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  1. R

    Question For Anyone with a jump qualification?

    Thanks Army medic, Military Static line jumping is a whole different ballgame! I usually jump from 10500 and freefall for a bout 40-50 seconds, I couldn't Imagine doing a canopy check and then touching down before I even looked down.
  2. R

    Question For Anyone with a jump qualification?

    As a skydiver on civie side I was just curious what is the average altitude that you jump from, and what type of rigs are they, I know they are the round canopies but are their any sort of reserve systems or is the altitude low enough that a proper cutaway and reserve deployment wouldn't be...
  3. R

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Ghost In this business the bare minimum just doesn't cut it! I have found that the troops with that attitude usually end up leaving first.
  4. R

    Celer et Audax

    Celer et Audax is also the motto of the Regina Johns. Whose British affiliate is the Royal Green Jackets
  5. R

    Lack of BIQ instructors (reserve)

    This past summer their was a lack of instructors which forced some units to sponser weekend courses to catch troops up to speed and take off some of the pressure from WATC
  6. R

    How good is our training?

    When I was on course There was a Sniper VP course running and I realized how well trained our troops are, especially when a course 0f 20 of the Better PPCLI Troops was already at a 50 percent failiure rate before they even had went on their FTX!
  7. R

    3PPCLI Questions

    Every Time My warrant tells me i have a course in Dundurn I feel Like walking into oncoming traffic. But as a Saskatchewan Farm Boy I will always have a place in my hard for ol' Sunny Dunny!
  8. R

    Mk III Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

    I have heard many myths that taking a hot shower with your boots on Helps them form to the shape of your feet if anyone knows that this works could they please share with us?
  9. R

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Atticus: tattoos on the arms are fine as long as they are apropriate and don‘t contain nudity or profanity.
  10. R

    Washing Cadpat

    I was wondering if anyone knew how to properly wash new cadpat i was told to let it soke in warm water with a little salt. I would also like to know when it can be washed normally?
  11. R

    Res BIQ

    I Broke me leg at the beggining of Febuary and am supposed to go on BIQ this summer. I was wondering if it would be to intense for me if my leg is still weak and alot more vulnerable? Any imput would be great!
  12. R

    CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

    In regard‘s to your question Berry the shaving of the heads is a commen stereo type associated with basic training. If your Hair cut is within the guidelines with the cf dress manual then you should be ok but every course is different so don‘t take my word on it. On one of the courses I was on a...
  13. R

    Infantry Build

    Wet Grunt that was posibly the sinle funniest comment i have ever heard on these boards!!!! I was a cadet for one year and quit because the instructor‘s don‘t know squat and i figured that it was pretty much a waist of time which is why was an infanteer at 17 not a boy-scout(cadet)!
  14. R

    Policy on Personal Combat Gear?

    Army Brat Before you start asking questions out of left feild you should think about what your asking. Your question ranks up there with that guy who asked if he could buy his own assult rifle for military purposes. The CF is not a bunch of morons even though some of the kit you are issued is...
  15. R


    In regards to the first post I think it is sad that someone would go so far as to disrespect the men and women who protect their well being. None the less as a soldier it is your duty to act in a profesional manner and restrain yourself from saying anything to the disrespecfull people around you...