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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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suffolkowner said:
I'm not sure where the line between poor judgement and unethical behaviour is and it's obvious Trudeau and Morneau are having the same problem. Guess what when you constantly make poor judgements maybe there is a deeper problem there like maybe an ethical problem

Ok, but should this not be an issue for the voters to decide?  The SNC problem was ruled an ethical violation and yet the voters still put the Liberals back in power.  In my opinion, most voters either didn't think it was a problem or maybe they didn't like it but it's not something that was important to them.  The other option is that they felt the Liberals are still the best option to lead the country. 

Many people have given reasons why they don't like the Liberals, I don't like the CPC foreign policy, IMO they seem to always kiss up to the United States and do whatever they want.  I don't want us joining every misguided war the US gets into and Cons have never seen one they don't want to be a part of.  No thank you, and that's whether I'm still serving or not.

YZT580 said:
pardon my 2 cents but aren't these the same liberals who had no difficulty identifying and condemning Harper's people for hitching a ride on a defence helicopter, buying expensive orange juice and renting limousines?  If they can see these faults in others they certainly understand the meaning of conflict of interest.  They just don't believe it applies to them.  The key word was others. And I still want to know where the other 700 million was going to be spent after the students got 200.  Unless someone can find a purpose for all that extra cash that to me may be an even bigger issue.

Or the Cons think it's ok for them to be involved in things that are a conflict of interest but the country must grind to a halt if another party does it.  They're a bunch of hypocrites.
stellarpanther said:
yet the voters still put the Liberals back in power.

The voting system that the Liberals promised to change but reneged did that.
Jarnhamar said:
Like the majority of Canadians voted for the Conservatives in the last election?

The Cons didn't have a problem with how things worked when they had a majority.

Jarnhamar said:
The voting system that the Liberals promised to change but reneged did that.

As a voter and new member of the Liberal party, I don't want them to change anything.
stellarpanther said:
As a voter and new member of the Liberal party, I don't want them to change anything.

Except their promise to reform the electoral process, of course. :nod:
stellarpanther said:
As a voter and new member of the Liberal party, I don't want them to change anything.
I definitely think you could find a 2nd career with the LPC after you retired. Good luck with your new party status ;)
stellarpanther said:
Ok, but should this not be an issue for the voters to decide?  The SNC problem was ruled an ethical violation and yet the voters still put the Liberals back in power.  In my opinion, most voters either didn't think it was a problem or maybe they didn't like it but it's not something that was important to them.  The other option is that they felt the Liberals are still the best option to lead the country. 

Many people have given reasons why they don't like the Liberals, I don't like the CPC foreign policy, IMO they seem to always kiss up to the United States and do whatever they want.  I don't want us joining every misguided war the US gets into and Cons have never seen one they don't want to be a part of.  No thank you, and that's whether I'm still serving or not.

Ultimately it is up to the voters to decide, thus my disappointment with the Conservative party for not offering a viable policy/leadership alternative. I'm not going to let the Liberal cabinet/caucus off the hook, they can put an end to this anytime they want. As an aside I've always been much more in favour of Conservative foreign policy than Liberal.
stellarpanther said:
The Cons didn't have a problem with how things worked when they had a majority.

I'll explain.

The Liberals promised voting reform.
The Liberals got elected.
The Liberals went back on their promise.
Had the Liberals not went back on their promise they wouldn't be sitting on the throne.

The respective Political Tribes in this Country (Left and Right) have their heads so far up their Party's rear end, they are all going to be doing their very own blackface impression very soon.

It's a sad day when anyone can sit here and defend someone misappropriating the amount of money we are talking about here.  It's ENRON like in it's Scheer criminality (see what I did there). 

The only reason it's being even tolerated is because the Cons are currently being dominated by a bunch of social wackos who think abortion and gay marriage are the pressing issues of our time.

The NDP could potentially offer an alternative but they are too busy trying to collect handouts like a street bum and have a leader that has about as much depth as my toilet crossword puzzle.

You all continue to argue about the colour of the curtains you want in your window.  I'll continue to sit back, drink some beer and see what else 2020 has in store for us.
Lumber said:
Did I say we should excuse them? No. I said put down the pitchforks and stop yelling about corruption and Laurentian elitist cronyism. (not you specifically) Call a spade a spade, don't call it a back-hoe infected with pure evil (bonus points if you get that reference).

You and Merriam Webster should have a chat, apparently you have different definitions of corruption. This is literally the definition of corruption. Let's call a spade a spade, it seems you're unable.

stellarpanther said:
Are you doubting what I say and accusing me of making this stuff up?  Go work at DMCA for 2 years and look at the reports that come in and then look at the decisions.  There are a lot of people on here that may be higher in rank than me and think they know everything and maybe they are very good at there job but that doesn't mean they know everything.  Too many people in the CAF think their rank and position give them more power than they actually have and it pisses me off sometimes to hear.  I make my comments based on what I've seen.  You'd be very surprised what some people do even at the lower ranks and it doesn't cost them there job nor should it necessarily.

This is your fallback position every time that you face criticism or feedback from this forum. You are entitled to an opinion, just as others are entitled to challenge it. You have made your partisan leanings known. Opinion is different from informed opinion.

stellarpanther said:
I make my comments based on what I've seen.

Good, have you seen this? Maybe it will change your comments.


stellarpanther said:
Many people have given reasons why they don't like the Liberals, I don't like the CPC foreign policy, IMO they seem to always kiss up to the United States and do whatever they want.  I don't want us joining every misguided war the US gets into and Cons have never seen one they don't want to be a part of.  No thank you, and that's whether I'm still serving or not.

Can you provide some examples of this please ?
Halifax Tar said:
Can you provide some examples of this please ?

LPC spin and talking points usually don't have examples, much like any other partisan barb. Facts get in the way. I'm still waiting for Harper to put troops, on the streets, with guns and make gay marriage and abortion illegal again.
I merged the Stellarpanther and Jarnhamar's jousting from elsewhere in to this thread.
note: Afghanistan was a liberal war inherited by the cons.  The fact that we ended up with some decent kit at the end of it all was a result of Harper and co. assuming control.  Back to the debate.
Jarnhamar said:
Like the majority of Canadians voted for the Conservatives in the last election?
There was no majority in the last election.  There was a plurality.
dapaterson said:
There was no majority in the last election.  There was a plurality.

Hasn't been one since Mulroney. Then we're looking at Diefenbaker and a slew of 2nd World War elections. In our system, plurality is what we get but most people are just using majority as a colloquial term.
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