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Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

IMO, zero.

They may have an RCN DEU that they wear on occasion, but if they are a purple trade, they are no more Navy than their CA or RCAF counterpart in the same trade. There are occasions where an RCAF or CA person could sail more than most RCN folks.

Now, there are some sub-specialties that do break out between elements (e.g. Sea Log is pretty specific to RCN folks) but an RCAF Med Tech isn’t really that different than a CA or RCN Med Tech.
People in the CRCN line really like it when you work for an ADM and remind them when they try to give you an order that you will have to check with your chain of command as you don't work for the Navy.

I need a break from the Navy generally so will see if I can ride out a few purple postings; it will be real work that benefits the CAF, just don't have to deal just with the Navy. My next job will involve a lot of interface with RPOps which I'm actually looking forward to; sure there will be other frustrations but will be nice to have a different flavour of them, and a break from dealing with problems we said would happen under the status quo (some over a decade ago).
People in the CRCN line really like it when you work for an ADM and remind them when they try to give you an order that you will have to check with your chain of command as you don't work for the Navy.

I need a break from the Navy generally so will see if I can ride out a few purple postings; it will be real work that benefits the CAF, just don't have to deal just with the Navy. My next job will involve a lot of interface with RPOps which I'm actually looking forward to; sure there will be other frustrations but will be nice to have a different flavour of them, and a break from dealing with problems we said would happen under the status quo (some over a decade ago).
You're a god damn masochist.
You're a god damn masochist.
It sounded like that typing it out, but I think indicates how ground down I currently am that I'm looking forward to herding RPOps cats. Not having to argue with some people that you can't really just risk assess away life safety systems working will probably improve my mental well being considerably. Also, may even get some things implemented, so pretty cool.

The folks I'll be working with in the core (non-RPOps) team though are awesome, and hoping to do some interesting side gig stuff as well that would be extremely rewarding. Also lines up with some 2nd career options I've been looking at so will give me a chance to get some quals and experience, if that's something I decide to do in a few years once I hit 25.