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The Next Conservative Leader

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Good2Golf said:
The Cons need to do some soul searching to keep fragmentation to a minimum.




I repeat, the CPC is not going to pay much attention to (many of) the folks on this forum as we're known to be just a tad bit Conservative leaning already. They should be after those in their base who fucked off because the bullshit was getting piled too high, the guys who might toss another one towards the hairdo just because of the shit show that their leadership race/candidates have/may have been. That's a few of us, I'd hazard a guess. That's me at this current state.

See, when I listen to Dr. Leitch or Kevin O'Leary, all I circle back to hearing is this:


Hell, that's all I hear when some folks get to prattling on and on about how horrible the hairdo is.
Good2Golf said:
RG, I'm still talking delivery.  I will absolutely grant you that she hits the target for a few people.  In seriousness, I do look at a person's 'body of work' for trend analysis, and Dr. Leitch does not impress me either with her record as an MP, nor with her more recent pseudo-pandering.  The Cons need to do some soul searching to keep fragmentation to a minimum.



No, no. It's ok. I wasn't shilling for her. I just said her message was on point, for her supporters, even if nothing else in the production, was.

She's not my pick anyway.
She's a one issue candidate.  And it isn't even a good issue either. 
I am leaning towards Maxime Bernier at this point.

I like the idea of somebody who will effectively savage the Sun King, but Mr O'Leary seemed to be a one-issue guy and said some stupid things about the Armed Forces and firearms - my two main interests.



Kevin O’Leary Changed His Opinion of AR-15, CSSA Reports

Kevin O’Leary changed his opinion of the AR-15 after having angered many shooters last year when he said that automatic versions of the popular rifle were used only to kill and should be banned.

O’Leary, one of the leading candidates running to head the Conservative Party of Canada, also said he would repeal the unjust and convoluted Firearms Act if he won the party vote and were then elected prime minister, the Canadian Shooting Sports Association said today in a newsletter. He joins at least three other candidates in pledging to scrap the flawed law.

I’m happy to see the change in words and thrilled that the CSSA is so effective at educating and converting people. I’m also continuing to support a different candidate.

Here’s part of what the Canadian Shooting Sports Association said (bold in original):

Mr. O’Leary said he had tried to read the Act. “It is 144 pages of incomprehensible gibberish” he stated. “If I am elected, I will repeal the entire Firearms Act and replace it with sensible laws Canadians can understand.”

Mr. O’Leary admitted he had made some erroneous comments regarding AR15s but has since changed his position on these firearms. “The AR15 is just a rifle, one of the most common hunting firearms in the world. The unjust restrictions on these ordinary firearms will be changed to permit them to be used for hunting,” said O’Leary.

© 2017 TheGunBlog.ca

I am impressed that he actually read the Firearms Act - few politicians, and even few firearms owners, have done that - and saw it for what it is. That puts him up a lot in my view, and I do not see his winning as a bad thing.

Playing nice has not got us very far in the twenty-two years since that miserable Act was passed.
As more and more people realize that the Conservatives and New Democrats are not the only leaderless parties:


Conservatives Inch Ahead Conservative Majority , March 24th

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by The Forum Poll™ amongst
1029 Canadian voters, the Conservatives have closed the gap, and are now
just ahead of the Liberals by two points.

Amongst decided and leaning voters, Liberal support has decreased by three
points, from 39% on February 26th to 36% now. Conservative are up three
points, from 35% on February 26th to 38% now.

It is worth noting that September 2015 was the last time we recorded a
Conservative lead over the Liberals (September 29, 2015: 34%, and 27%
respectively). New Democrat and Green support has remained steady at 15%
and 4% respectively (February 26th: NDP 15%, Green Party 4%), while the BQ
see a one point decrease to 6% (February 26th: 7%).

In British Columbia the Liberals (35%) are well  ahead of the
Conservatives (29%), who themselves are statistically tied with the New
Democrats (28%).

In the Atlantic region, the Liberals (48%) have seen a decrease in
support, losing eleven points (February 26th: 59%).  The Conservatives
(32%) are up two points (February 26th: 30%). In Québec, both the Liberals
(40%) and Conservatives (20%) are slightly up since February (February
26th: 38%,
and 17% respectively).

The BQ (22%) is down five points (February 26th: 27%). In Ontario, the
Liberals (38%) fall behind the Conservatives (45%) by seven points
(February 26th: 42%, and 39% respectively). The NDP (12%) is down four
points February 26th: 16%). In the prairies, the Conservatives (48%) are
up six points, while the Liberals (19%) are down by ten (February 26th:
42%, and 29% respectively). The NDP (20%) is down by five points (February
26th: 25%).

Conservative Majority Seen If an election were held today, the
Conservatives would win 170 seats, the Liberals 128, the NDP 26, the BQ
13, and 1 for the Green.

“Canadians are not happy with the Liberal budget. The budget is so
unpopular in fact, that we're seeing the leaderless Conservatives gain an
edge in popularity for the first time since 2015,” said Dr. Lorne
Bozinoff, President of Forum Research. Lorne Bozinoff, Ph.D. is the
president and founder of Forum Research.
I would hazard a guess that the majority of the Ontario increase is due to the continuing popularity of the provincial liberal party as opposed to any real animosity towards the federal branch.  It is the liberal name rather than any serious protest against the feds.

Some of you will be thrilled to know that I plunked down my money for a CPC membership.
Scott said:
Some of you will be thrilled to know that I plunked down my money for a CPC membership.
It's not too late to put your name in for the Leadership!  PLEASE!!  :nod:
Journeyman said:
It's not too late to put your name in for the Leadership!  PLEASE!!  :nod:

If some of the folks here aren't thrilled to be brother and sister Conservatives with me, I can only imagine the howling from certain corners if I ever went that far.

Fuck, you might be on to something!  >:D
YZT580 said:
I would hazard a guess that the majority of the Ontario increase is due to the continuing popularity of the provincial liberal party as opposed to any real animosity towards the federal branch.  It is the liberal name rather than any serious protest against the feds.

I'll disagree. We know the difference between provincial and federal parties. The majority of the people I know in Ontario reserve just as much, if not more, scorn for Trudeau as they have for Wynne. This is not a mistake of misidentifying the criminals because of their allegiance. It's an allegiance to an organisation borne of deceit, blackmail, bribery, theft, nepotism, kickbacks, falsehoods and dictatorship. Nobody is mistaking the provincial liebrals with the feds. They are an equally hated combination.



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recceguy said:
I'll disagree. We know the difference between provincial and federal parties. The majority of the people I know in Ontario reserve just as much, if not more, scorn for Trudeau as they have for Wynne. This is not a mistake of misidentifying the criminals because of their allegiance. It's an allegiance to an organisation borne of deceit, blackmail, bribery, theft, nepotism, kickbacks, falsehoods and dictatorship. Nobody is mistaking the provincial liebrals with the feds. They are an equally hated combination.

TRudeau hasn't angered me enough or even come close to the Wynne government in my mind.  I can assure you that my vote provincially next time will not be based on issues or any type of logic other than: anyone but Wynne.  Federally I'm going to wait and see what the CPC puts forward but it's not looking good given the cast they currently have.
Remius said:
TRudeau hasn't angered me enough or even come close to the Wynne government in my mind.  I can assure you that my vote provincially next time will not be based on issues or any type of logic other than: anyone but Wynne.  Federally I'm going to wait and see what the CPC puts forward but it's not looking good given the cast they currently have.

In the fullness of time, Trudeau will eventually suck in your opinions.  He will fall in favour of anything but him, they all do sooner or later.
Loachman said:
Mr. O’Leary admitted he had made some erroneous comments regarding AR15s but has since changed his position on these firearms. “The AR15 is just a rifle, one of the most common hunting firearms in the world. The unjust restrictions on these ordinary firearms will be changed to permit them to be used for hunting,” said O’Leary.

I'm leaning towards Max too (from Erin).

When I heard O'Leary did a rapid 180o turn with his views on AR15s all I saw was a politician who realized he alienated thousands of potential voters and did what politicians do best. Going from only the military and police possessing one to it being the most commonly used hunting rifle is too mealy mouthed for me to believe.

He probably has the most star power to take on Trudeau but I 100% believe firearm issues would slide off his platform the minute he's elected.
He also stated that he tried to read the Firearms Act and said that "It is 144 pages of incomprehensible gibberish" and "If I am elected, I will repeal the entire Firearms Act and replace it with sensible laws Canadians can understand."

See Reply 743 on this thread at https://army.ca/forums/threads/97393/post-1481159.html#msg1481159.

Intelligent people reassess themselves, learn, adapt, and move forward. He seems to be growing in other areas as well, including learning French.

I haven't seen any reason to change my support for Max.  I don't know if he is a "winner" but I understand his positions and generally agree with him. 
Larry Strong said:
I wonder if there would be any resistance to another leader from "Alberta"......

Not sure about that, but there sure seems to be some resistance about another PM from Quebec.
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