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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

A lot of immigrants came from countries with leaders like trudeau. They came here to get away from his ilk. They were never on his side to begin with. He has a large, coerced Chinese voter base. I don't buy his recent shift in going against Red China. I think it's a ruse that the ChiComs are in on. Otherwise, they'd be beating us up daily, in a propoganda war. Since jinping dressed him down a few weeks ago, we've heard little from him. Not the way this particular enemy operates. Fortunately, trudeau is so crooked and deceiving, nobody believes a word that come out of his lying yip. The liberals are not going to severe the decades old relationship they have with Red China on a dime because of a kerfuffle about police stations or some spies in tech positions. There is too much money, time and investment for the Laurentien Elites to turn their nose up at. Canada be damned.
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Abortion Law. (Wikipedia) Scroll down to the table and see how many are with Canada as "On Request - Permitted". Note that the provincial limits are not criminal.
Not sure the point you’re trying to make? To be clearer as to legality than you post implies, it’s not that provincial (or territorial) restrictions (only on ‘as requested’ basis) are not criminal, it is a fact that there is no legislation.

The only restrictions in place are based on the respective medical associations of the provinces or territories, and that is in the specific case of an ‘as requested’ abortion not justified for safety-of-life, health, rape, economic or social reasons.

So the point being made regarding the CPC’s non-position to prohibit party MPs from raising private members bills proposing legislation restricting abortions for ANY reason, is that that would require the unique establishment of abortion-related legislation (aka ‘Law’) that in now way exists today. It is clear than some here don’t see that as a justifiable reason for a voter to be concerned, but that would seem to be wishing away a concern that, explanatorily justified or not, is held by enough voters as to have effected in the past AND likely to affect in T he future, votes for the CPC.

CPC using Lloyd Christmas’ issue avoidance method isn’t going to suddenly turn a raft of LPC voters to their side any time soon.
Out of curiosity, which countries do you have in mind?

Pick any socialist one you desire. Europeans, Africans and South Americans have all seen communist and facist dictators, know what they look like and how they come to power. That's our problem. We've never seen it here. Most don't know what to look for. The immigrants do though. When they say trudeau is a dictator, I tend to believe those with real world experience.
The carbon tax here in Ontario is making people feel a real kick in the ass.

However, last summer when gas was 2.20/liter, the "die hard liberals" blamed the "greedy oil barons" and not at all the Fed government. SO thats a major issue when people will warp their view of reality to make St Justin of Blackface be not to blame.
You're right, but it sounds like you're the one warping your view of reality.

There is no carbon tax in Nova Scotia at present, yet gas prices went up to $2.10/L. That wasn't the Feds and "St Justin of Blackface", that was the fucking world going to shit.

In Ontario, the carbon tax that went into effect in April increased gas by 3c/L, propane by 1.5c/L, and natural gas weby 2c/cum. So, again please tell me how gas going up to over $2 was the Fed's fault? Also, I call BS on this being a real "kick in the ass". The only real kick in the ass right now is the interest rates, not the Carbon tax. You get a rebate on your carbon tax.
The carbon tax on $70.88 worth of natural gas adds $30.71 where I live. It was imposed provincially before the feds got involved. I don't get a rebate. So, experiences differ with respect to the costs of carbon taxes.

To the extent energy companies make decisions about reinvesting in the means of their production based on the policies giving effect to what the federal government intends to happen within a decade or two, the federal government has an effect on fuel prices.
A lot of immigrants came from countries with leaders like trudeau. They came here to get away from his ilk. They were never on his side to begin with. He has a large, coerced Chinese voter base. I don't buy his recent shift in going against Red China. I think it's a ruse that the ChiComs are in on. Otherwise, they'd be beating us up daily, in a propoganda war. Since jinping dressed him down a few weeks ago, we've heard little from him. Not the way this particular enemy operates. Fortunately, trudeau is so crooked and deceiving, nobody believes a word that come out of his lying yip. The liberals are not going to severe the decades old relationship they have with Red China on a dime because of a kerfuffle about police stations or some spies in tech positions. There is too much money, time and investment for the Laurentien Elites to turn their nose up at. Canada be damned.
You write for the National Enquirer, don't you?
Welcome to the new Hunger Games ;)

Predictions for Trudeau, Poilievre and the other federal leaders in the New Year: Nanos​

"Two words in terms of the prediction for 2023 for the Liberals: Hunger Games," said Nanos, referring to speculation on whether Justin Trudeau will stay on as Liberal Party leader, and the jockeying within cabinet and caucus amongst possible contenders for the job. "Does Justin Trudeau still have the fire in his belly to continue and fight another election?" asked Nanos.

I am genuinely curious, what is it about the CPC that people are leary of?

Pierre has stated clearly one of his first acts as PM would be to abolish the carbon tax, halt any planned tax increases, and reign in government spending.

He’s been quite vocal about the size of government growing roughly 30% (in terms of costs) yet Canadians are getting substantially less value than they did before.

He’s been vocal about promoting energy industry projects, scrapping the new firearms legislation, etc. He was the hard charger against C-11 (internet censorship) and is also the hard charger against C-21 (firearms ban)

What is it about the CPC that has people so nervous that they would continue to vote instead for the LPC?
Per child, my daycare was around $800-$900/month. That's in NS, where prices started lower; I can't imagine what it would have been like for people in Ontario where a mediocre daycare is well over $1000/month per kid.

The LPC's new spending means I'm now only paying $600/month per kid, and starting in January 1st 2023, I will only be paying about $300/month per child, or an overall saving (for me) of $1200 per month for my two kids.

Now, this obviously only effects those with kids in daycare age, and once my kids are in school I won't give shit, but for now this savings makes any increase in the cost of gas/oil seem like a no more than a tiny nuisance.

Hell, for that amount of saving, I'll sign up to be a member of the grabber squads stealing all of you peoples' guns. #sarcasm

So, potentially losing that, I guess.
Many immigrants and ethical communities are starting to turn against the Trudeau brand of Liberals.

Not all, apparently,

Of the 41 ridings in Canada where more than half the population is racialized, the Conservatives won just one in the 2021 election — Calgary Forest Lawn

the party has been nearly wiped out in Canadian ridings where visible minorities form the majority.

Per child, my daycare was around $800-$900/month. That's in NS, where prices started lower; I can't imagine what it would have been like for people in Ontario where a mediocre daycare is well over $1000/month per kid.

The LPC's new spending means I'm now only paying $600/month per kid, and starting in January 1st 2023, I will only be paying about $300/month per child, or an overall saving (for me) of $1200 per month for my two kids.

Now, this obviously only effects those with kids in daycare age, and once my kids are in school I won't give shit, but for now this savings makes any increase in the cost of gas/oil seem like a no more than a tiny nuisance.

Hell, for that amount of saving, I'll sign up to be a member of the grabber squads stealing all of you peoples' guns. #sarcasm

So, potentially losing that, I guess.
From what I hear, you’re a 1% when comes to getting day care. Like everything else there is a labour crunch in that field as well.
From what I hear, you’re a 1% when comes to getting day care. Like everything else there is a labour crunch in that field as well.
There is a labour crunch for sure. We were lucky to get in before it started becoming an issue. Our first day care had a revolving door of ECE. One would quit, and a new one was hired and working the same week. That was only 2 years ago. Boy have things changed.

What do you mean I'm a "1%"w hen it comes to getting day care? The daycares here are full, so lots of people are getting day care, much more than 1%...or do I not understand your point? I don't think I do.
Per child, my daycare was around $800-$900/month. That's in NS, where prices started lower; I can't imagine what it would have been like for people in Ontario where a mediocre daycare is well over $1000/month per kid.

The LPC's new spending means I'm now only paying $600/month per kid, and starting in January 1st 2023, I will only be paying about $300/month per child, or an overall saving (for me) of $1200 per month for my two kids.

Now, this obviously only effects those with kids in daycare age, and once my kids are in school I won't give shit, but for now this savings makes any increase in the cost of gas/oil seem like a no more than a tiny nuisance.

Hell, for that amount of saving, I'll sign up to be a member of the grabber squads stealing all of you peoples' guns. #sarcasm

So, potentially losing that, I guess.

I haven't seen the CPC call to cut this. If they have that wouldn't be a smart move.
The carbon tax on $70.88 worth of natural gas adds $30.71 where I live. It was imposed provincially before the feds got involved. I don't get a rebate. So, experiences differ with respect to the costs of carbon taxes.
Hold on - if the provincial govt imposed the tax before the feds were involved, why aren't you blaming your provincial govt instead?
I haven't seen the CPC call to cut this. If they have that wouldn't be a smart move.
That would be an own goal. They could use the "being fiscally responsible" line but I still think it'll go over like a fart in church.

You write for the National Enquirer, don't you?
Or, from the "Red China" remarks, from the 1960s.

Yeah, we all know the CCP runs China. No one here thinks any different, so trying to invoke Red Menace outrage here isn't really helping your argument.
That would be an own goal. They could use the "being fiscally responsible" line but I still think it'll go over like a fart in church.

Or, from the "Red China" remarks, from the 1960s.

Yeah, we all know the CCP runs China. No one here thinks any different, so trying to invoke Red Menace outrage here isn't really helping your argument.

Own goals aren't unheard of for the CPC lol
What do you mean I'm a "1%"w hen it comes to getting day care? The daycares here are full, so lots of people are getting day care, much more than 1%...or do I not understand your point? I don't think I do.
I just hear so many stories of people not getting daycare or that they cannot afford it. I’m just going on what I hear, I haven’t had to worry about daycare for almost 30 years now.

I think some here will definitely be aghast at Trudeau's favorability rating ("how can anyone support this traitor!?"), and perplexed at PP's unfavorable rating, but what surprised me is Singh's favourability rating. It's much higher than I would have expected; I thought everyone hated him for either or both of 1. being NDP, and 2. propping up the Liberals.