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The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

Ach, noo bloody wonder this NEW Army smells like a bunch of Bulgarian prostitutes sweating in a police station!
You guys would absolutely REEK in the jungle!


what arctic tents are we talking about??   you got hot water on the go on the old coleman.. a tent is only set up in a secure area, so an abolution site is set up..man am I missing somethin here???


Another advantage with using Shaving Oil is it's mostly Aloe and natural oils (thus you can dump your shaving water anywhere when using it and it won't go wierd.) Lately, however, I try to go electric instead (but use Lectric Shave with Menthol) because my baby face can't take the punishing hacks of a Mach 3 Turbo every 24 hours.
the 48th regulator said:
what arctic tents are we talking about??   you got hot water on the go on the old coleman.. a tent is only set up in a secure area, so an abolution site is set up..man am I missing somethin here???

We always set up an (5 man) arctic tent for sigs, we figure if you've got a CP w/ penthouse set up, and a generator running, the tactical situation is such that it's reasonably secure anyway, or at least it better be.
Just a Sig Op said:
We always set up an (5 man) arctic tent for sigs, we figure if you've got a CP w/ penthouse set up, and a generator running, the tactical situation is such that it's reasonably secure anyway, or at least it better be.

  My Det never sets up a 5 man tent. We use small reccee tents and our aboulutions are done in the pod or on the tailgate. We only use arctic tents in winter training.  :cdn:
No doubt the recce tent is better, it was my understanding the the arctic tent was SOP though?
When the temp hits minus-holy-crap, I'll take the arctic tent over the recce bag any time.  Anyone who was in 12 Fd Sqn for workup trg in fall of '96 will know what I'm talking about...  And a well drilled crew can set up an arctic tent just as  quickly as a recce tent.

Kat. I totaly agree. However when you only have 2 or 3 guys in your detachment then the arctic tent starts to feel kinda un-necessary.
They're also not so good in the rain or the summer (Too warm and wet respectively)
Im in the process of enrolling...and i wanna know...Will i be able to keep this uber beard i just grew?  :P
Not while you are going through Basic. The only ones allowed beards these days are sailors that have a shore billet that does not have anything to do with DC, those of a religion that require a beard, and those that have a chit from an MO that has allowed them to cease shaving. Sorry but you are probably out of luck!
Ex-Dragoon said:
and those that have a chit from an MO that has allowed them to cease shaving

What would allow someone to get a chit to let them stop shaving?

Just curious because shaving everyday usually causes my skin to get red, irritated (bumpy) and painful (stings).

It's not a huge problem and I can put up with it if necessary, but if I can avoid it....

Is it possible to get a chit so you can shave every other day instead of every day?
scm77 said:
What would allow someone to get a chit to let them stop shaving?

Just curious because shaving everyday usually causes my skin to get red, irritated (bumpy) and painful (stings).

It's not a huge problem and I can put up with it if necessary, but if I can avoid it....

Is it possible to get a chit so you can shave every other day instead of every day?

That would be something that you would need to discuss with your UMS or MO.
awww but think of the money they can save on camo? Its my only disappointment I've heard so far since applying. Another thing, Do I have to learn french?
Suck to be you re. the beard. The Navy won't give you any sympathy as any sea going billets have lost or in the process of losing their beards (grrrrr). As for learning French, while its benefical to learn or have a seconda language it is not mandatory, there are some trades that push it more then others.
Julynight said:
Do I have to learn french?

Depends on if you're going officer or not. If I'm not mistaken, all officers have to attend Second Language Training if they're not sufficiently bilingual. It's a good thing though - you learn another language (or as much as you can) and it's an easy-going course.
I got a weird problem.I have only shaved with a hair trimmer for the last 3 years because every time I use an electric razor or your normal razor I get ingrown hairs like crazy,its just a big mess.I heard we got to shave every day in basic,not good..Don't get me wrong I will grit and bear it,but my question is if their is anyone who shares this problem with me and how did you handle it,maybe their is something easy I can do to take away the problem.who knows.
Do you have natural curly hair? Have to talked to a doctor about this yet?
It could be Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB), commonly know as (razor bumps).
Or straight Folliculitis.


Have you tried using a medicated shaving gel ?

Further reading here:

My advice is seek a dermatologist.

thanks allot old medic.did you see that picture of that guy,holy crap,thats what I'm afraid of,I am going to try some of those tips,hope they work,got nothing left.but they also suggest not shaving every day,if your skin gets irritated.Do i have to shave every day?.will they show Pitty on me or make me suck it up..thanks