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Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

looks like an Argo even the green is the same and look at the seat bars. But alas if you say it isn't. The it isn't. THat is a nice G-6 your are driving. I was going to trade my Grand Am in for one but I opted for the G-8 instead....
Hmmm, given the AK-47 maybe its a Lada.  Could tell better if the guy was flying over the front still strapped into the seat.
It's  called the "Hamster" in service with the Romanian Army since 1991. I accidentally stumbled on http://geocities.com/romanianspecialforces/cercetasi.html#weapons, while looking for more pics of the TR...
I believe, my friend, that you've been had.  This is a Hamster SPV.  The picture they had up was an ARGO pure and simple.
big bad john said:
Tolstoyevsky please fill in your profile.  Many of us on this site are a little curious as to who we are 'talking" to.  It would be considered the polite thing to do.

Well, let's say that I received some credible threats: "We're gonna get you during basic..." "I'll make sure you're not gonna be in the CF too long...", and other "encouragements", so, excuse me for being shy.  ;)
big bad john said:
(...) you are not going to last that long as a soldier much less an officer.

That's to find out, time will tell I guess...

Speaking about profiles, I checked yours...I'm not seeing a name...A name would be nice... 8)
Tolstoyevsky said:
Speaking about profiles, I checked yours...I'm not seeing a name...A name would be nice... 8)

You have really missed the point.  Who said anything about "Names"........anyway.........Moving on!
yea...lets try and get that picture named!

i have no idea....

im not reallly smart...i can name like the occasional tank
well.... it isn't a MT-LB
still think it looks like a BMP2