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  1. S

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    Toronto Maple Leafs finally win the Stanley Cup
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Ottawa Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1:  Infantry Soldier Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer Trade Choice 3: Artillery Soldier - Field Application Date: July 18, 2006 First Contact: August 2, 2006 Med, aptitude completed : August 16, 2006 PT Test...
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    Let the games begin...

    Thanks rocker!  Good luck with your application! That phone call is amazing! The best I ever had!  ;D :cdn:
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    Let the games begin...

    Hi folks I'M IN!! Got the call from CFRC Ottawa today.  I was made an offer I just couldn't refuse! Off to basic in St-Jean 6 November 2006! Swearing in ceremony 20 October 2006 They granted me my choice of regiment, I will be posted with The RCR I am so happy right now, it's surreal  :) :cdn:
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    Let the games begin...

    And being part of the CF is something worth waiting for!  :cdn:
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    Let the games begin...

    I contacted the CFRC this week and I was informed that I am now merit listed!  :) Now, if only someone could make me an offer I can't refuse!
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    Canadian Police Memorial in Ottawa/ Pub night

    And I'll be the civy wearing red and looking lost!
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    Red Friday Rally Today on the Hill

    I was on the Hill for the rally.  It was amazing! I absolutely loved PM Harper's speech.  " WE do not start fights but we finish them, and we never leave before our work is done"  That is an awesome line, the crowd went wild when PM Harper said that!  And yes, the crowd booed when they...
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    Canadian Police Memorial in Ottawa/ Pub night

    Lieutenants Pump on Elgin, sounds like a plan.
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    Red Friday 22 Sept 06 Parliment Hill.......who is going?

    I for one will not miss this event!  See you on the hill!
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    Canadian Police Memorial in Ottawa/ Pub night

    Mmmmm Beer!!  :cheers:
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    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I've seen both ads, love 'em!!  If I weren't already half way through the recruitment process, I would go and sign up today! LOL
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    PM Harper will address the country on Monday

    I just saw PM Harper's address (Couldn't catch it live yesterday).  Although he did make some good points, it fell short in many ways.  It's been mentioned earlier in this topic, he didn't show enough passion and conviction.  It was a great opportunity for him to drum up support for the mission...
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    PM Harper will address the country on Monday

    I have just heard on Radio-Canada that PM Harper will make a statement on Monday about 9/11.  I sure hope he will take a few minutes to explain the mission in the sandbox and make the link to 9/11.  It is a great opportunity to educate the sheeple of this country.
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    Canadian Police Memorial in Ottawa/ Pub night

    If you don't mind having a civy around, I'd love to have a few beers with you guys.
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    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    Well folks, here's my attempt at translating Christine's letter.  Please keep in mind, even though French is my first language... it never was a strong subject for me in school!  ;) Your tears are not in vain... St-Pierre, Christine This week while seeing your tears flowing down your faces on...
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    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    Ok guys, here's the letter as it was published in La Presse. It is reproduced here under the fair dealings legal blurb. I will work on translating it and post the English version when it is ready.  If anyone wants to help out with the translation, please pm me. La Presse Forum, jeudi 7...
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    Favourite War Movies

    Der Untergang (The Downfall) Really good movie about Hitler's last days.  Definitely worth a look. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363163/  Band of Brothers has got to be my favourite so far.
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    Let the games begin...

    I spent a good part of the day at the CFRC today.  Did the CFAT, qualified for the three trades that I had selected and a bunch more. I also did the medical exam.  Since I had surgery last March for Compartment Syndrome, I need to get a few forms filled out by my Doctor... and it's just my...
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    Game Time!!!! Movie Quotes

    Usual Suspects?!