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CadetPat field uniform

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ryanmann356 said:
yeah those are the ones, the WWB boots.   thanks for the correction.   Those cadpat boots look pretty cool too.
No they're not...if you bothered to read my post...
Yeah I thought I saw a pair in a mountain equipment co-op or something like that, but surplus stores also carry those types of boots, and one of my cadets has a pair of those and he says they're quite comfortable.  I'm considering getting a pair for myself, they appear to provide more ankle support.
Buying brand new boots isnt a great idea though.  New boots squeak and squawk.  I had a new pair once and had to exchange them because i kept getting caught on night ex's cause they were so squeeky lol.
Not all boots squeak when new. Either way, you should break them in before wearing them for the field, etc
yes of course break them in  ::) I was talking about my first pair when i was new and didnt know anything
Whoa I haven't been logged in in a while and just wanted to see some of your guys views on the whole cadetpat deal:

This is my view on the whole idea:

Sure its nice for a company to create a new "combat" uniform for cadets and all but i mean if your going to do it do it right or dare i say it don't do it at all. I mean the cons out weigh the Pros big time in my opinion here is a summary of what i have heard from my cadets and fellow Sr's of other corps.

- Pattern is fine No real complaints.
- Different in its own respects from Cadpat which personally i think is a good idea.

- Poor material too stiff
- Does not apprear to be to quick drying
- Very poor attempt at creating Draw strings in the waist and hip
- Velcro
- One way Zipper
- Buttons are too small
- Buttons are almost white on some uniforms
- Boots not Waterproof or resistant
- boots made of vinyl like material
- Pants have no sand traps
- Pants have no blousing strings
- Rucksack If you can even call it that has no attempt at double seems or water repelant
- ruck is too small
- Boonie Cap could use some work on the threading
- Threads loose everywhere when it is new
- and i hear it fades rather quickly if washed in normal washer??

So as you can see it was an honest attempt to create a new uniform but personally i believe that cadets would be better of physically in the OD. Plus a set of OD costs less than it and you can get new sets in packages now from various surplus stores. so people saying it is hard to find OD area really not even looking, and just want to wear cadpat.

That Brings up another point, I personally have had no trouble with cadets in the field with OD in fact until reading some of the posts on here i thought it was uniform. All our cadets Are encouraged to get a full set if not two of the OD. But Cadpat i personally believe Should only be given to the Reg, Res, and maybe CIC and I have conflicting emotions about CIC

Any way thats My two cents so feel free to rip it apart or analyze it or what have you.:argument:

:cdn:HESLIP :cdn:

P.S. If some of my information is wrong Please email me @ c4thrule@hotmail.com so that i can get my facts straight

PPS I peronally would love to get my hands onto some German Mountainboots i think they were called lowas or something they were awsome. nice like MEC but all black and army issue. i think they also have Para boots with high ankle support like our mk III's
I'd agree with pretty much all of that. I wish they'd just change the material and everything would be good.

I have just washed mine 5 times in succession (I'm trying to conserve water as you can tell) and they still look fine, albeit I dry them on cold only for a short period of time.

MOD: Just because you use symbols, doesn't mean its not swearing.
the cadetpat would be ok if they made it out of the material actual cadpat was made out of, or even ODs.  But theres nothing wrong with wearing the cadetpat in the winter when its colder and ODs in the summer when its hotter.  That way even if it does fade, it wont fade as quickly and the cadetpat is warmer so it would be better suited for the winter. 
Heslip said:
Whoa I haven't been logged in in a while...(edit: blah blah blah, I don't feel like quoting the whole damn thing...)
You should send this off to the company that is making the CadetPat, with a CC to the army cadet league BC branch.
Ryanmann I'd have to disagree with you, if the CadetPat material is made of denim, or a similar cotton material it wouldn't be very good for winter, think about it, would you wear jeans when its -0 out, with snow on the ground. What happens when they get wet, and freeze? Cotton absorbs water like an SOB.
p_imbeault said:
Ryanmann I'd have to disagree with you, if the CadetPat material is made of denim, or a similar cotton material it wouldn't be very good for winter, think about it, would you wear jeans when its -0 out, with snow on the ground. What happens when they get wet, and freeze? Cotton absorbs water like an SOB.

-0, Vancouver?  :p
ouyin2000 said:
You should send this off to the company that is making the CadetPat, with a CC to the army cadet league BC branch.
Mayb i will send it. Not that it will make really any difference i mean we are dealling with Government are we not?
As far as I know it's authorized for all cadets to wear... But it will take a while to get it out to all of the surplus stores and corps.

Right now just army cadets, unless you classify it as civi's...well we already went through this.


You should still send it. The more people that suggest changes, the better chance we have of improving it.
You are NOT dealing with the government. It is fully private and commissioned by a Society (ACL), not the DND.

the website with contact info is www.armycadetleague.bc.ca
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