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Why do we do it?

Cause no matter how badly it sucks on any given day, I still could not imagine having this much fun doing something else.... :cdn:

And beside where do you get paid to play sports, go on vacation, etc, etc?
Why did I join?

Well clearly...we'll need a new CDS at some point... :)

1. No other profession is in greater need for good people who will do a damn good job at what they do, plus I like being an infanteer
2. Personal development, life experience
3. I think about the yet to be written Canadian Charter of Responsibitlties & Duties a lot. I didn't feel I had the right to live a civilian way of life until I had helped take a role in preserving it.

I didn't join

1. Becuase I wanted $$$$ If I wanted that I would have become of stockbroker or MD
2. Because I am a Pround Canadian...I am very proud, but pride for ones country can be shown is many other ways...number 1...paying your taxes!
3. For power, glory, or any of that hog wash
