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How good is our training?


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Hi, I was wondering how well Canadian training compares to other first world nations, say for an Infantryman, and how long is our training compared to other nations/   Also can you be deployed straight after Battle School here or do you have to be in a regiment for a while first?

As an individual collective (ie individual skills and section level), we are the best trained troops in the world. We are taught to think, adapt and improvise, and those traits are groomed at all levels.


I'm a Civi (for now), but I have been told by friends and family in the CF that we can do things with Duct tape like no other Army in the world.  ;D

On a serious note when I talk to other people in other armies in the world they seem very impressed with our abilities.
That seems to go beyond a simply level of friendly respect.

I have good stories, but I'll save them for the more experienced, and active members to chime in.

That's my limited take on it.
Maybe this will help.

During the course of my time in the CF I had the good fortune to work with a number of different countries armies.

Not one member of any foreign military that I spent time with EVER had anything bad to say about Canadian soldiers. Our training, style of military thinking and practical approach to problem solving are very popular with other countries soldiers.

We are (or at least were) seen as one of the better trained armies in the world.

Hope that helps.

Slim :cdn:

You can be the best boxer in the world, if you have a shitty coach and a bad promoter/agent your going to starve.
Its sad because us on the inside can watch it decay and come apart at the seams and the people on the outside think everything is either hunky dorey or that we spend too much on the military. Our oldest institution rotting. I wish it wasnt in my generation :(
Throughout our nations short history our military has spent most of it's time decaying in neglect. Remember how sad we were at the start of both world wars?
Slim said:
Maybe this will help.

During the course of my time in the CF I had the good fortune to work with a number of different countries armies.

Not one member of any foreign military that I spent time with EVER had anything bad to say about Canadian soldiers. Our training, style of military thinking and practical approach to problem solving are very popular with other countries soldiers.

We are (or at least were) seen as one of the better trained armies in the world.

Hope that helps.

Slim :cdn:

Got that right Slim but also we are un predictable  because we are trained to think for our selve's at the lowest rank.
Every Private a cpl and every cpl and sgt at need be... :cdn:

It used to be a thing that would stun even our own officers in the Strats.

The Recce Sqn OC would have a senior cpl take over and successfully run the Sqn TRACE!

Slim :cdn:
Slim said:
Every Private a cpl and every cpl and sgt at need be... :cdn:

It used to be a thing that would stun even our own officers in the Strats.

The Recce Sqn OC would have a senior cpl take over and successfully run the Sqn TRACE!

Slim :cdn:

Same on the Engineer side Slim.

Back in 96 doing our work up for Bosnia(Wainwright) I was in the C.P. for Eng Support for 1 C.E.R.,we had a NO Duff as to  Pers. situation for a Sapper and the O.C. and W.O. split and I was the only one left in the  C.P. and I ended up having to direct the Engineering Task's as they came up or when completed had to re- direct all the heavy equipment to the posted tasks plus our armour element's we had at the time.

When they came back the Sit. Map was up too date and we had comm.'s with all and task's completed, posted and all sent up the chain.

When I was on course There was a Sniper VP course running and I realized how well trained our troops are, especially when a course 0f 20 of the Better PPCLI Troops was already at a 50 percent failiure rate before they even had went on their FTX!
Rocky_Infanteer said:
When I was on course There was a Sniper VP course running and I realized how well trained our troops are, especially when a course 0f 20 of the Better PPCLI Troops was already at a 50 percent failiure rate before they even had went on their FTX!

You're quite right of course. The Canadian Forces Sniper Qualification is a VERY hard course e to pass. I believe you must first pass the RECCE patrolman crs and do quite well.

I have known several snipers and to a man they are intelligent, thoughtful individuals who are constantly looking for ways to excel in their chosen craft.

I don't know if this still holds true but once upon a time the members of the sniper school in Gagetown used to wear British Army DPU rather than our uniforms. Looked very sharp! 8) :cdn:

If this is no longer the case I hope someone from the Infantry, who is in the know, will correct this post.

Slim   :D
Are there Snipers in the reserves?

I've allways been interested in this trade.

I cannot see why people get so excited about snipers. I watched a short video about snipers on the Canadian forces webpage and most of their time consisted of them sneaking around to find a good position and then sitting there. And I really mean sitting there and wating for hours and hours and hours. And then I am sure 99% of the time they would never shoot anything. I honestly think I would die from boredom.  I am sure they are vital to support of the Infantry, but I don't think I would want to be one of them.

I have to partially agree with Lancelot. Canadian sniper's observation and reporting skills are their greatest assest to commanders at all levels. Being in the right place at the right time and not beeing seen is harder (albiet more important) then being a really good shot.

Heck, anyone can learn to shoot.

Now why is this thread turning into a sniper discussion...

What about how diverse over Combat service support trades are?
Back to the training side of things , I personaly cant imagine that the canadian reserves are as well trained as the US reserves.    Ive seen their recruitment pages, and videos... on their state of the art website. :P  And the reservists seem to get just as much training as the full time guys, all training together at their basic at least.  They also all wear the same pieces of equipment and know the same junk.  So it just seems that the extra month they go on course for , would make a difference.  Also it seems like they get more tours with all the wars going on so they can practice what they learnt.

then again, since ive never been in the US reserves , I really dont know.
When you went through ST.Jean I gurantee you had reservists there. And the Navy and Air Force have a 10 week BMQ as well for reservists which is directly transferable to the regs.

As for how great they are in the states- all the issues they've had in Iraq with Abu Garib were with reserve military police. And the reason stated was because they didnt recieve proper training. So I really don't understand your post.