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Mutliple shots fired, Dawson College, Montreal

Oh god,

Terror has struck Montreal again (re: 17 years ago 14 women killed). The news claims that 2 gunmen are dead, let's hope the only deaths in this tragedy are those of the perpetrators.
TN2IC said:
Mods join the threds together then please.


Latest on CTV NewsNet is that there was only one shooter.   Just lets you know how confused they are there. 
All classes at Dawson College have been cancelled.

Brilliant news reporting there.
My manager can't get home; he lives across the street.  It's weird how surreal this is when its happening about 15 minutes from your location, but you get all your information the same as anyone at home in Romania.

A colleague actually is from Romania, and just got a phone call from Family who saw it on the news there and called to make sure she was ok.
Watching it on news right now.. yikes!! CBC has live coverage in and out.. I almost went to Dawson but joined the Army instead!!!
From CTV.ca:

"A gunman wearing a black trench coat opened fire inside Montreal's Dawson College on Wednesday, injuring 13 people before police killed him."

CTV.ca News Staff

This is early indications, but this has a strong echos of the '91 school shooting at McGill, as well as the attack on the Quebec parlement in the 80's (cannot remember the year)

early indications is that a automatic weapon was used, any word from those who live in Montreal?

Well it's actually refered to be close to the shooting at the polytechnique in 1989 not the one at the parliment.

One was reported to be dressed in military fatigue the other in black trench coat. http://tinyurl.com/jtu4l

some source say there were 4 gunmen, most say there were 3

One apparently commited suicide, and one was shot down by police.

The shooting took place in the school and on westmount plaza.

check google news with keywords dawson shooting
Among the various reports on Montreal radio is that one of the wounded was a Montreal policeman. Here in the city it's quite possibly more difficult to get the real story, since there are rumors flying everywhere.
Montreal news states Police have mentioned that another victim was killed, but can't confirm anymore because next of kin was not available yet.

Also, they will take a while to release official stuff Id imagine, since the SQ is now taking over the investigation due to the fact that MPS shot the suspect.
Most frustrating is that this kid/student, Michel Boyer, seems to be keenly interested in staying in the limelight over this;  he spent the entire newshour on the local CFCF CTV Montreal affiliate newscast, and is on CBC now 2 hours later.... 

So I wonder if the firearms used, were all duly registered as per the Lieberal CFC boondoggle, or if the perps had their valid PAL with them. Was the ammo purchased and the info recorded as per CFC direction. I wonder if they had the proper storage facilities at home. It'll be interesting to see how kooky Wendy Cukier, and the rest of the antis, spin this.
Hope that scumbag suffered the last few seconds of his miserably life.   :mg:
recceguy said:
So I wonder if the firearms used, were all duly registered as per the Lieberal CFC boondoggle, or if the perps had their valid PAL with them. Was the ammo purchased and the info recorded as per CFC direction. I wonder if they had the proper storage facilities at home. It'll be interesting to see how kooky Wendy Cukier, and the rest of the antis, spin this.

I find it sad that I, as a non-resident / non-citizen, can carry a concealed handgun and have the means to defend myself in the USA (I have a Utah CCW, valid in most states), but my own government does not trust me enough to grant me the same inherent human right to self defence here in Canada...  >:(


It's all part of a 'Progressive' plot.  The Gamil Garbi (a.k.a. Marc Lepine) incident was suposed to happen on Nov 11 so as to lesson our connection with Remembrance and Veterans while the NEW Kanada commemorates the 'more relevant' female dead students.  But, Lepine was a true crackpot and his 'progressive' handlers lost him at the end: he went early, and we lost Halifax Explosion Day instead of Nov 11.

This guy(s) handlers lost him AWOL - he did not execute his mission on 11 September as planned so as to lesson the meaning of 911.

Students are the target because they are the same age group as most of our dead soldiers, represent the countries future, and will leave their cohort with decades to influence their future decisions.  Just think of the laws and regulations we will face when Lepine's survivors and today's cohort are Judges, MPs, Mayors and Premiers in two or three decades.

Montreal is the site because it is full of people who hold an inordinate amount of political leverage and who believe that all evil can be legislated out of existance if we merely outlaw everything.

Will Afghanistan be their defining moment?  No, running down Atwater will be.

Sucks to be us.
TCBF said:

It's all part of a 'Progressive' plot.  The Gamil Garbi (a.k.a. Marc Lepine) incident was suposed to happen on Nov 11 so as to lesson our connection with Remembrance and Veterans while the NEW Kanada commemorates the 'more relevant' female dead students.  But, Lepine was a true crackpot and his 'progressive' handlers lost him at the end: he went early, and we lost Halifax Explosion Day instead of Nov 11.

This guy(s) handlers lost him AWOL - he did not execute his mission on 11 September as planned so as to lesson the meaning of 911.

Students are the target because they are the same age group as most of our dead soldiers, represent the countries future, and will leave their cohort with decades to influence their future decisions.  Just think of the laws and regulations we will face when Lepine's survivors and today's cohort are Judges, MPs, Mayors and Premiers in two or three decades.

Montreal is the site because it is full of people who hold an inordinate amount of political leverage and who believe that all evil can be legislated out of existance if we merely outlaw everything.

Will Afghanistan be their defining moment?  No, running down Atwater will be.

Sucks to be us.

Check the tinfoil hat at the door..  I'l wait for the inquiry thanks  ::)
PIKER said:
Check the tinfoil hat at the door..  I'l wait for the inquiry thanks  ::)

You do realize the tinfoil crowd would be bitching about this sad event being a conspiracy to take away our rights and bring us in line with evil Bushitler, not bring us more inline with the kooky leftist crowd, don't you?
okay not sure what i'm missing here??

Well, I'm sorry can't really see how a mere 10 hours after this event unfolded that anyone can start connecting the dots with politics, current ops, Jacko kindred spirits?  I guess I'm the one without the crystal ball at home.  The nutjob that did this act has not been identified.  His motive is unknown.  So whats next a poll attached to this thread giving options on why this guy did this horrifc act?  Until the police release the results of their investigation I just don't see a point of trying to get into this A$$'s head. 

On another note, it appears the first responding officers followed their training and the new Active Shooter measures have  merit.  I'm sure the details will come forth but we may never understand why this individual chose to do this.. thats the reality.   
