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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

DirtyDog said:
Fort Bliss for the 3-08 TF... *supposedly*.

Infact, some people were informed they were tasked to it today.  No dates or details.....
Not supposedly, but in fact.  If you haven't been informed, then it's your chain of command's fault.  There are no specific times for flights (eg: manifests), but there are windows.  G4 moves at 2 CMBG is working their collective butts off to get all the cats herded.  

EDIT: The ex is called "Southern Bear".  The Warning Order was *just* issued.  I told the bde that I did my time estimate and map estimate (both quick versions) and now await the orders so that I can start my mission analysis and estimate, but then I told them that I was kidding. 

Oh, and we HQ types sit up late at night, thinking of new and improved ways to "feed you shyte".


Next Edit: read my tag line.  That's how I feel about army staff.
Oh yeah...I was there...It piles on like an socially unacceptable husky adolescent on a smartie.
DirtyDog said:
It's funny because the boys in my Coy said they did next to no humping, and the sum of their kit was in their valises as that was all their was room for in the LAV.

India Coy did mostly dismounted ops due to the terrain they were in.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
So a couple of the guys just got the ruck.  I will preface my comments by saying I have not used the ruck extensively nor have I attended the classes.  From my observation I can say that the ruck was not built to be put on quickly.  With all the straps to tighten it plus the jug frig compression sack I would hate to get out of there quickly and still have all my kit.  The plastic buckles and clips for the compression sack cause me concern esp. in the cold, say winter ex.  Also the  sternum strap pops off when you exile from your ruck with the quick release straps.  Now in A Stan who gives a crap but back in Canada I expect there will be LSR's on this little item.  When you bend the metal bars to form to your back they give you a sheet you must keep and I can see that getting lost (although I don't know what the answer will be), and finally I am a little leery on the round bars near the edge of the ruck retaining their integrity from normal user wear and tear but I guess only time will tell.  I should also add that pack your compression sack without light is going to be a joke.  And the guys were informed from the guys from Ottawa that the day bag is the 48 ruck and this new thing is long range/72hours plus ruck.  Since I didn't hear it with my own ears I will reserve judgement on that comment.

On the plus side some members will be able to pack there warm blooded play things with them now, its that big.

The ruck can be put on quickly, throw it on your back and start walking.  However, by putting it on, and adjusting it before you start out, it will be more comfortable.  Remember that the Hip belt is an integral part, but not a critcal part.  By doing it up and adjusting it, you can make the ruck much more comfortable.  By leaving it undone and carrying on, you are carrying all the wieght on your shoulders, and not over your entire middle and upper body. 

You sternum strap pops off when you blow both of your shoulder harness straps.  If you only pop on and roll the ruck off the side, then it stays on.  Which allows you to keep one hand on your weapon, and drop the ruck to your side.  If you pop both, you are using both hands, not holding your weapon, and it does take a bit longer to return it to working order.  If it happens that you blew both off, and you lost the strap, there is an extra in the top pouch of the ruck, as well as there will be extra's at the QM.  Just don;t forget to remove the waist belt before you quickly remove the ruck.  If you are just taking it off at the end of the march, simply loosen off the shoulde harness, undo the waist belt and sternum strap, and lower it to the ground.

Glass Reinforced Plastic buckles are very resilient in the winter, they were trialed in the North, and have a very high breaking strength.  And, if you do bust one, in the top pouch, along with your spare sternum strap is 2 sets of field replaceable buckles, specially designed to attach in adverse conditons without the need to remove and re-sew their attachment points.  The compression sack is also fairly simple to use, fill it, close the snow cuff, kneel on it to push the air out, and tighten the four straps, if you want it to be waterproof, close the plastic strips together, roll it thrice, and clip it shut.  Takes very little time provided you only put soft stuff in it.  Boots are not a good item for the WCS, fleece and sleeping bags are.  Also, packing it in the dark is also fairly simple, it is just a large stuff sack.  FIll it, compress it, close it, and pack it.

Bending your stays is simple, and done quickly.  Your sheet can be rolled and tossed in with all your kit somewhere, or if lost, anyone that went through the fitting and tracing can tell you it should take no more than 2 minutes to get a new trace done by supply.  Your aluminium stays are issued to you for your career, so once you turn in your ruck, you keep your stays, and put them back in when you get another ruck.  If the metal becomes fatigued and wears out through use (haven't seen it happen, even in the bags that were jumped).  Turn them in, and you get two new ones to re-bend.  The Load Transfer Roads are made of high strength fiber glass, and also have not shown themselves prone to breakeage, and if you happen to snap one, turn it in, and get two new ones.
Were there any tests done on packing the compression sack under time with all the required winter kit.  I ask because we tried in good light in a warm building and it was a jug f--k.
And is it true that your not suppossed to pack your bivy bag seperate from your sleeping bags?
PM feature does not work when you are using the DWAN/DIN, nor will the ability to Reply.
Getting back to the topic intially and the issue of kit -- do these "experts" in human pysiology understand the best mechanics of operating a weapon in combat -- and I ask this question since the C7/8 pam is an example of how not too...

  I'd like to see CSOR and JTF-2 set up a ASW type unit/cell to go out and help regular units learn to fight with weapons beyond the abstract idea of gunfighter.  Placing mags in spots for a REASON etc.

  Many guys in 1VP, 2VP and 3VP and some guys I know in 1 and 3Chicken a lot of experience and knowledge is out there (and getting ignored in a lot of areas) the idea would be to polish it into a package like AWG runs for conventional units down south, and I dont mean parking a guy against his will in Gagetown.
LWQ could you please PM me? I'm on a crackberry, and would like to ask you a question.