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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

IrishCanuck said:
My brain is bleeding after reading some of these comments.
One or two weren't bad but the rest... breathe in... breathe out... think of a happy place.....there we go much better.
But it would be nice to see some new recruiting videos. I know that old one they always used to show in no way encouraged me to want to join. I want to join to serve my country and to do something different than the status quo... no the old video really isn't that effective (just my opinion)
I wonder if this recruiting ad, atleast the army one, was the one we shot down in Victoria last December that I haven't heard or seen since then.
The CBC criticized the new recruitment ad of the CF, saying that it portrays Muslims as the bad guys...
Tolstoyevsky said:
The CBC criticized the new recruitment ad of the CF, saying that it portrays Muslims as the bad guys...

What a surprise ...
They particularly hated the "Fight Chaos" part associated with images of terrorist attacks and destruction...
Tolstoyevsky said:
The CBC criticized the new recruitment ad of the CF, saying that it portrays Muslims as the bad guys...

Link?  Source?
I lost any minute, shred of respect I had for the CBC on Monday: They had the audacity to air a comercial on for this Sunday's Passionate Eye during the 9/11 rememberence. It just so happens that the documentary they are airing is "The Torture Question", with the commercial posing the question, "has America gone too far?" I mean, are they stupid or just insensitive?

Also, yesterday, CFRB 1010 here in Toronto (which is often a breath of fresh, common sense air in this city) did a little piece on a female employee who was fired from Radiocanada for writing an open letter supporting the troops in Afghanastan. Low and (not) behold I've searched everywhere and cannot find any information on this. Has it been swept neatly under a rug?

Please, someone, pull the funding plug!
Anyone see the new recruiting adds yet?  One focuses on Dom Ops, while the other is on our expeditionary role.  Surprisingly, both are really good!  And we finally got a decent slogan, they both end with the tag line "Fight with the Canadian Forces".  About time we get this right.  Now all they have to do is to get that embed's footage as a recruiting ad.


You can see the adds to the right, under the video column.
Quag said:
Anybody have any links to the new ads?

Click on the link Tess provided in reply no. 7, above.  The CTV website has links to the ads. (Not accesible through the DWAN)
Finally!  I watched one of these ads on the news this morning, I liked it.  At least we now have a good slogan.  A step in the right direction.
I've seen both ads, love 'em!!  If I weren't already half way through the recruitment process, I would go and sign up today! LOL
It's about bloody time we stopped pussy footing around with the feel good, peacekeeper, civil service with uniforms lies portrayed for the last 10 years or more.

[sarcasm on] I was so surprised to hear that the Canadian Islamic Conference disaproves of the ads!!! :crybaby: :o ::)[/sarcasm off]
Yeah, they did a really good job this time. CBC said it 'makes muslims look like bad guys' but I don't see it.

It's about bloody time we stopped pussy footing around with the feel good, peacekeeper, civil service with uniforms lies portrayed for the last 10 years or more.
- Damn right!