young women have sworn against motherhood and as many young men have given up on relationships.

Time will tell.

But then, we have Hutterites, Mennonites, Mormons and Dutch Reformed, and assorted Evangelicals and traditional Roman Catholics as well as various Muslims. None of whom seem to have got the memo. Not to mention the First Nations population.
But then, we have Hutterites, Mennonites, Mormons and Dutch Reformed, and assorted Evangelicals and traditional Roman Catholics as well as various Muslims. None of whom seem to have got the memo. Not to mention the First Nations population.
Oh a 100%. We're going to witness a bit of accidental eugenics.
Coincidental timing....

FIRST READING: Canada’s birth rate has dropped off a cliff (and it’s likely because nobody can afford housing)​

More than a third of young people say they are foregoing children because they can't afford a proper home for them

Coincidental timing....

The lede is such absolute cope.

"Can't afford a home", what they really mean is ''can't afford the dreamy lifestyle I'm bombarbed with on instagram". Yes, housing is expensive in Canada, but so was everything else a few decades back and that never stopped their parents and grandparents and everyone (and everything) else all the way up the tree to do their part only for them to end in genetic failure.
The lede is such absolute cope.

"Can't afford a home", what they really mean is ''can't afford the dreamy lifestyle I'm bombarbed with on instagram". Yes, housing is expensive in Canada, but so was everything else a few decades back and that never stopped their parents and grandparents and everyone (and everything) else all the way up the tree to do their part only for them to end in genetic failure.

In fairness, when you look at the stuff that is being promoted as shelter in Toronto and Vancouver it would seem that the pickings are pretty slim for any type of accommodation.

The Four Plexes and Wartime 800 footers that used to be in plentiful supply, given our 15 to 20,000,000 population have now either been absorbed by our 40,000,000 population or demolished and replaced with high-rises and 2000 footers.

When the locals are struggling to find accommodation on Starbucks wages the developers are selling to the world's elite.

you cannot buy Canadian citizenship under any of the current immigration programs. However, you may be eligible for Canadian permanent residency under certain business immigration programs, which can then lead to gaining citizenship. Essentially, under these investment immigration programs you:

    1. Operate your business in Canada under a work permit.
    2. Gain permanent residency within 1 – 2 years of running your Canadian business.
    3. Become eligible for Canadian citizenship after being a permanent resident and residing in Canada for at least 3 years.

The closest you will come to buying Canadian citizenship is if you immigrate through one of the investment immigration programs. These programs provide reliable pathways for foreign entrepreneurs and their families to gain Canadian citizenship. The programs are:

  • Intra-Company Transfer – this program requires you to expand your existing foreign business to Canada.
  • C11 Entrepreneur Visa – this program requires you to invest in an existing Canadian business or start a new one.
  • Start-Up Visa – under this program, you are required to have an innovative start-up company that is backed up by investors.
  • Provincial Nominee Programs – this program requires you to commit to investing and operating a business in one of the Canadian provinces.
  • Quebec Citizenship Program – this program has been suspended from 1 November 2019 until 1 April 2023 due to a lack of enforcement. This program is unlikely to restart as the suspension has been expanded several times.

How Much Does It Cost to Buy Canadian Citizenship?

If you want to purchase Canadian citizenship, it will cost you between CAD $250,000 and $350,000. You must remember that you are not actually buying citizenship. Instead, you are investing in expanding your foreign business to Canada, purchasing a business in Canada or starting a new one. For this reason, you must consider additional costs you may incur when operating a business in Canada. At the end of the day, the success of your business immigration relies largely on the success of your business. Although operating your business on a work permit for a year will generally make you eligible for permanent residency, a failing business could put your P.R. at risk.

The kids may be satisfied with an 800 footer. But why would the developer sell to a Starbucks employee when he can sell to a business owner?
In fairness, when you look at the stuff that is being promoted as shelter in Toronto and Vancouver it would seem that the pickings are pretty slim for any type of accommodation.

The Four Plexes and Wartime 800 footers that used to be in plentiful supply, given our 15 to 20,000,000 population have now either been absorbed by our 40,000,000 population or demolished and replaced with high-rises and 2000 footers.

When the locals are struggling to find accommodation on Starbucks wages the developers are selling to the world's elite.

The kids may be satisfied with an 800 footer. But why would the developer sell to a Starbucks employee when he can sell to a business owner?
Dunno for other provinces, but there's plenty of jobs and housing in regional Quebec, where all my childhood friends have had nice homes and happy families for years. My city friends? Not so much.

My point is, the housing is not the main problem. It's only one element. You have to take a much more holistic approach.

Fact is, most kids are living a materialistic lie. A lie they've been sold by their parents, by the medias, and by Instagram. Go to the city, get a degree, be a strong independent woman, that's how you obtain happiness. Unsurprisingly, that's precisely the type of person that's most likely to be on SSRIs nowadays.

Happiness is not something to chase, it's just a by-product of a fulfilling life. Turns out, being surrounded by cats and empty wine bottles while you're filling excel spreadsheets and pushing emails around in circles isn't the height of fulfilment.

Apparently we're going through a mental health crisis according to all the left-wing parties. Their solution? MORE of what we've been doing. Let's see how that works out.
Everyone in my generation was told “Go to school, get a good job, buy a house, then start a family”. Took me a while, but I got there. Younger generations aren’t getting that far because they’re stalling out at “buy a house”. We shouldn’t be surprised they aren’t starting families.
Everyone in my generation was told “Go to school, get a good job, buy a house, then start a family”. Took me a while, but I got there. Younger generations aren’t getting that far because they’re stalling out at “buy a house”. We shouldn’t be surprised they aren’t starting families.
Was told the same thing. Fucked up the order though...

Didn't go to school (blessing in disguise), started a family (blessed whoops), joined the CAF, lived in the Qs, broke my brain in Afghanistan, bought a house with VAC's blood money.... profit?

If I were starting out again today, I would have very much gone the more linear path. The problem is that jobs aren't "good" anymore if they cannot sustain a worker. There is just varying degrees of exploited now.
Ugh, just saw another video of some socially maladjusted weirdo accosting Trudeau in public.

As much as I dislike the guy, can't people just have some decency and dignity?

They always look like absolute morons when they attempt to "make a point" or whatever it is they think they're doing.
Ugh, just saw another video of some socially maladjusted weirdo accosting Trudeau in public.

As much as I dislike the guy, can't people just have some decency and dignity?

They always look like absolute morons when they attempt to "make a point" or whatever it is they think they're doing.
And they always manage to make Trudeau look like a genius. Ugh.
The lede is such absolute cope.

"Can't afford a home", what they really mean is ''can't afford the dreamy lifestyle I'm bombarbed with on instagram". Yes, housing is expensive in Canada, but so was everything else a few decades back and that never stopped their parents and grandparents and everyone (and everything) else all the way up the tree to do their part only for them to end in genetic failure.
For many housing is the main problem. Not even the buying of the houses, rather the insane rent being charged.

You can go on about how things were expensive for our parents, blah blah blah, but the statistics don’t lie. They had it substantially easier for costs, even in the peak of inflation in the 80s.

When people are paying 3-4k for basic rent and the average income is 55k how the hell can they afford to have a kid as well?
For many housing is the main problem. Not even the buying of the houses, rather the insane rent being charged.

You can go on about how things were expensive for our parents, blah blah blah, but the statistics don’t lie. They had it substantially easier for costs, even in the peak of inflation in the 80s.

When people are paying 3-4k for basic rent and the average income is 55k how the hell can they afford to have a kid as well?

Rent shouldn't be allowed to be more than 15% of the mortgage rate for the property. And if there is no mortgage it should remain at the last level payed.

With allowances for renovations that have to be proved and substantiated. And no, new paint and a new used fridge doesn't count.
Rent shouldn't be allowed to be more than 15% of the mortgage rate for the property. And if there is no mortgage it should remain at the last level payed.

With allowances for renovations that have to be proved and substantiated. And no, new paint and a new used fridge doesn't count.
What do you mean by “15% of the mortgage rate for the property”? You mean the mortgage principle value? The annual mortgage payments? The assessed value? I’m trying and failing to find a way to make this make sense.

And also, no. If I own a property, I have the right to ask whatever I want in rent, subject to limits on increases when there’s an existing tenant in place.