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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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rmacqueen said:
Hmmm, maybe we'll discover that the cylon blood is slowly turning Roslin into a cylon ;D

From Athena's baby you mean? That could be credible possibility if you come to think about it...but those with medical backgrounds might disagree on how it might be possible.
CougarKing said:
From Athena's baby you mean? That could be credible possibility if you come to think about it...but those with medical backgrounds might disagree on how it might be possible.
and scientists may disagree on how faster than light speed is impossible.  Maybe Cylon blood has some sort of reverse-virus thingy to flood UP the umbilical cord into the "host"?
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Maybe Cylon blood has some sort of reverse-virus thingy to flood UP the umbilical cord into the "host"?

Well didn't Athena avoid that disease because her baby was half human and gave her the immunity to it? That may give credit to your theory.
I'm sure the odd rank structure on the Colonial Fleet hasn't gone unnoticed around here...and odd mix of naval and army/airforce ranks.

Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer
I worked with the RN, RMs and RAF so hearing a mismatch of ranks and titles didn't seem out of the ordinary.  I quite often heard the rank of Sgt and CPO used in addressing an RM or a RN personnel or Colonel and Admiral for an RAF and RN personnel all on the same establishment.  One has to have a tad bit of suspension of disbelief with the show as it doesn't purport itself to be an historically correct documentary.  However, with the plot so far, the military survivors of the cylon nuke attack appear to be a mismatch of service personnel but they have followed the RN and USN's traditions to have a Marine unit onboard which could account for the mismatch.
In one of the previews it said that Athena's daughter "is getting worse". Could SHE be the leader of both toasters and humans? How's that for a speculation.
RangerRay said:
I'm sure the odd rank structure on the Colonial Fleet hasn't gone unnoticed around here...and odd mix of naval and army/airforce ranks.

Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer

Ranger Ray,

You missed one of the BSG ranks. Notice in Episode 6 of Season 2.5 titled "Sacrifice" in the hostage situation aboard the "Cloud 9" Liner, that Starbuck addresses one of the Colonial Marines in civvies as "Gunny" which means they also have the rank of "Gunnery Sergeant" in their version of the marines.

Still, as Niner said, we gotta suspend a sense "historical accuracy" since all the details in the show are fiction and thus arbitrarily decided by the screenwriters.
Thanks.  I forgot about the Gunny.  Now that is an obvious "marine" rank...  ;D

Of course, being from a completely different part of the galaxy would explain the different rank structure,  ;D  but I thought I would throw it out there for BSG discussion.  I just noticed how funny it was to have a "colonel" as a ship's XO and subordinate to a commander, wheras a colonel would be equal to a captain in naval parlance.  Or a commander would be equal to a lieutenant colonel, but I have not heard of anyone formally refer to Col. Ty as "Lieutenant Colonel Ty".

Ah, maybe it's best we don't discuss this!  :p
It's just the way the Universal Translator transmutated thier words for thier rank structure into our language so that we can understand it better in our terms.  Simple? ::)
I am still waiting for the day when SG-1 meets the Cylons who are battling the Borg while the Wraith are trying to figure out how to make the blood sucked out of a Vulcan taste better. Col O’Neil gets saved by Capt Picard, who in turn has *** saved from the Peacekeepers by Andromeda, FarScape lads show up looking for a cushy gig. Meanwhile the Moon pushed out of orbit by nuclear explosion was threatening Deep space 9 where the crew there used it to plug the wormhole, after sending all the delics through to conquer the Dominion.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy puppets in zippy 1970’s outfits are battling Muppets for control of a insignificant plant ruled by a beer drinking robot, whole had been booted off of Earth by MIB for selling the game Asteroid as the secret defense of Earth to the Martians. The Martians were about to invade earth to steal our women until they started receive the Martha Stewart show, Rosie O’Donnell and Jerry Springer, after which they all decided to become gay and will die of in a couple of generations.    ;D
Colin P said:
I am still waiting for the day when SG-1 meets the Cylons who are battling the Borg while the Wraith are trying to figure out how to make the blood sucked out of a Vulcan taste better. Col O’Neil gets saved by Capt Picard, who in turn has *** saved from the Peacekeepers by Andromeda, FarScape lads show up looking for a cushy gig. Meanwhile the Moon pushed out of orbit by nuclear explosion was threatening Deep space 9 where the crew there used it to plug the wormhole, after sending all the delics through to conquer the Dominion.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy puppets in zippy 1970’s outfits are battling Muppets for control of a insignificant plant ruled by a beer drinking robot, whole had been booted off of Earth by MIB for selling the game Asteroid as the secret defense of Earth to the Martians. The Martians were about to invade earth to steal our women until they started receive the Martha Stewart show, Rosie O’Donnell and Jerry Springer, after which they all decided to become gay and will die of in a couple of generations.    ;D
And I suppose Michael Moore will direct that episode?
That depends, if the resurrection ship was close enough when he blew himself up in the Team America HQ, one hopes the resurrection ship was elsewhere.  ;D
[quote author=Colin P ]I am still waiting for the day when SG-1 meets the Cylons who are battling the Borg while the Wraith are trying to figure out how to make the blood sucked out of a Vulcan taste better. Col O’Neil gets saved by Capt Picard, who in turn has *** saved from the Peacekeepers by Andromeda, FarScape lads show up looking for a cushy gig. Meanwhile the Moon pushed out of orbit by nuclear explosion was threatening Deep space 9 where the crew there used it to plug the wormhole, after sending all the delics through to conquer the Dominion.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy puppets in zippy 1970’s outfits are battling Muppets for control of a insignificant plant ruled by a beer drinking robot, whole had been booted off of Earth by MIB for selling the game Asteroid as the secret defense of Earth to the Martians. The Martians were about to invade earth to steal our women until they started receive the Martha Stewart show, Rosie O’Donnell and Jerry Springer, after which they all decided to become gay and will die of in a couple of generations.   


   And I suppose Michael Moore will direct that episode?

That depends, if the resurrection ship was close enough when he blew himself up in the Team America HQ, one hopes the resurrection ship was elsewhere.   

(Maybe Trinity's right, maybe this little thread is getting out of hand when he said "it was spiralling downward". Hehe...) Oh well...
Like a very large dry wall screw, this thread has spiraled in.
Mind you, that blurp story line encompassing all the Sci-fi shows was most interesting.
But he forgot to add that Dr. Who shows up and saves them all with his laser light screw driver with multi attachments for saving the universe.

Be nice people, it's all in fun for fun. ;D
Ooops, okay, that's where they came from.  I haven't seen Dr. Who in years.  But it's still a good story for story sakes.

When they get close to Earth, SID will pick them up, allowing Colonel White to deploy Angel flight, defeating them all, just in time for CAPTAIN SCARLET to emerge from his death match with Captain Black, ready to make it with Harmony Angel.
Alrighty THEN! Might as well join you BLASPHEMERS!


Then Dr. Who falls in love with Dr. Phlox on the Enteprise then they come to San Francisco which is then NUKED by a Cylon base ship that has been assimilated by the Borg. The Borg base ship is then taken down by the Justice League who are then forced to fight the Sentinels sent by a wary Pentagon. They are saved by the X-men and they all gather in a room with a bald guy named Morpheus on a couch that offers each of them a "red pill" and a "blue pill". They all take the red pill and they wake up in a temple full of eggs with spiders that pop out...some of them are taken down and infested then their chests are split open by chest bursters which later turn into huge acid-licking aliens. Then the Predators come to kill the rest but have a fight with the Colonial Marines who frack the the hell out of the predators...

Anyone care to continue this yarn?

Someone should take all the mini-stories, add some more gravy to it and sell it as a novel and send the proceeds to Army.ca so that we can all be subscribers for free.  But that would require the Thunderbirds to chirp in with their two cents worth and five neat-o undrerwaterskyspacecargo ships.
And I'm sure we could get Marina to pose semi-nude for Playstring monthly.

Crumbs! I ran out of sci-fi personaes...