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New Game: Make a wish

Granted. You won a free, all-inclusive package tooo.... The south pole in the dead of winter! Unfortunatly, this package does not include parkas, or shelter :)

I wisk for world peace!
RemembranceDay said:
I wisk for world peace!
Granted, and you wisk a clean path in front of Parliament for years.  People throw old food at you, and you end up jumping off the Peace Tower in frustration.  Alas, world peace breaks out only after you die, and you never see it.

Now that my previous wish left me with no clue, I wish I had a clue ;D
Technoviking said:
Now that my previous wish left me with no clue, I wish I had a clue ;D

Granted. Colonel Mustard. You get no other clues. You can't tie a weapon or location to the murder, so he walks ...

... right into your house to kill you. >:D

I wish I felt as awesome as Barney Stinson does.
JMesh said:
I wish I felt as awesome as Barney Stinson does.

Granted. You also feel the same burning sensation when you pee, and notice some sores breaking out on your chest.

I wish RUSH would play Magnetic Hill.
Granted, but the magnets have created havoc with their collective pacemakers. The band now specializes in elevator muzac.

I wish I worked in a drama-free office.
ʞɔoɹɯɐɥs said:
I wish I worked in a drama-free office.

Granted. The production of West Side Story ceases immediately and is replaced with an orchestra that repeatedly plays Beethoven's Third Symphony, "Eroica". You overhear the words, "Oh, My word, It's Beethoven's third" being sung to the cello opening (or really anywhere that motif comes up in the rest of the piece). You never get it out of your head.

Speaking of music stuck in the head, I wish I could get the Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1 opening motif out of my head.
JMesh said:
Speaking of music stuck in the head, I wish I could get the Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1 opening motif out of my head.

Granted. It's now replaced with this.

I wish I could work 9am-5pm instead of 10pm-6:30am.
And your wish is hereby granted.

But it is because you were arrested and jailed for embezzlement and its you rehab job. You spend the rest of your day behind bars in solitary confinement.

I wish I knew someone who could bake a cake with a key in it. :)

Sorry your dream of getting out has been shattered and the key leads to nowhere

I wish I had a snow blower
AfroNinja said:

Sorry your dream of getting out has been shattered and the key leads to nowhere

I wish I had a snow blower

Granted.  You have a snow blower.  It's broken down, heavy, and blocking the middle of your driveway.

I wish I was king for a day.
Not a problem King dapaterson!! However a palace revolt led by the League of Village Idiots depose you before you can enact any meaningful laws.

I wish that people wouldn't stick their noses in my business.
Jim Seggie said:
Not a problem King dapaterson!! However a palace revolt led by the League of Village Idiots depose you before you can enact any meaningful laws.

I wish that people wouldn't stick their noses in my business.

Granted. But now no one cares what you do or what you think. Your opinion no longer matters and slowly but surely you start to crave attention. No one will give it to you though, leaving you depressed for life.

I wish for world peace.
Donovanpayne said:
I wish for world peace.

Granted. As soon as all the guns have been melted down, the aliens come and unleash the Zombies.

I wish I could play in a band that doesn't suck.
Sapplicant said:
I wish I could play in a band that doesn't suck.

Granted, but as soon as you join a Yoko Ono wannabe marries the musical genius of the band and persuades him to leave,....about five minutes after you join.

I wish that someone would unleash some zombies.
Granted but as soon as they are you are indited by army.ca poster BrianHarris for inciting undead into violence under statutes of the criminal code of Venezuela

I wish people would stop thinking just because they are my "friends" on Facebook, that they can expect me to help them move!
Teflon said:
I wish people would stop thinking just because they are my "friends" on Facebook, that they can expect me to help them move!

Granted. Now they all expect you to adopt lost green cows, join them in fighting mafia crap, invite you to events that aren't even in the same province as you, and spam your "wall" with links you have absolutely NO interest in clicking. Your e-mail inbox is now flooded with facebook notifications, and you missed out on the e-mail from the Nigerian Prince who wants to share his fortune with you.

I wish I was fishing off the coast of Florida.
Sapplicant said:
Granted. Now they all expect you to adopt lost green cows, join them in fighting mafia crap, invite you to events that aren't even in the same province as you, and spam your "wall" with links you have absolutely NO interest in clicking. Your e-mail inbox is now flooded with facebook notifications, and you missed out on the e-mail from the Nigerian Prince who wants to share his fortune with you.

I wish I was fishing off the coast of Florida.

Granted. But then a hurricane comes along, knocking you in the the ocean and out to the sea. Never to be heard from or seen again.

I wish my room mates rather large live-in girlfriend would get a job, help pay the bills and stop being a mooch.
Donovanpayne said:
Granted. But then a hurricane comes along, knocking you in the the ocean and out to the sea. Never to be heard from or seen again.

I wish my room mates rather large live-in girlfriend would get a job, help pay the bills and stop being a mooch.

Granted.  Now she's turning tricks in your apartment.

I wish this snow would stop.
Granted. Also, all the snow melts. At once. That means that the entire snow-covered parts also. So, doy, world floods and everyone dies :)

Aren't I lovely?  ;D

I wish for another snow day tommorow!
RemembranceDay said:
I wish for another snow day tommorow!

But having two snow days multiplies the backlog of "ACTION ITEMS" that need attention, and your weekend is hooped.

I wish I could rewind life about 6 months, as my Family and I have had an absolute blast for the past half-year!
(plus I want mag wheels.)