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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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well if you really want me to get into detail about the efficiency of the recruiting process, I will decline the request as it will just get me riled up and bring back horrible memories of how they have been on the ball with my file.

But im on the home strech now...waiting for my presec to clear, and being from a scheduled country doesn't really help, because I have been living here for 8 out of 10 years required.

I have been waiting for this a loong time now and will continue till I get the green light.

The more you deny me something the more I want it. lol

It will surely be a sweet day when I get the call.

Just what I thought it is all the recruiting system's fault.
Lebanese Canadian said:
well i am from a schedulaed country,when i applied they told me it will take about a year,a year and a half.

Unfortunately,   we are now saying 18 months to whenever but it is out of our control.
Took me a good solid 8-9 months... The only reason was because the trade I origanally wanted was not in demand so I changed trades and got a call two days later.
I am at the 5 month mark. However if shouldn't take too much longer; I am scheduled to complete the Physical Test (last part) this month. Due to my previous service I have been granted a "skilled" applicant rating which is why I think it's moving quickly for me. Best of luck.

kincanucks said:
Unfortunately,   we are now saying 18 months to whenever but it is out of our control.

whys that,and do you have any idea of how much it takes for people from the middle east ex lebanon to get in?

I have only done the aptitude test up untill now by the way...
took about 10 months for me, my medical was lost aswell, so it took a little longer.
Over a year and counting for me. Some of my medical docs were lost too, that was 2 months ago and they still havent been found so God only knows how long.
infamous_p said:
wow thats unbelievable..

mine took 2 months to the day..

Hey no need to rub it in  ;). Seems like the recruiting process is a bit of a crap shoot sometimes. I thought I had a decent application semi-skilled, good interview, my recruiter said I "damn near aced the CFAT", and the job I'm applying for is in demand but oh well, hurry up and wait as they say.
A year and a half for me so far, and most of that time has seriously been spent waiting.  Waiting for phone calls, waiting for the recruiting centre, waiting for Borden, waiting for appointments and waiting for test results.
infamous_p said:
wow thats unbelievable..

mine took 2 months to the day..

thats incredible! Were you going Reg or Reserve, and for what trade?
Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!  For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!  We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give up!  One excuse after another, lost files, lack of staff, lack of communication inside CFRCs and with the candidate (personal experience)  - maybe make them work harder!  Good god within CFRCs themselves nobody is even really sure at what stage your file is at and if something is missing at times they forget to inform YOU (personal experience)!

OK now a pitch for RMS Clerks - Good god make all the Recruiters CLERKS and send the other trades back to where they belong IN THE FIELD or ONBOARD SHIPS - then get a hard old crusty Chief Clerk to take control of these clerks and get a BETTER grip on the paperwork. 
And for gods sake or "whatever" religion you partake in (for the politically correct out there) - finally hire LOCAL Military Policemen to take care of the ungodly thing called your Security Clearance which is another long and drawn out process holding you back!    Medical - If your breathin and have a heartbeat, for gods sake get on with it!  Your file once you and a civilian doctor prove your alive is then sent to CFRG where ANOTHER Medical Doctor says yeah or nah - what, is one medical doctors degree better than anothers?  Get over it, stop playing games with a candidates life and START GETTING SERIOUS about getting people in the door - FOR GODS Sake, the American Military and  WALMART are easier to get work with - both much bigger than the CF 


Signed - Sick of the crock of excuses that CFRCs and CFRG is pushin - get on with your JOBS (which we the taxpayers pay you to do)  And maybe even stay with your CPLs who work overtime already to give them a hand to meet deadlines and get people enrolled!  And yes I have pushed paper at a CFRC (in the better days when we were FORCED to get people in the door and in boot camp - hey, it worked!)
Hey Chief Clerk, is this who you're talking about? http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/  Maybe send him a link to this site to give them an idea. I'll write to him when I have more time to think of something intelligent to say instead of ranting.
Write to your MP's guys that's what they are there for, just complain and complain to your MP.  And look up what they have done in the last couple of months in regard's to defence issues.  If they did not bring up any questions about funds or the lack thereof then raise hell with your MP those guys don't do anything productive.  If they do, I am not convinced.  MP's have way more clout then any senior bureaucrat running the recruiting system.  They need to directly speak to policy makers so things can start to change.  It feels so good to fire off nasty letters to the government because they take so much taxes from your hard working asses.  And if each letter I wrote represented the amount of taxes I pay then everytime I sit down and write it cost's me about $300 dollars a letter.  Damn! that's expensive, so the more letter's I write the cheaper each letter will be.  To be honest with you guys I don't use the health system all that much, I barely drive on our road's because I am working all the time, I have no kids for day care,  I don't give a rats ass about Quebec, Old people collecting pensions are not that nice to me, the environment is not as bad as everyone thinks it is, it's just more people joining in the fun that's all, I have not even considered collecting EI, I don't even know how it works or how to go about doing it and I could care less if I knew that my neighbour had like 20 machine guns.  Raise the roof on politicians,  I am starting my own political party, The CAP party " The Canadian Action Party"  Slogan= "How about we get things done for you".  By the way have you noticed that no one cares about the Gomery Inquiry any more, not like they did in the beginning but still.  It is not even mentioned on the news anymore, ummm who got in trouble?  It's a conspiracy, it is all a conspiracy.  Sorry to go off topic.  Back to how long did it take you?
My MPs' main concern seems to have always been fishing, native fisheries, fishing issues, and discrimination against non-native fisherman.  He even went to jail over out.  I hardly ever see his name associated with anything but issues surrounding fishing.

Sorry, there was the odd article regarding gay marriage.
kincanucks said:
Just what I thought it is all the recruiting system's fault.

lol misunderstood again...sorry kinkanuck I guess I will have to shed some light on the subject, was hoping you would have figured it out by now but this should help out. I was guessig that you being in the know of how the recruiting system works woulda peiced things together.

It took me 2 yrs to get to the point where being born Canadian or being from a scheduled country comes into play or remotly even affects my file status.

PM me and i'll give you a play by play account of my story, if you have the time to read it.

Lunch is over gotta get back to work again.

Lebanese Canadian said:
whys that,and do you have any idea of how much it takes for people from the middle east ex lebanon to get in?

It's out of CFRC's control because they don't do the security clearances. CSIS does.
Two Weeks... From the time of completion of all the tests and the interview, two weeks later I was in Saint Jean, maxing and relaxing
The hell? Did you hold up the CFRC with an uzi or something?