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Trust in our Institutions

Has your trust in our institutions changed?

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Suspenders as in garters or suspenders to keep your pants up?
Amanda Seyfried I Have Questions GIF by PBS SoCal

I wear suspenders with my NECUs, as I get the pants a few sizes too big. A trick I learned in the Army.

And if I am in the sweater or tunic I also wear suspenders.
What disturbs me is that when this report was released, the Tories asked 0 questions about it in QP. Only when it was clear the media was going to chew on this for a few more days did they get interested in “naming names”.

This has me thinking about what’s been happening in the CPC post election. The first effort to oust O’Toole was led by the United Front-connected Chinese Canadian Conservative Association (many once grass-roots Chinese Canadian community and business groups have been Astro-turfed by the United Front). The second attempt, they were in the background but let the convoyists lead the charge.

During the leadership, Beijing-friendly Patrick Brown was disqualified for unspecified hanky-panky. Jean Charest worked for Huawei. Then after Poillievre won, we heard nothing from the CPC about taking a harder line on Beijing until Global and the Globe and Mail started publishing their foreign interference stories. Even then, PP was only half-heartedly going after the government on this, or when he did, it was comically over the top. When the report revealed CPC related CCP shenanigans, PP wouldn’t address and the media wouldn’t press him. But if some obscure CPC MP from Fort Bumfucknowhere, SK said he was pro-life, the media reported on it for a month.

I hope I’m wrong that the CPC has their own reasons for burying this if they win the next election. But what I’m seeing so far isn’t giving me confidence.
What disturbs me is that when this report was released, the Tories asked 0 questions about it in QP. Only when it was clear the media was going to chew on this for a few more days did they get interested in “naming names”.

This has me thinking about what’s been happening in the CPC post election. The first effort to oust O’Toole was led by the United Front-connected Chinese Canadian Conservative Association (many once grass-roots Chinese Canadian community and business groups have been Astro-turfed by the United Front). The second attempt, they were in the background but let the convoyists lead the charge.

During the leadership, Beijing-friendly Patrick Brown was disqualified for unspecified hanky-panky. Jean Charest worked for Huawei. Then after Poillievre won, we heard nothing from the CPC about taking a harder line on Beijing until Global and the Globe and Mail started publishing their foreign interference stories. Even then, PP was only half-heartedly going after the government on this, or when he did, it was comically over the top. When the report revealed CPC related CCP shenanigans, PP wouldn’t address and the media wouldn’t press him. But if some obscure CPC MP from Fort Bumfucknowhere, SK said he was pro-life, the media reported on it for a month.

I hope I’m wrong that the CPC has their own reasons for burying this if they win the next election. But what I’m seeing so far isn’t giving me confidence.
We'll have to see how he handles things if/when he becomes PM and has people around him who know the names.

Interesting dilemma: Name the names in public, and you're breaking the law. Parties taking sanctions against certain members without explaining why draws the eye & might amount to naming names. Tough one to break out of unless someone's willing to potentially go to jail.
We'll have to see how he handles things if/when he becomes PM and has people around him who know the names.

Interesting dilemma: Name the names in public, and you're breaking the law. Parties taking sanctions against certain members without explaining why draws the eye & might amount to naming names. Tough one to break out of unless someone's willing to potentially go to jail.
Does that apply to it being spoken in the House under parliamentary privilege?
What disturbs me is that when this report was released, the Tories asked 0 questions about it in QP. Only when it was clear the media was going to chew on this for a few more days did they get interested in “naming names”.

This has me thinking about what’s been happening in the CPC post election. The first effort to oust O’Toole was led by the United Front-connected Chinese Canadian Conservative Association (many once grass-roots Chinese Canadian community and business groups have been Astro-turfed by the United Front). The second attempt, they were in the background but let the convoyists lead the charge.

During the leadership, Beijing-friendly Patrick Brown was disqualified for unspecified hanky-panky. Jean Charest worked for Huawei. Then after Poillievre won, we heard nothing from the CPC about taking a harder line on Beijing until Global and the Globe and Mail started publishing their foreign interference stories. Even then, PP was only half-heartedly going after the government on this, or when he did, it was comically over the top. When the report revealed CPC related CCP shenanigans, PP wouldn’t address and the media wouldn’t press him. But if some obscure CPC MP from Fort Bumfucknowhere, SK said he was pro-life, the media reported on it for a month.

I hope I’m wrong that the CPC has their own reasons for burying this if they win the next election. But what I’m seeing so far isn’t giving me confidence.
Ya hit both nails in one strike.

The media are highly complicit in this complacency.
Ya hit both nails in one strike.

The media are highly complicit in this complacency.
In fairness, it’s because of media outlets like Global and the Globe and Mail that we are even talking about this, and that this current iteration is a four day story. For some reason, they don’t press PP on his inconsistencies on this issue. I think most Canadians want to be assured that a CPC government will get serious with the CCP and other bad actors unlike the Liberals have.
The media are highly complicit in this complacency.
If they’re that “in the bag” for Team Red, and against Team Blue, they would also be asking PP tough questions about the allegations of interference with leadership selection processes by China & India.

Still early days, but still waiting …

… I think most Canadians want to be assured that a CPC government will get serious with the CCP and other bad actors unlike the Liberals have.
Especially as with what could be the next PM.
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We ought to take the same strongly limited stance on treason that the US does. Conspiring with unfriendly countries is discreditable and ought be revealed to voters, but isn't quite giving aid and comfort to enemies.
Agreed on the need to be very careful with the use of the T word, if nothing else to prevent it from just becoming a punch line & nothing more.

Thing is that until we know more details, we don’t know what kind of confidential info parliamentarians (must mean MPs and Senators) was allegedly knowingly shared with known int officers, we can’t tell whether aid/comfort was given.

Also gotta wonder: what’re the odds that the same outlets (G&M, Global) have the lists from the same sources as before, and we’re just waiting for lawyers to go over things very carefully & giving government a chance to respond? I couldn’t put a probability on it, but I’m going to guess it’s more than zero percent. Let’s see what happens over the weekend, shall we?