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Guys you know only old white males are racist ...right?
Jarnhamar said:I wonder if they'll have a website you can scroll through and "add to cart".
Ottawa creating ‘inventory’ of racial minorities to fill senior public service posts
Jarnhamar said:Corruption and bullying is synonymous with the LPC.
Jarnhamar said:Feds 'looking into' alleged bullying by RCMP employee facing security charges
Corruption and bullying is synonymous with the LPC.
GR66 said:I'm quite happy to rail against the Liberal Party and their corrupt practices, but how exactly do harassment complaints by RCMP employees against their supervisor imply corruption and bullying by the LPC? Sounds like more of the ongoing management issues with the Mounties than anything Liberal related.
Jarnhamar said:The LPC appear to have a culture of corruption and bullying.
RCMP answer to the government.
PMedMoe said:If it were the CPC in charge, would you say the same thing?
Seems like a pretty broad brush to me.
shawn5o said:I don't know if this was brought up before.
Trudeau cautions against extremism in John A. Macdonald statue debate
The Globe and Mail
Bill Curry
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cautioned against extremism in the political debate over historical figures such as Sir John A. Macdonald as the country works to address systemic racism in government institutions.
Speaking Monday in Montreal, where protesters toppled a statue of Canada’s first prime minister during a rally Saturday, Mr. Trudeau said vandalism is not the answer and that he was “deeply disappointed” by what had happened. He also said strong reactions driven by outrage are not a responsible way to move forward.
“We’ve seen, following that, people on either side of the spectrum trying to use these elements as a way of furthering debates,” he said, adding later in French: “I think that we’re seeing, particularly on the extreme right, that they’re trying to start culture wars and divide Canadians on issues such as that.”
He did not name anyone in particular.
I believe that was a stupid comment by the PM as the so-culture wars and division seem to be coming mostly from the far-left
Target Up said:His daddy's statue got a facial and it was a hate crime. Our first Prime Minister gets dumped and his head falls off and it's disappointing. And the right is the problem. Quelle Surprise.
Donald H said:Unfortunately our John A. was suppportive of the pro-slavery side in the US civil war, which could have had something to do with his head rolling. And he 'was' a conservative!
Not to suggest that Canadians should get into copying Americans on taking down monuments.
Target Up said:Looking at 200 year old events with a 21st century lens is a mugs game, full stop. It's possible your G pa or G ma might have dropped a "N" bomb from time to time back when, especially if your from an east coast city that either rhymes with kidney or kallifax. Better pull all their pics out of the family albums and burn them, then go kick over their headstones, just to be on the safe side. It's ******* stupid.
Donald H said:I had already made it clear that I wasn't in favour of John A's head rolling. In the US it's not so much as their reasons are 200 years old, it's that the statues they're pulling down were erected much later for the effect they had on black people. Much the same as burning crosses and lynchings. While I would say that John A's stature wasn't erected for any such purpose, but more to honour him as our first P.M.
Still, those who pulled it down were very likely motivated by John A's track record on supporting slavery.
Donald H said:Unfortunately our John A. was suppportive of the pro-slavery side in the US civil war, which could have had something to do with his head rolling. And he 'was' a conservative!
Not to suggest that Canadians should get into copying Americans on taking down monuments.
suffolkowner said:I think many Canadians(BNAians) were supportive of the South at the time as divided America would be a weaker America.
Donald H said:I had already made it clear that I wasn't in favour of John A's head rolling. In the US it's not so much as their reasons are 200 years old, it's that the statues they're pulling down were erected much later for the effect they had on black people. Much the same as burning crosses and lynchings. While I would say that John A's stature wasn't erected for any such purpose, but more to honour him as our first P.M.
Still, those who pulled it down were very likely motivated by John A's track record on supporting slavery.