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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Halifax Tar said:
Slight derail but you can explain the underlined and highlighted portion ?  It this essentially being paid to borrow ?  I dont understand the concept!  Thanks in advance!

Like the previous posters my wife and I are in government jobs (Federal and Provincial) we are very lucky, but we also worked hard to get into the position we are financially.

basically, with a negative interest rate, The Central Bank makes Banks pay to store their cash with the Central Bank, which increases the costs to the Bank.  The entire purpose of this is to prevent Banks hoarding money in times of deflation and encourage lending to stimulate economic growth. 

To further elaborate:

"Negative interest rates occur when borrowers are credited interest rather than paying interest to lenders. While this is a very unusual scenario, it is most likely to occur during a deep economic recession when monetary policy and market forces have already pushed interest rates to their nominal zero bound."

"Negative interest rates may occur during deflationary periods. During these times, people and businesses hold too much money (instead of spending money). This can result in a sharp decline in demand, and send prices even lower. Often, a loose monetary policy is used to deal with this type of situation. However, when there are strong signs of deflation factoring into the equation, simply cutting the central bank's interest rate to zero may not be sufficient enough to stimulate growth in both credit and lending."


We have already seen this in Countries like Japan, where people simply hold on to cash and not investing or lending it.  The problem with this is that the economy then doesn't grow which is reflected in Japan's Nikkei Index experienceing essentially flat growth. 
Should we not try and have the election at the same time as the Americans so that Russia is too busy interfering in their election to bother us.
It should not need to be said at this point, but derogatory/mocking nicknames are contrary to the guidelines. You all know better, next time warnings will be given.

- Milnet.ca Staff
Personally as much as I would love to have an election we probably won't. Support of the Bloc is not enough and the NDP are in the Liberals back pocket. I would love to see the PM resign however more than likely someone else of lesser significance will take the fall. I wonder what else will come out in regards to the Covid 19 stimulus giveaway.
Chief Engineer said:
Personally as much as I would love to have an election we probably won't. Support of the Bloc is not enough and the NDP are in the Liberals back pocket. I would love to see the PM resign however more than likely someone else of lesser significance will take the fall. I wonder what else will come out in regards to the Covid 19 stimulus giveaway.

The prime Ministers resume'
Chief Engineer said:
It appears all leaders were in the house today, all except the PM. He's taken the opportunity to spend time at the cottage.

I don't blame him, it's a beautiful day to spend at the cottage and maybe go for a nice swim and maybe have a barbeque for dinner.  He just finished testifying and everyone asked their questions.  I don't want to her the opposition continuing to ask the same basic questions over and over again.  Move on and let the ethics commission do it's job and the ethics commissioner can rule.

stellarpanther said:
I don't blame him, it's a beautiful day to spend at the cottage and maybe go for a nice swim and maybe have a barbeque for dinner.  He just finished testifying and everyone asked their questions.  I don't want to her the opposition continuing to ask the same basic questions over and over again.  Move on and let the ethics commission do it's job and the ethics commissioner can rule.

And how about we ask him to DO HIS FUCKING JOB while we're at it?
Jarnhamar said:
In fairness he's probably entertaining guests who will be receiving sole sourced government contracts in the future.

He's just networking.

Maybe he's busy planning a surprise retirement party for Andrew Scheer?

stellarpanther] I don't want to her the opposition continuing to ask the same basic questions over and over again. [/quote] Not getting a straight answer tends to require you repeat the question. [quote author=stellarpanther said:
I don't blame him, it's a beautiful day to spend at the cottage and maybe go for a nice swim and maybe have a barbeque for dinner.

Gotta love when the CO skips mandatory training to chill at the cottage while everyone else is working lol
Speaking of skipping things...

Canadians want answers on why 20,000 infrastructure projects funded with our tax dollars can’t be shown to even exist.

In the wake of news reports about someone yelling at Catherine McKenna’s office, Canadians are bringing attention to serious problem with the spending of our tax dollars.

In early June, Blacklock’s Reporter had a story about how a whopping 20,000 infrastructure projects subsidized with federal tax dollars have no evidence to prove they are even real:

    “Parliament’s Budget Office can find no evidence of 20,000 projects subsidized with billions in federal tax dollars. Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna’s department would not document where funds were spent, the Commons government operations committee was told: “I don’t have proof that they exist.””


20,000 ghost projects and billions of dollars unaccounted for? I'm shocked!
stellarpanther said:
I don't blame him, it's a beautiful day to spend at the cottage and maybe go for a nice swim and maybe have a barbeque for dinner.  He just finished testifying and everyone asked their questions.  I don't want to her the opposition continuing to ask the same basic questions over and over again.  Move on and let the ethics commission do it's job and the ethics commissioner can rule.

Were you at the BBQ?, sounds like you wish you were. BTW The rest of the leaders were at work during one of the four sittings this month and like you love to say we are in a pandemic are we not?
stellarpanther said:
I don't blame him, it's a beautiful day to spend at the cottage and maybe go for a nice swim and maybe have a barbeque for dinner.  He just finished testifying and everyone asked their questions.  I don't want to her the opposition continuing to ask the same basic questions over and over again.  Move on and let the ethics commission do it's job and the ethics commissioner can rule.


I have supported your right to say what you think, and even to essentially make up your own facts, because you are not at all alone in that camp.

You are now being a knob.  In fact, you are being a troll. 

No one likes a troll.

Just saying
Target Up said:
And how about we ask him to DO HIS ******* JOB while we're at it?

Holly **** I try to make a little joke and you get all excited.  By the way he is doing his job as far as a lot of Canadian's are concerned.  Too bad if you don't like how he's doing it.
Jarnhamar said:
Not getting a straight answer tends to require you repeat the question.

Gotta love when the CO skips mandatory training to chill at the cottage while everyone else is working lol

He got the best answer they are going to get. If this were the CAF and a mbr kept getting grilled it would be clearly harassment.  The got the best answer they are getting.
stellarpanther said:
Holly **** I try to make a little joke and you get all excited.  By the way he is doing his job as far as a lot of Canadian's are concerned.  Too bad if you don't like how he's doing it.
I actually have a pretty good sense of humour. I really enjoy a good joke, I easily recognize them usually, because they're funny. You've posted nothing but excuses and dismissal for behaviour from this government that I would be horrified to see from my six year old grandsons, so please forgive me for not seeing the razor sharp wit in your post. Oh, and -300 right back atcha.
Chief Engineer said:
Were you at the BBQ?, sounds like you wish you were. BTW The rest of the leaders were at work during one of the four sittings this month and like you love to say we are in a pandemic are we not?

I had to miss it but I'll try to make the next one.

Target Up said:
I actually have a pretty good sense of humour. I really enjoy a good joke, I easily recognize them usually, because they're funny. You've posted nothing but excuses and dismissal for behaviour from this government that I would be horrified to see from my six year old grandsons, so please forgive me for not seeing the razor sharp wit in your post. Oh, and -300 right back atcha.

Maybe I have a bad memory but I don't recall criticizing you or anyone else for being a Conservative supporter, it's your right and you don't need to defend that choice to me or anyone else.  I find that for some reason I need to consistently defend the fact that I am a Liberal supporter, at least in the last couple of elections.
Target Up said:
I actually have a pretty good sense of humour. I really enjoy a good joke, I easily recognize them usually, because they're funny. You've posted nothing but excuses and dismissal for behaviour from this government that I would be horrified to see from my six year old grandsons, so please forgive me for not seeing the razor sharp wit in your post. Oh, and -300 right back atcha.

I shouldn't have took the points, I correct that, I took it as a dig when I was attempting to make a joke.  I think he should have been their today but I don't want the whole time being spent talking about WE, a lot of other things to talk about.
PPCLI Guy said:

I have supported your right to say what you think, and even to essentially make up your own facts, because you are not at all alone in that camp.

You are now being a knob.  In fact, you are being a troll. 

No one likes a troll.

Just saying

I'm being a knob because I made a little joke about why Trudeau wasn't there?  I also don't think I've ever made up my own facts, it's just that you and a lot of posters here disagree with them.  Doesn't make that untrue.
stellarpanther said:
Maybe I have a bad memory but I don't recall criticizing you or anyone else for being a Conservative supporter, it's your right and you don't need to defend that choice to me or anyone else.  I find that for some reason I need to consistently defend the fact that I am a Liberal supporter, at least in the last couple of elections.

To be clear with you, and to hopefully explain a little, I give not one flying rodent's rectum who you vote for, or why. That is 100% not my business. I have voted both sides in my not insignificant amount of years on this earth. Toward the end of the last conservative mandate, I found myself in disagreement with quite a few of their policies, as I consider myself a lower case "c" conservative. I weighed who got my vote with who was more closely aligned with how I think things should be run. The cons were still more in my park than the libs. That said, I was able to admit, and rail, about those con policies I disagreed with, I didn't make excuses for them and shrug them off just because I disliked the other guy  more, which to my eye is what you're doing. If on the other hands it's all just been one big "gotcha" from you for the last month or so, then well played, I'll consider myself got.
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