Not that I'm disagreeing, the treaty 'system' and Indian Act no doubt create inequity, but you would be hard pressed to find any FN willing to eliminate either, or even agree how they should be re-written. Many FNs do not accept that they are pigs in your analogy.
It is a matter of perspective on who power-grabbed who. Elected councils band councils are a child of the Indian Act (regional, provincial, etc. FN bodies are not legislatively supported). I'm all for them to sort out their internal politics and have the government deal with the winner.
There have been several commentators, Aboriginal and others, who claim that this protest sets a double standard and that if it was an Aboriginal protest the police would have quickly gone in with force. I can't think of any FN protest or blockade in recent history that hasn't been protracted, and most, if not all, ultimate police action was supported by an injunction. In some cases, FN blockades are complicated by a claim of right, not all of which have been settled by the courts.