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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Remius said:
We’ll see what Trudeau has to say today about his involvement but at the very least he needs to ask and insist on Morneau’s resignation over this.

Unfortunately, that is not an option. Trudeau couldn't fire Moreau over this without immediately attracting a comparison to his own conduct in relation to the Agga Khan holiday thing of his. It would lead to a "PM doesn't hold himself to same standard as his ministers" situation.

Any competent opponent of the PM would be able to use that in a debate to create a "You had a choice, sir. You could have said no!" moment. And I believe that the next PC leader will be MacKay, who is a competent politician.
The Finance Minister's "apology" sounded like "I'm only sorry I got caught and things will be much worse for you peons".

There's very few people that can write a cheque for 41,000 dollars and be smug about it.

"Let them eat cake" is the attitude of this arrogant government.
Hamish Seggie said:
The Finance Minister's "apology" sounded like "I'm only sorry I got caught and things will be much worse for you peons".

There's very few people that can write a cheque for 41,000 dollars and be smug about it.

"Let them eat Jos. Louis cake" is the attitude of this arrogant government.

"No cake for you"
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Unfortunately, that is not an option. Trudeau couldn't fire Moreau over this without immediately attracting a comparison to his own conduct in relation to the Agga Khan holiday thing of his. It would lead to a "PM doesn't hold himself to same standard as his ministers" situation.
You can expect the PM to forgive this oversight as Minister Morneau made things right at the first opportunity.  He will also hold this up as a "teachable moment" for all members of the Liberal Caucus to pay more attention to detail in the future (i.e. "Clean up your houses right now!).

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Any competent opponent of the PM would be able to use that in a debate to create a "You had a choice, sir. You could have said no!" moment. And I believe that the next PC leader will be MacKay, who is a competent politician.
You can't have a debate if the house isn't sitting. And by the time the next election is called, this will all have been forgotten.
There are adequate mechanisms outside the house for a competent opposition to raise issues of competency and ethics.  Note that the old whore himself made the "you had a choice, sir" attack outside the House of Commons.

Lacking a competent opposition for a considerable length of time (but one that will chug milk from a carton for emphasis), this government gets an easier ride than they should.
Ok, I like to admit when I'm wrong about something so based on what I'm reading online, the Finance Minister should do the right thing and resign.  I haven't seen enough to say Trudeau should go.
dapaterson said:
There are adequate mechanisms outside the house for a competent opposition to raise issues of competency and ethics.  Note that the old ***** himself made the "you had a choice, sir" attack outside the House of Commons.

Lacking a competent opposition for a considerable length of time (but one that will chug milk from a carton for emphasis), this government gets an easier ride than they should.

But they have God on their side, right?  ::)
dapaterson said:
There are adequate mechanisms outside the house for a competent opposition to raise issues of competency and ethics.  Note that the old ***** himself made the "you had a choice, sir" attack outside the House of Commons.

Outside the HoC, such issues and accusations are not subject to Parliamentary privilege. And they are also  subject to selective journalism and may not see the light of day.
Haggis said:
Outside the HoC, such issues and accusations are not subject to Parliamentary privilege. And they are also  subject to selective journalism and may not see the light of day.

Don't you guys mean the 'Tent of Commons'? :)
And yet I remember someone had to resign over $16 worth of OJ.
ModlrMike said:
And yet I remember someone had to resign over $16 worth of OJ.

That was essentially the last straw.  It was not just 16$ worth of OJ.  It was three nights at the savoy at 600$ a night for three nights, the 250$ smoking fine she charged taxpayers, the 17,000$ in limo rides, the    questionable fundraiser for broadcasters before some changes in laws related to them etc etc etc.

Morneau is in good company there.
stellarpanther said:
Ok, I like to admit when I'm wrong about something so based on what I'm reading online, the Finance Minister should do the right thing and resign.  I haven't seen enough to say Trudeau should go.

Pardon me but your "I love JT" Tshirt is on backwards.

Really - you haven't seen enough. What more will it take?  :facepalm:
Should a Prime Minister get a 'personal day', like, ever?

I guess 'when in doubt, chicken out' must be his mantra....  :rofl:

Fresh off the WE corruption scandal, Justin Trudeau takes a personal day

Justin Trudeau has been criticized before for his Liberal use of personal days. In 2018, the Conservative Party created a website that highlighted whether the prime minister was on a vacation or not.

Similarly, in June of last year, the prime minister was lampooned for taking a personal day when he should've been attending the repatriation of a fallen Canadian soldier. 

"He chose the date at which the House of Commons would convene, and he's not showing up for work today," concluded the leader of the opposition on the topic.

Political parties run such successful campaigns to turn other parties into boogymen that members will put up with practically anything.

Speaking of WE I remember reading that a bunch of big wigs in the company started leaving as soon as the Liberals awarded them that contract. I thought it was weird that they would leave after landing such an expensive and hi profile job.

Maybe they were afraid of the laundry and inevitable spotlight.

Virgin suspends WE Charity donations, Telus drops partnership, as sponsors review ties

WE had had a lot of governance issues for a while.  They treat their employees pretty badly. 
PuckChaser said:
Investigative reporter Justin Ling from Vice outlines what WE Charity actually was: A business to sell access to impressionable children/young adults through the guise of charitable works in third world countries. Its a long article, but it will make your blood boil.


No, that's not what WE charity is and that's not what article says. Did you even read the whole thing? WE Charity is the larger of the entities and it DOES do charitable work overseas. You make it sound like it's nothing more than a facade designed to get it's owners and hteir friends rich, which it does not. "ME to WE" is the corporate entity that tries to raise funds for WE charity by, as the article states, opening shops, selling sustainably made goods, opening WE schools, and being the ones to actually run WE days. (so a "WE" event run by "ME to WE"). As the article states, they "offered brands a chance to tap into a network of hyper-engaged, well-intentioned youth." I.e. donate 1 million and you can have a 6-minute speaking role at WE day where you can advertise your new fair-trade and sustainable widgets. Does it sound like they are being corporate sellouts prostituting out their good intentions? Sure. But is it in the end raising funds for a good cause? Yes.

I think the last few paras summarize it really well:

From its inception, WE has worked hard to cultivate an ethos around itself. To great effect, it has parlayed its commitment to international development, volunteerism, and social awareness. In the process, it has brought onboard an array of multi-billion dollar partners to finance its operations.

At its core, WE offered brands a chance to tap into a network of hyper-engaged, well-intentioned youth. The Faustian bargain meant that WE’s millions in donations would build clinics and schools half a world away, in exchange for advertising products and services to a captive, and otherwise difficult to reach, audience.
Jarnhamar said:
Attitudes like this is why the Liberal party can basically get away with murder.

A ****ed up shady 900 million deal to a shady real estate shell company,  blatent conflict of interest, accepting gifts, and more, and you don't like scheers voice.

I forced my wife to watch a 7 minute video on youtube on the WE scandal to try and make her understand why this conflict of interest is really bad (to be fair to her, the video didn't actually do a good job of explaining why conflicts of interest are bad in general, nor why this case specifically is really bad. The video just sort of explained the facts like we're all supposed to just get it).

Anyways, her response was essentially "so what, it doesn't matter who in charge they all do this, would you rather have a conservative government? F**k... now we're going to have a conservative government." (to be clear, not that you have any right or need to know, neither of us voted liberal in the last election)
Lumber said:
No, that's not what WE charity is and that's not what article says. Did you even read the whole thing?

I think the last few paras summarize it really well:

Your quote proved my point. They were selling access to children and teenagers, and built a few schools. Oxfam, UNICEF, SOS Children's Villages all can do the exact same thing as WE Charity without the corporate branding on its charitable works. Did you even read the article? Why would they have graphs and spreadsheets about positive views of companies who work with them, if the charity work spoke for itself?
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