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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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I'm swearing in on Thursday and from when i started the hole thing for primary reserves, it has taken me about..3 months?  And after hearing about wait times of like 2 years I consider myself very lucky...or something.
Chief Clerk said:
Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!    For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!   We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give up!   One excuse after another, lost files, lack of staff, lack of communication inside CFRCs and with the candidate (personal experience)   - maybe make them work harder!   Good god within CFRCs themselves nobody is even really sure at what stage your file is at and if something is missing at times they forget to inform YOU (personal experience)!

OK now a pitch for RMS Clerks - Good god make all the Recruiters CLERKS and send the other trades back to where they belong IN THE FIELD or ONBOARD SHIPS - then get a hard old crusty Chief Clerk to take control of these clerks and get a BETTER grip on the paperwork.  
And for gods sake or "whatever" religion you partake in (for the politically correct out there) - finally hire LOCAL Military Policemen to take care of the ungodly thing called your Security Clearance which is another long and drawn out process holding you back!     Medical - If your breathin and have a heartbeat, for gods sake get on with it!   Your file once you and a civilian doctor prove your alive is then sent to CFRG where ANOTHER Medical Doctor says yeah or nah - what, is one medical doctors degree better than anothers?    Get over it, stop playing games with a candidates life and START GETTING SERIOUS about getting people in the door - FOR GODS Sake, the American Military and   WALMART are easier to get work with - both much bigger than the CF  


Signed - Sick of the crock of excuses that CFRCs and CFRG is pushin - get on with your JOBS (which we the taxpayers pay you to do)   And maybe even stay with your CPLs who work overtime already to give them a hand to meet deadlines and get people enrolled!   And yes I have pushed paper at a CFRC (in the better days when we were FORCED to get people in the door and in boot camp - hey, it worked!)

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.  Are you actually proposing reasonable changes to the system or just ranting (personal experience)?  Personally, I think statements like yours do more harm than good and set a very poor example to the potential applicants that frequent this site.  As I have said before we enrol sufficient numbers of smart, physically fit, healthy and clean applicants every year and unfortunaltely the ones that end up waiting the longest normally don't fit into any of those categories.  But through their patience and perservance and the hard work of all recruiting personnel most of them get the opportunity to realize their dream.  In 1979, I think the standards were much lower than there are today and I should know because that is when I joined.
Steve said:
The heck? Did you hold up the CFRC with an uzi or something?

No, I just walked right on in there with my hockey hair.... After the interview the army Capt did tell me that the chances of me getting a job in Fredericton/Oromocto were slim, so she stated she would see how fast she could get me in the door.  Just happened that the navy was taking naval radio operators, and there you have it..................

I think it was the hockey hair.............................. To top it all off, while driving away from the recruiting center (after the interview) in Gagetown, I got a speeding ticket....First question from the MP "Are you in the Military?"  Dude HOCKEY HAIR?!? 
kincanucks said:
Personally, I think statements like yours do more harm than good and set a very poor example to the potential applicants that frequent this site.

Or waking them up to the damned truth.
oh shit,this is not good,i think i have to wait probably for another 10 months,and at the end,u kinda lose interest and ur not enthusiastic anymore about it.

Sub_Guy said:
Two Weeks... From the time of completion of all the tests and the interview, two weeks later I was in Saint Jean, maxing and relaxing

WHAT?!?!?! Doesn't the medical take longer to process than that??? I was thinking that my app this time is going ten times as fast as last time but surely not that fast!!!

EDIT: Aw... gee... my bad I just realized that I read that wrong, I guess thats not so out of the ordinary then.
I know .. for them to process him that fast, seems almost unreal.

Lebanese Canadian, you're right about the wait and the effects.. after 10 months the "high" of applying wears off and is replaced by doubts .. but in all truthfulness, I've been waiting past 10 months now, and the prospect that I may be sworn in in the next 2 weeks has invoked the same feeling inside of me that I felt when I first applied..

So ... it sucks big time but just tough it through - which you have been doing anyways so just keep it up
Steve said:
Or waking them up to the damned truth.

What truth would that be?  That we just don't take anybody without first checking them out truth? Or making sure that they are healthy and clean truth?  Or the make sure they are reliable truth?
No .. you're taking this out of context. There isn't anything wrong with checking them out, ensuring their health or reliability..how could there be?

This is not at all what I was directly referring to and I think you know that.
Steve said:
No .. you're taking this out of context. There isn't anything wrong with checking them out, ensuring their health or reliability..how could there be?

This is not at all what I was directly referring to and I think you know that.

Actually I don't know wtf you are referring so you tell me what the "damned truth" is.
It took me 1 year to get threw the recruiting process but i stuck to it and i got in with some persistance.
" Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!    For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!   We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give up!"

I have noticed a common theme where people (not unlike you) who have no idea what they are talking about, blame everyone else but themselves for their lot in life.

Sounds to me like your philosophy and advice to people who frequent this site wouldn't be, " How can I ensure that I have done everything I can to give me an excellent chance to be selected?", but rather, "How can the organization change its requirements to suit me?"

At the end of the day, there is a huge different between employment centres and recruiting centres.
I got checked out at the recruiting office on the base in gagetown, if I remember correctly (medical).  Perhaps that is why it only took 2 weeks.  I do know that I was told that my file was rushed.  Either way it was quick, and I am glad because I was out of money
kitrad1 said:
" Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!    For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!   We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give up!"

I have noticed a common theme where people (not unlike you) who have no idea what they are talking about, blame everyone else but themselves for their lot in life.

Sounds to me like your philosophy and advice to people who frequent this site wouldn't be, " How can I ensure that I have done everything I can to give me an excellent chance to be selected?", but rather, "How can the organization change its requirements to suit me?"

At the end of the day, there is a huge different between employment centres and recruiting centres.

A great round of applause was heard throughout the land.
When I apllied my first time(in Edmonton) tests and interviews and all that...was about 5 months later when I found out I wasn't in because my papers had been lost and I'd missed the deadline. When I applied again(this time in Gagetown) it took 3 months from start to finish and a month after I was sworn in I was off to St-Jean. I was told it was so short because there was extra money that had to be spent by April. Applying here(Gagetown) was really easy. People here were really helpful and friendly and answered every question I had...maybe you guys just need to move out here....lol   ;)
kitrad1 said:
" Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!    For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!   We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give up!"

I have noticed a common theme where people (not unlike you) who have no idea what they are talking about, blame everyone else but themselves for their lot in life.

Sounds to me like your philosophy and advice to people who frequent this site wouldn't be, " How can I ensure that I have done everything I can to give me an excellent chance to be selected?", but rather, "How can the organization change its requirements to suit me?"

At the end of the day, there is a huge different between employment centres and recruiting centres.

Yes it's my fault Borden sent my medical acceptance letter to the wrong CRFC over 2 months ago and it's my fault no one at my recruitng centre can help me or even seems genuinely interested. At one point one of the staff at my recruiting centre told me to just "quit". I defy anyone to find a major flaw in my application. If the recruitng centre didn't think I was good enough maybe they should tell me that instead of the exact opposite. I'm giving up a better paying job and future to do something that I want to do.

I also just found out from the police that one of my letters from the army has just been found in the possesion of a mail thief. The funny thing about that is I have a letter dated the same as the one the police found. Now I haven't seen this letter yet but either the army sent me 2 letters, the mail thief somehow photocopied the letter, or the thief somehow got a hold of the recruiting centre copy. I'm just a little concerned that one of my letters was stolen and another was lost.

I don't mind waiting to join the army, I just want to wait for the right reasons and the army losing my personal information isn't one of them.
Hah .. seems like just about everybody except the recruiting people themselves are willing to admit there is a big problem with recruiting.

Copper_: according to these guys, yes somehow it is basically your fault for your lot in life! How do you like that? It's also my fault that my medical file was outright lost, it's also my fault that I was not given the proper forms that I didn't even know I needed until a few months after my initial application when they graciously decided to tell me then(thus slowing a slow process down to a baby's crawl) and hell, while we're at it, it was also my fault that my entire damn file itself was lost admittedly by the recruiting center themselves right?

Looks like the people saying this BS about how it's somehow the fault of the applicants ought to heed their own words before they go around saying how everyone else is doing something wrong and deflecting blame off of themselves.

Talk about hypocrisy, quit evading responsibility yourselves before throwing it around and accusing everyone else of doing the same. I won't deny that it can, probably frequently, be because of an applicant screwing up something (no offense Patrick but you are an example here, with regard to the improper filling out of your form) but to basically say recruiting isn't at fault at all? Please, if I wanted fantasy I'd go watch Wizard of Oz .. or perhaps listen to more of what you guys are saying, I'm not entirely sure which is more fictional.
Steve said:
Hah .. seems like just about everybody except the recruiting people themselves are willing to admit there is a big problem with recruiting.

Copper_: according to these guys, yes somehow it is basically your fault for your lot in life! How do you like that? It's also my fault that my medical file was outright lost, it's also my fault that I was not given the proper forms that I didn't even know I needed until a few months after my initial application when they graciously decided to tell me then(thus slowing a slow process down to a baby's crawl) and heck, while we're at it, it was also my fault that my entire darn file itself was lost admittedly by the recruiting center themselves right?

Looks like the people saying this BS about how it's somehow the fault of the applicants ought to heed their own words before they go around saying how everyone else is doing something wrong and deflecting blame off of themselves.

Talk about hypocrisy, quit evading responsibility yourselves before throwing it around and accusing everyone else of doing the same. I won't deny that it can, probably frequently, be because of an applicant screwing up something (no offense Patrick but you are an example here, with regard to the improper filling out of your form) but to basically say recruiting isn't at fault at all? Please, if I wanted fantasy I'd go watch Wizard of Oz .. or perhaps listen to more of what you guys are saying, I'm not entirely sure which is more fictional.

Woo is you.
... woo is me? I'm not sure if you mean "woe" or anything else but that's the first time I've heard "woo is you"
