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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

Tess why do you need to go to Correntis? according to your staff interview Fidel sends you smokes personally ;D Mich don't worry i still have your cell and we can call you after we're good and drunk. BBJ more than welcome to join us, we need adult supervision.

Danjanou said:
Unlike Tess I also checked it’s still there and under the same name.

But that was a couple of days ago now.
Danjanou said:
Tess why do you need to go to Correntis? according to your staff interview Fidel sends you smokes personally ;D Mich don't worry i still have your cell and we can call you after we're good and drunk. BBJ more than welcome to join us, we need adult supervision.

Only when I find pirates gold in my back yard, and have Robbi burns over for scotch...


Would you mind if I joined you? I'm somewhat new to Toronto.  I  work with cadets as a CI.


Get in there Marlene, the more the merrier.

However rule 48, of the Charter of Harmee zot see aye states that;

...any member of the cadet organization, that is newly housed in said area of the Greater Toronto Area, must purchase all ales, lagers, and any other form a of libation to all members in attendance that have numerals in either;

    a) The Regiments Name,
    b) their said on line name.

Specifically those that fall in line with said rule number Four and Eight.

I don't make them, I just follow them.


But then there is rule 49, that states:

"All members who had stated that they would be in attendance at a previous meet, but were not, must buy a round for all those in attendance at the subsequent meet"

...for all those in attendance who have a coin, from said website armoi daught sea eh, that also has the same numeral mentioned in rule # 48...



I actually thought that Rule 27(b) of the Charter rendered Rule 48 null and void.  Is that not right?

Loachman said:

Yeah I guess that would help. I just booked a table for 6-10 persons for 1930-2000 Saturday. Roof top patio if weather permits, otherwise inside. Table is under Army.ca.
Roger. Bossi's got his son that weekend, but there's a slight chance that they may pop by for a bit. Is this a child-friendly pub?
Not sure, I would think so. If nmot we can always cvhange the RV for him, I'm eas,  have him give me a call at work.
Ayup you lot. I hate to bail at the last minute but I feel like crap; not even 2000g vitamin C and generous doses of rum the past 48 hours have made me feel much better so I'm not heading out tonight.

You guys have a blast and drink a toast to troops for me.
the 48th regulator said:

I let everyone down the last one.  I am going to be there!

Let the games begin, I will be wearing the God awful Hawain shirt that depicts bottles of booze!

Picked it up in Madison, WN for five bucks!  and James, I am going to Correntis!  and Get your Coin, and the sticker from HOM ready for the Night!!



Alas I too have bad news....

I can't wear the shirt with the beer bottles all over it, so I settled for a much more conservative one that is plastered with with with flowers ona blue background.

I am having a quick bite to eat and off to the subway I go!



the 48th regulator said:
I can't wear the shirt with the beer bottles all over it, so I settled for a much more conservative one
It's a good job that you brought it up as I hardly noticed.
Small crowd, but good night all around. I'll have the requisite picture up later today.
As promised the obligatory picture


From left to right, me, Chris J, Marlene, Tess, and Loachman