Jarnhamar said:I don't see Trumph winning. The US is a business built on exporting war. Trump seems to head strong to do what he's told when other kingpins are making money. Clinton seems like she knows enough to not get in the way of business. Trump is too much of a business man to be a business man who masquerades as a politician.
MCG said:Scientific American grades the presidential candidates on their answers to twenty questions.
jollyjacktar said:Trump "suggests" that vets with PTSD are not strong. What a ******* dick.
Did you read the whole thing, or only far enough to find something you could quibble about?recceguy said:2 dozen responses to their poll is hardly definitive.
I don't think that is something that can be taken as a given. Do you have a reference to support this contention? Is the same statement true of engineers, who also composed part of the reviewing audience?recceguy said:Given that scientists are 'usually' liberal or democrat.
CountDC said:Sorry but reading his comments instead of the reporters cherry picking of words I don't see the problem with his comment. A lot of people can't handle it, thus suicides, medical releases, family break ups, drug/alcohol abuse, etc happen. He was attacking the process there that takes too long for people needing help because they can't handle it to get the help they need. Seems to be a common complaint here too - if only the military had done something earlier to help...
MCG said:Did you read the whole thing, or only far enough to find something you could quibble about?
Read the whole thing. It was not a poll. It was an assessment of twenty responses from each candidate, and you can also read the entirety of each candidates response to each question if you so choose. Everything is there to make your own informed conclusions.
I don't think that is something that can be taken as a given. Do you have a reference to support this contention? Is the same statement true of engineers, who also composed part of the reviewing audience?
Young Virginia Democrat Admits to Registering 19 Dead People to Vote
The kid will probably get some kind of award from the DNC.
Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, has confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election.
The 20-year-old is deeply involved in local and state politics, calling himself "Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES, a get-out-the-vote organization in the city of Harrisonburg. [Ed. note: It appears the HarrisonburgVOTES website has been taken down as of 12:25 p.m. EST.]
Zero Hedge:
The 19 applications of deceased citizens were submitted by Spieles through an organization called HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the organization's "About Us" page, HarrisonburgVOTES is a "non-partisan" voter registration organization in Harrisonburg, VA and the surrounding areas.
As the HarrisonburgVOTES webpage points out, the sole goal of the organization is to raise the number of registered voters in Harrisonburg to 25,000...though it's unclear what percentage of that goal was intended to be filled by dead voters.
The sole goal of HarrisonburgVOTES is to increase the number of registered voters in Harrisonburg and the surrounding areas to increase and encourage civic engagement.
Harrisonburg has the lowest percentage of voting age population (VAP) registered to vote among Virginia localities. Very roughly, about 17,000 people are registered to vote and about 18,000 are voting age and not registered. The goal of HarrisonburgVOTES will be to overcome these issues and raise the number of registered voters to 25,000.
HarrisonburgVOTES was founded by Joseph Fitzgerald who, "shockingly", is also a prominent democrat in Harrisonburg. Fitzgerald is currently Chairman of the Sixth Congressional District Democratic Committee in Virginia and the former Mayor of Harrisonburg.
Fitzgerald told reporters, of course, that his organization had no knowledge of Spieles’s actions and fired him immediately after his confession.
“He’s smart, and he understands the [political] process,” Fitzgerald told the Daily News-Record of Spieles.“Who the hell knows what his motivations were?”
While we agree it's difficult to be 100% sure about anyone's motivations, we would be willing to put money on it having something to do with registering a bunch of dead people and then having them all vote for Hillary in November....just a hunch.
A "non-partisan" voter registration organization run by Democratic activists. Uh-huh. Why do I suspect that any Republicans who might register to vote through the organization would find their paperwork "misplaced"?
'Rigged?' 5 Ways the Election is Under Attack
There is a missing piece here that suggests something a little bit more than a lone college kid playing eager beaver by registering dead people. How were those 19 people supposed to actually vote? Absentee ballots would be one way. The fraud would be harder to detect than if someone impersonating a dead person walked into a polling place and tried to cast a ballot.
Appeals Court Rules Ohio Voter Roll Purge Illegal
But 19 fraudulent voters would hardly swing an election. That's why I suspect there may be an organized effort in Harrisonburg and elsewhere in Virginia to deliver thousands of fraudulent votes. Otherwise, the actions of young Mr. Spieles make little sense.
A "smart" young man who "understands the political process"? At least, the way the game is played in Virginia.
jollyjacktar said:Trump "suggests" that vets with PTSD are not strong. What a fucking dick.
Thucydides said:The walking dead as a documentary? Who knew?
Remember, voer fraud is a myth....nothing to see.....move along......
Indeed. If several thousand "smart young men" did this without detection then tens of thousands of fraudulent votes could be cast and counted. Other vote rigging schemes are already out in the open, California intends to let jailed felons vote, and as the election comes closer, look for stories of election officials ordering many more ballots than actual voters in certain cities. Courts denying jurisdictions the ability to "purge" voter roles of outdated and inaccurate information to bring them up to date is another clear problem.
Ironically, a US citizen often needs more ID to register their child in a local little league than they need to go to the polls. The spectacle of voter "activists" who flew to Washington DC to testify before congress about how voter ID is (pick your pejorative) is only more ironic when you consider how much ID the activists needed to show to get on the plane in the first place.
milnews.ca said:I'm far from a Trump fan, but here's the rest of the quote to provide a bit more context than a headline can, from a Military Times reporter ...
jollyjacktar said:Fair enough, perhaps I got caught by the demonizing of a particular journalist. If he's slagging the lack of coverage and delays in getting them treatment, OK, otherwise no...
George Wallace said:That just proves Trump's claims that the MSM is against him; he is not being a "conspiracy theorist" after all.
recceguy said:Tanks! Milnews.
However, the Clinton supporters here will say it's bullshit and stay on their 'Trump is Evil mantra. Willing to accept whatever lie rolls out of the Killary Camp, without checking, because they don't like Trump.
Haters gonna hate, indeed ...recceguy said:Tanks! Milnews.
However, the Clinton supporters here will say it's bullshit and stay on their 'Trump is Evil' mantra. Willing to accept whatever lie rolls out of the Killary Camp, without checking, because they don't like Trump.