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  1. Tolstoyevsky


    In this message I will try to address the concerns of various intellectual midgets, scrotum heads and neo-realist cows. 1. Monkhouse, you don’t have to worry about me hiding behind a nickname. I’ve got your name, I’ve got your number, and seeing as the CF is such a small world, we’re bound to...
  2. Tolstoyevsky

    Medals, Badges, etc.

    As suprising as this might sound, yes, I've heard of it, but I had no idea peeling potatoes is part of it  8)
  3. Tolstoyevsky

    Medals, Badges, etc.

    If I'm not mistaken, the CF awards campaign medals. In the Second World War, the German had sleeve cuffs for campaign, not medals. Medals were only awarded for conspicuous valour. This way, the guy fighting in the first line was getting the medals, while the dude peeling potatoes 10 clicks...
  4. Tolstoyevsky

    Mutliple shots fired, Dawson College, Montreal

    One of the vicitm said in an interview that the gunmen were Gothic teens...
  5. Tolstoyevsky

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    What the CBC usually does is that when they cannot say something, they bring someone else to say it for them. Now, that's what I call "journalistic objectivity" lol
  6. Tolstoyevsky

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Rex Murphy's a good guy...I'm suprised he is still working at the CBC.
  7. Tolstoyevsky

    Calling of a Generation

    There are some excellent books on immigration and multiculturalism, particularly "Who Gets In: What's Wrong with Canada's Immigration Program and How to Fix It" by Daniel Stoffman and "Selling Illusions, the Myth of Multiculturalism in Canada" by Neil Bissoondath.
  8. Tolstoyevsky

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Sorry, I was simply watching the CBC News...
  9. Tolstoyevsky

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    They particularly hated the "Fight Chaos" part associated with images of terrorist attacks and destruction...
  10. Tolstoyevsky

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    The CBC criticized the new recruitment ad of the CF, saying that it portrays Muslims as the bad guys...
  11. Tolstoyevsky

    Calling of a Generation

    You're making some very good points, but, personally, I'm worried. I'm worried by the political pressures of a Muslim minority in Ontario trying to make the Sharia a parallel provincial law. Fortunately for all of us, they were unsuccessful. There is also the issue of present, non-integrated...
  12. Tolstoyevsky

    Our Friend Pakistan

    you mean, our "friend" Pakistan... :)
  13. Tolstoyevsky

    Calling of a Generation

    "Calling of a Generation" was not supposed to be a debate about the American intervention in Iraq, but about president Bush defining the War on Terror (the CBC calls it "the so-called War on Terror") as a struggle for the survival of liberal democracy. Some people agree with him, others do not...
  14. Tolstoyevsky

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    It's a PRP 3 or 4...the diff between the two of them consists in an additional fairing on the right side of the turret. Nevertheless, the PRP 3 is also known as the BMP-SON - previously known as BMP M1975...so, it starts with a B after all... :P
  15. Tolstoyevsky

    Calling of a Generation

    Yeah, there are a lot of Bush-haters, especially in Canada. In the words of Triumph the Insult Dog - "More bush-haters per square inch in Canada than at a love party organized by Elton John"
  16. Tolstoyevsky

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Soviet/Russian BMP-2? Or something using the same chassis...
  17. Tolstoyevsky

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    That's to find out, time will tell I guess... Speaking about profiles, I checked yours...I'm not seeing a name...A name would be nice... 8)
  18. Tolstoyevsky

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Could be...Anything is possible.
  19. Tolstoyevsky

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Well, let's say that I received some credible threats: "We're gonna get you during basic..." "I'll make sure you're not gonna be in the CF too long...", and other "encouragements", so, excuse me for being shy.  ;)
  20. Tolstoyevsky

    Calling of a Generation

    You have made some excellent points Jim! In fact, that was the reason why the IDF was destroying Palestinian houses...they were built by the families of suicide bombers with Saddam's blood money (10,000 USD if I'm not mistaken). As for Saddam Hussein, just like Ahmadinejad, he was determined...