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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Does it make you a geek when you start to critique the previews?  I like the ones on space better, which I stop everything to watch when they come on.(the show better come back on soon, I am getting pathetic)

Alright, you really WANT to see a PREVIEW then, try this one for size:


I hope all of you have a sense of humor and take this in stride. Hehehehehe...

Now geek off... ;)
sober_ruski said:
President is a cylon. How else can you explain her "visions" and communications in her dreams with that cylon they airlock'd?

Somewhere in this thread (taken from wikipedia)

are the criteria for cylons.....

One of them is you cannot have been alive during the first Cylon wars.  That rules out the president.
CougarKing said:

Alright, you really WANT to see a PREVIEW then, try this one for size:


I hope all of you have a sense of humor and take this in stride. Hehehehehe...

Now geek off... ;)

Okay, now that I've had my monthly fix of BSG...I saw it twice to make up for four weeks without!
I will now comment on the short video: someone has way too much time on their hands and is very good at mpeg splicing.  Well done with keeping the sond bites on topic and coming up with a "very believable" storyline.
Sssh, quiet, I had to tape it.  Even if it's just "behind the scenes" show. 
nier, cool smilie...want one...totally better then all the others I 've seen...consider it snagged.... ;D
With BSG coming back soon, and with all that talk of the USAF Sergeant that posed in Playboy, I just thought I'd pass it along that Tricia Helfer (Number Six) has also done a Playboy spread now.  It's even got a little caption about it on the BSG Website.

ThainC said:
With BSG coming back soon, and with all that talk of the USAF Sergeant that posed in Playboy, I just thought I'd pass it along that Tricia Helfer (Number Six) has also done a Playboy spread now.  It's even got a little caption about it on the BSG Website.


I suppose you never saw the title of the magazine that she is holding in her shoot........the one that has BattleStar Galactica and Tricia Helfer prominently displayed......
More Season 3.5 Previews for the BSG-deprived:  ;D

Athena and Helo-focused preview

Lee vs. Anders-focused preview

Athena-focused preview

Cylon Human Number 3-focused preview

General Preview

Perhaps this can provide more clues to those who are already discussing the possible story outcomes in the next segment.

This is going back a few pages but for all those who think Starbuck will die in that crash take a look at the preview on scifi.com. Show's her back on Galactica's flightdeck.
I'm still stuck on the prophesy that a "dying leader will lead them to earth".  Now, does that mean it has to be a human leader? If it doesn't, then D'Anna (cylon leader of sorts) could very well be the one character that is going to find earth, die and is a cylon..I mean the character is terminating herself daily and resurrecting herself (something quite frowned upon judging by Caprica's reaction). 

Notice in the last preview/General preview I posted, Starbuck says "It's as if my destiny has already been written"- I think that's a good indication she may be a Cylon and those who bet she may be one may just get their money.  :(
niner domestic said:
I'm still stuck on the prophesy that a "dying leader will lead them to earth".   Now, does that mean it has to be a human leader? If it doesn't, then D'Anna (cylon leader of sorts) could very well be the one character that is going to find earth, die and is a cylon..I mean the character is terminating herself daily and resurrecting herself (something quite frowned upon judging by Caprica's reaction). 
I don't think so.  Laura was originally diagnosed with cancer, and dying from it.  Until she was cured by cylon blood.  Could it be that Laura is now partially Cylon??  She was/is the leader of the humans.  I can't see the Cylons and Humans coming together in a pact to find Earth.  The show would be over.  More action, more intrigue, more mystery about who a Cylon.

BYT, here are some BSG smilies...

http://www.colonialfleets.com/forums/misc.php?do=showsmilies My fav is:
Those are awesome! I even snagged one from Space 1999, very old show.

Gawd, we're geeks!
BYT Driver said:
I don't think so.  Laura was originally diagnosed with cancer, and dying from it.  Until she was cured by cylon blood.

I dunno.....

She has cylon blood in her now.... does that make her a Cylon?  ;D  jk

BTW...  I'm changing my mind.  Dee is a cylon.

She's dated who.. Billy - aid to the president.
Married - Apollo - had his own battlestar and son of the leader

She's putting herself in bed with people that can help influence decisions. 

But, the prophesies say, the it is a dying leader.  Roslin isn't dying anymore and she didn't find Earth, just Kobol (Ok and she didn't really find Kobol on her own either).  D'Anna on the other hand, is offing herself daily so it could be construed that she is in deed a dying leader... (of sorts) On some of the BSG forums, there is talk of Lucy Lawless finishing up this year's show and moving on - so having her continue her addiction to offing herself in the pursuit of enlightenment would be an awesome plot twist that her enlightenment is that, death is the enlightenment and not resurrection - I think it will be accomplished by her heading out on a recce to find Earth and not being close enough to download to the resurrection ship.  She finds Earth (and maybe battles out with Starbuck or Apollo) but dies before she can tell the other cylons and since she's really dead, they can't find it. 

Hmmm, maybe we'll discover that the cylon blood is slowly turning Roslin into a cylon ;D