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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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I rather enjoy 2001: A Space Oddessy, but apparently those type of movies/ theme are not good for "watching movies with the girlfriend" She couldn't grasp it. I was rather disappointed. You're correct about 2001 and 2010, no comparison.
People react differently to 2001.  Its been decades since I saw the movie or read the book.  The
movie is both impressive and obscure and I'd estimate most people never "get it".  Once you read
2010 and 3001 and get the story-line, then the impact of the original movie is enhanced.

I agree 2001 has great effects.  The cinematograghy, story, acting, and direction all are a class on to
their own.  However SFX only, in my opinion, the Babylon 5 series presented the best CGI space
battle sequences. 
About the shiny ST vs the grittier BSG, you can see that the Pegasus was a lot cleaner, had a newer feel and looked more like one of the new cruisers, sort of like comparing the HMCS Vancouver to the Protecteur, different eras and just newer stuff.  The other ships in the civvy fleet look very star trek.  Never figured out why the Cylons don't take over the civvy ships' computers, a controled ship is still a weapon.

As for the show, I saw a teaser for the next episode, it has the 5 cylon models that no one has seen yet, their faces covered with cloaks.  I am calling it now that one of the models is Dirk Benedict, the old Starbuck and Faceman from the A-team.

Personal prediction, heck, they will probably digitize Lorne Green in if they could, and he's been dead since the 80's

I hate it when they restrict the access to previews because of location... "Sorry, no previews for you 64.635.76.1" ( reminder: learn about ip spoofing! ) Well at least SciFi.com lets me access the site. Showtime... no access to the site at all. Does the CRTC need to pay rights or something to these people or is this just internal policies.

Off to hunt for another source for BSG previews.  JUMP
I will soon getting into BSG withdrawal...

I've watch season 1, read transcript of season 2 (wasn't getting the sound),
and now, on my last leg,  I just have the 11th episode of season 3 to watch  :crybaby: !

Anyone else with that addiction problem ?
I've satisfied my addiction by spending the last week watching my new DVD sets of Episodes 1, 2, and 2.5!  ;D
Trinity said:
I'm figuring

something between BSG and Space: Above and Beyond

Well I did mention earlier in the thread I was hoping the makers of the cancelled "Space and Above and Beyond Series"(SAAB) could use this as an excuse to revive their show, if Galactica finds an Earth with a highly advanced civilization instead of a present-day Earth (like in the third season installment of the Classic BSG series, Galactica: 1980?). I'd prefer a crossover with SAAB than with either Star Trek (BLASPHEMY ;D) or Stargate SG-1/Atlantis (BLASPHEMY >:D).
I've been through all the BSG during the holiday, and I'm still not tired...

CougarKing said:
I'd prefer a crossover with SAAB than with either Star Trek (BLASPHEMY ;D) or Stargate SG-1/Atlantis (BLASPHEMY >:D).

I've watch some of SG Atlantis, and I'm already tired of their ''Wraith want to eats us all'' thing.
Not the same for me...

Is the 11th episode of the 3rd season the last one eared ? the one with Starbuck crashing in the
valley andSam wanting to go in search of her, but Adamo against ?

Must have BattleStar! :crybaby:

(just watch Star Trek, it's so much better, considering all the green women that Kirk picks up all the time) ;)

Oh Herr Hauptmann, thou speaks to a Trekker.  I've seen all and every Star Trek show.  Can name the original episode in the first minute before the theme rolls. 
And if the meat is green, it's not edible. But then again, Jim Kirk...was...the stud of...the galaxy. All that good TV and social studies of the sixties. 

The thing that I hate about Star Trek (in later iterations) is how the Enterprise's "A" symbol (as seen in your post) somehow became the symbol for the Federation!  Remember when they came to other ships, those guys had stars, suns, other stuff as their "ships emblem?"  That always grinds my gears...
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
The thing that I hate about Star Trek (in later iterations) is how the Enterprise's "A" symbol (as seen in your post) somehow became the symbol for the Federation!  Remember when they came to other ships, those guys had stars, suns, other stuff as their "ships emblem?"  That always grinds my gears...
Not quite the symbol for the Federaton but Starfleet.  The symbol for the Fed is along the lines of the U.N.
The "A" symbol is actually the warp signiature wave of energy output efficiency vs thrust.  (or close enough explanation)
Oh god, I just geeked myself.
Yes, Starfleet, NOT federation.  But, still, you know what I mean, right?  ;D
Yes, in ST: TOS, each ship had it's own steller crest in the "A". The "A" still stood as a mark of Starfleet. They turfed the mini crest in ST:TNG with the broach-like communicators.
End hijack
More geeked out stuff.
;D :D
[hijack continues...]
I think in Star Trek: the Movie that the switch had been made.  Remember, Reverend Camden from "Seventh Heaven" was in that and melded with Persis Khambatta, that bald chick.

Kidding aside, can we please stick to the topic?