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Favorite Military Film

I_am_John_Galt said:
Has anyone here seen "84C MoPic" (or possibly "84 Charlie MoPic")? It's been (highly) recommended to me by several people as the best Vietnam movie out there :threat: ... I believe it's an Indie movie, and I've never been able to find it at the damn video stores ...

It is pretty good. It is shot in almost a blair witch manner. You see only the soldiers being taped. They are supposed to be a LRRP and you never see the camera man till the end.
Wasn't sure if anyone knows. It's on tonight, on CityTV, at 2100 Eastern.  Just thought I'd post it in case anyone else hasn't seen it, yet.
ISnt it ironic that Im watching my DVD right now at 21:35 started before I read this..
Thanks for the tip!!  it's 21h04 now..  I almost missed nothing!!  ;D
BHD and BoB are the only movies that ever choked me up...

Especially at the end when they're running, totalyl exhausted trying to keep each other going.
Yeah, BHD was a good one.  I still haven't seen all of BOB (I think I saw the first 6 episodes, and there's what, 10?) but I want to get it on DVD (both, actually).
Is Black Hawk Down near the reality, or is it still ONLY a movie??

As for BoB, there's 10 episodes and a making of and a little interview with the real guys..
Calling him "sir" is practice for addressing officers, its only afforded to DI's while they do boot camp for the Marines......right Pappy?
ToRN said:
Aaron, you realize that this topic has been dead for almost a year, don't you??

....check and mate!

Aaron White said:
Calling him "sir" is practice for addressing officers, its only afforded to DI's while they do boot camp for the Marines......right Pappy?

Well I know some DI somewhere is going to have me doing bends & thrusts till I puke.....  But I'll be dammed if I remember why / the tradition behind calling Marine Corps DI's Sir. 
It was one of the first things they taught us "first thing out of your mouth will be SIR and the last word out of it will be SIR"....  We didn't ask why we just knew thats what we'd better damm well do.  Comes down to Respect I guess.  Untill you graduate from Boot, your not even a Marine, just a Recruit, DI's are even called Sir by officers in Officers Canidate School. 

It was used in response to questions or after given orders, if we (dared to) address a question to a DI they where always addressed as "Drill Instructor (last name)" or later when we felt a little more cocky "(rank) (lastname)".

After Boot Camp only Officers where addressed as Sir.
Sorry to be bringing a topic back up from the dead, but my favorite war movies by far were the following:

Band of Brothers
Saving Private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
We Were Soldiers

I liked the first I think 50 minutes of Full Metal Jacket, but I don't think the rest even compares with Platoon or any other Vietnam war movie.

By the way Uprising is a documentary about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. I loved We Were Soldiers, the only part I didnt really like as much in that movie was when they were showing the wives constantly, I would have rather seen the soldiers doing more training. I loved Black Hawk Down, especially the scene were the two snipers go to save that loan pilot and end up fighting against hundreds of their enemies. The only war movies that I get to kindof hate are those cheesy ones.
One of the first military films I saw was Saving Private Ryan.  It was than that I realized how massive and brutal the second world war really was.  Totally different experience from reading about it in school.

I also really enjoyed Blackhawk Down.  I saw windtalkers and didn't enjoy it too much.

I have never seen the Band of Brothers series but that is a great suggestion for a Christmas present for me this year.  Thanks for the idea.

I am always looking for that movie with the opposing unarmed soliders yelling at eachother in a building that was under heavy fire?  Maybe it was 'Enemy at the Gates.'
After seeing that nearly everyone here seems to like Full Metal Jacket I went out and rented it.  Great show, but I noticed one major inaccuracy.  In the scene titled : Guest of Honour the guy who is sitting next to the "guest of honour" has what appears to be a Winchester Model 94 (or maybe a Marlin 336 there's not a good shot of it), with a saddle ring no less!  Would be great if "Cowboy" was carrying it, or maybe "Joker" when he's doing the John Wayne impressions. 