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Yay me

Sempai Julia

Reaction score
I was just merit listed!!
That's all.

I ran out of people to tell so thought I'd let you all know.

I will try not to be "that person" with a hundred questions already answered.

I'm just going to work hard and enjoy the process.


I just got notified that my interview and medical are only a month away, my process has ended up being relatively quick!

Hopefully you aren't on the merit list for longย  :P

Congrats, before you know it you will have 20 years in and thinking about where the time went. When I released at 10 years it felt like it had gone by very quickly
Sempai Julia said:
I was just merit listed!!
That's all.

I ran out of people to tell so thought I'd let you all know.

I will try not to be "that person" with a hundred questions already answered.

I'm just going to work hard and enjoy the process.


Good for you. I have my medical and interview next Thursday which is making me feel like I'm on Cloud 9; not many people, especially Infantry Reg Force, have heard anything so we're all incredibly lucky. That being said, our hard work and dedication has paid off and will continue to pay off come the job offer.
FortYorkRifleman said:
Good for you. I have my medical and interview next Thursday which is making me feel like I'm on Cloud 9; not many people, especially Infantry Reg Force, have heard anything so we're all incredibly lucky. That being said, our hard work and dedication has paid off and will continue to pay off come the job offer.

I've got my medical/interview the day before you and it's awesome! You're right, I haven't heard from too many people at this stage of the game right now... not that there aren't lots who aren't on the website... but I'm feeling super lucky to have made it to this point. Now just to cross our fingers and hope all goes well from here on out. Hopefully in a few weeks time we'll all start getting calls!
Colta said:
I've got my medical/interview the day before you and it's awesome! You're right, I haven't heard from too many people at this stage of the game right now... not that there aren't lots who aren't on the website... but I'm feeling super lucky to have made it to this point. Now just to cross our fingers and hope all goes well from here on out. Hopefully in a few weeks time we'll all start getting calls!

I think for every one of us there are like five people who aren't on this website, or at least aren't registered but just guests.
Hey, congratz on merit list! How smooth was your process? If you just got merit listed I assume you've been going through a background check for the last little bit?
This whole process has gone by crazy fast.
From online application to merit list, 2.5 months.
I've applied for Materials Tech so selection won't happen until June 29. So aside from tomorrow's medical, I'm in a waiting stage.
But that's fine. More time to get my fitness level up๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Sempai Julia said:
This whole process has gone by crazy fast.
From online application to merit list, 2.5 months.
I've applied for Materials Tech so selection won't happen until June 29. So aside from tomorrow's medical, I'm in a waiting stage.
But that's fine. More time to get my fitness level up๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Its possible all of us may end up on the same course for 27 July. If so we can create a Facebook page but lets wait it out
Sempai Julia said:
So aside from tomorrow's medical, I'm in a waiting stage.
But that's fine. More time to get my fitness level up๐Ÿ˜ƒ

You were merit listed before completing your medical?
Sempai Julia said:
This whole process has gone by crazy fast.
From online application to merit list, 2.5 months.
I've applied for Materials Tech so selection won't happen until June 29. So aside from tomorrow's medical, I'm in a waiting stage.
But that's fine. More time to get my fitness level up๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I was merit listed on May 7th and I'm going for Infantry. Anyone else going for a combat trade?
Does any of your lists on the forces site show the updated process? IE where it lists all the forms, and requirements you need to send them, where your test dates are booked etc? Mine shows nothing.
FarmerD said:
Does any of your lists on the forces site show the updated process? IE where it lists all the forms, and requirements you need to send them, where your test dates are booked etc? Mine shows nothing.

What exactly do you mean? On Forces.ca? I got all my information from the recruiting center. I was emailed with paperwork to bring them, I skipped the cfat because I had done it already in 2013 and then I was emailed again with booking information for my medical/interview.
I've yet to recieve an email from dnd recruiting. Just spoke with them on the phone. Booked my appt over phone and went in.ย  But when you log in with your gc key. There is a section that says check status or something like that.
FarmerD said:
I've yet to recieve an email from dnd recruiting. Just spoke with them on the phone. Booked my appt over phone and went in.ย  But when you log in with your gc key. There is a section that says check status or something like that.

Oh that part... yeah, that's not filled in for me either. I think once your file is with your recruiting office, the online file is basically ignored. I wouldn't worry too much about what the website says, as long as your file with with the recruiting center you should be fine.
Oh ok. Just thought mine was broken. When I applied online after I submitted my application I received an error message, and never did receive a confirmation email. So I thought hmm, this can't be right. I must say though, the recruiting centres have changed so much from what I remember in 2001. lol.
Me too! My stuff has been going quite quickly.

Kinda worried for my Physical Fitness test though......I have been working out regularly but I still feel like a skinny thin guy.......
My personal experience is about 2.5 months so far and done everything except for merit list and offer. I am strong as a bull just need to lose some more fat before BMQ.
kelsia said:
Me too! My stuff has been going quite quickly.

Kinda worried for my Physical Fitness test though......I have been working out regularly but I still feel like a skinny thin guy.......

You don't need to worry about it.

The FORCE test is a joke.