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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

Haggis said:
There are still a few troops wearing them, particularly in Reserve units.

Which ResF Units?? They should have all been rolled over into ICE by now (if they are Land ResF Units of course).

Although those not yet BMQ qualified are only entitled to the IECS (olive drab gortex), but absolutely none should still be in OG107 olive drab combat jackets anymore.
A perfect example of poor implementation of a bit of kit.
The tan gloves that were isseed in Dec of last year to us were ordered back to the RQ  almost as fast. They were not in any measure flame/fire retardent.
I bought a couple of pairs of nomex gloves from the KAF PX.
George, how can you even comment...if MG-34 thinks I'm a dinosaur surely you can remember the days of brass breast plates ;D
Jammer said:
George, how can you even comment...if MG-34 thinks I'm a dinosaur surely you can remember the days of brass breast plates ;D

Ya!  I know.  I am not too much of a 'Kit Slut', but I do have some collection of bags and packs, and still haven't found one that really does everything I would want it to.  Should I be bitching too?............  I am still alive?
Jammer said:
Maybe you should hook up with "CP Gear guy".....

I think he's called Matt Fisher around here ...

(do I get free stuff to stuff stockings with for the shameless plug??)  >:D
You too could be the lucky winner of the CADPAT IPE bag...
Klc said:
I know that many of us students at CFSCE in Kingston still have the old combat jackets -

AH!  Well, you see, CFSCE was mostly "Air" until this past summer when it was designated as a "Land" 'institution'.    ;D

Perhaps therein lies the rub.  :-\
ArmyVern said:
Which ResF Units?? They should have all been rolled over into ICE by now (if they are Land ResF Units of course).

Although those not yet BMQ qualified are only entitled to the IECS (olive drab gortex), but absolutely none should still be in OG107 olive drab combat jackets anymore.

Umm Vern I still think (as for this summer) that RMC Cadets are not entitled to IECS but are still issued the "Jean Jacket. Then again the guy was airforce.
ArmyVern said:
And that certainly would have been the case for those receiving the brief you mention on entitlements. They were dismounted personnel. A first line operational Unit. The brief you are talking about was presented to the PPCLI no?

The same statement however, is NOT applicable to ALL Land Force Units & personnel. Read the PIP, read the updated briefing. It clearly differentiates between mounted/dismounted/rear echelon/pointy end.

BUT, the day pack is NOT replacing the 82 pattern ruck either. The day pack is intended for use in tasks lasting less than 24 hours ... and the new ruck for dismounted ops over that time. People like me will have a day pack and ... an 82 pattern ruck. You dismounted pers will have a day pack and a new ruck.

This has always been the intent (concerns about which have indeed been staffed to CTS) for these two items above, as per their PIPs (project implementation plans) which have been posted on the CTS web-site (links posted on this site many many times) for years now. This shouldn't be shocking news. The info has been available for years on the web-site. The update briefings (such as the one attached earlier) have also stressed this point many many times ... and it has been passed on at CLS WGs where each Army Base had representation at. It should not be news to anyone ... even the lowest level Pte, this many years later.

If I were giving a brief to the PPCLI -- I would certainly give them the entitlement details as you have stated above as those are the details which are applicable to THEM, but that does not mean those same "entitlements" are applicable to everyone else. Show me a Sup tech or an RMS clerk in NATO (for example) that works away from their vehicle or det for more than 72 hours ... and I'll show you a Sup tech who'll be getting the new ruck.

Any word as to what ResF units are entitled to it Vern?
Nfld Sapper said:
Umm Vern I still think (as for this summer) that RMC Cadets are not entitled to IECS but are still issued the "Jean Jacket. Then again the guy was airforce.

RMC Cadets get issued their IECS (green gortex) when they come here for their CAP. So, you should see both about there. Land enviornment wise anyways.

Blue & black CAP candidiates also get IECS from us during CAP -- they are going to the field too!!
Nfld Sapper said:

Refresher does CAP replace Phase IV?

Dude, I stick to the old system as I have no CLUE what Phase course equals what for anyone anymore!!

DP 1.2, 2.3, fuck.

We see every friggin' land trade here ... and I'm supposed to be able to track what DP point whatever = for an infanteer, which differs from an Artilleryman, and an Armoured soldier, and an engineer.

Bring back the actual course friggin names -- make life easier for everyone!! Bureaucratic BS.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  >:(
Nfld Sapper said:
Any word as to what ResF units are entitled to it Vern?

Read the powerpoint!!

"Some engineers".  ;)

Do you fall into the entitlement category of "reguarily performs dismounted ops in excess of 72 hours?"

Just as "some" FOOs, SIGs, etc, will qualify, other trades may qualify as well -- depends on what position they happen to be serving in, and that entitlement to it for those trades will only be applicable as long as they fall into the above category.
ArmyVern said:
Dude, I stick to the old system as I have no CLUE what Phase course equals what for anyone anymore!!

DP 1.2, 2.3, fuck.

We see every friggin' land trade here ... and I'm supposed to be able to track what DP point whatever = for an infanteer, which differs from an Artilleryman, and an Armoured soldier, and an engineer.

Bring back the actual course friggin names -- make life easier for everyone!! Bureaucratic BS.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  >:(

You got that right Vern,

ArmyVern said:
RMC Cadets get issued their IECS (green gortex) when they come here for their CAP. So, you should see both about there. Land enviornment wise anyways.

Blue & black CAP candidiates also get IECS from us during CAP -- they are going to the field too!!

BTW wasn't talking about courses but rather taskings. My "Cadre" Officer was bitching that we had the Gortex while a 3rd year RMC guy had the Jean Jacket. I told him to suck it up  lol  >:D
Nfld Sapper said:
You got that right Vern,


Yeah, the new way is just sooooooo spot on. Ask the Ops WO ...

OpsO "Is so & so DP1.2 qualified?"

Ops WO "Well what friggin' courses are considered 1.2 for that trade?"

OpsO "LAV ... he needs LAV so he can be crew comd qualified"

Ops WO "Well cripes ... he's got his LAV qual ... so I think so."  ::)

Everyone scrambles to look up what DP point whatever equals what actual course name ... so we can answer the darn questions.

Just go BACK to the friggin' actual course names already, because we need to know them anyway!!
With regards to the comment about not do dismounted patrols.  On mine that was the case for the vast majority of the tour (and by that I mean 99% of dismounted patrols where less then 24 hours, not that dismounted patrols didn't occur).  Apparently the guys over there are doing quite a bit and as a result our guys are possibly going to do 3 weeks of dismounted ops prior to going over.  So in closing every tour is different.  For me we lived out of our day packs and valise.