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The Next Conservative Leader

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I like Kellie Leitch. She's the only one so far that has taken a stand on things. She's been fleshing out her policies. She's resonating with blue collar Canadian taxpayers. I also like being told the truth, which I haven't been feeling from anyone else. All I hear from her opponents is the same tired platitudes that every politician trots out when they have nothing to talk about.
Maxime Bernier lost it in my books years ago, even before he put his name in the hat.  Taking Classified documents home, and living with a woman/biker chick with known Biker Club connections, then having all that widely publicized told me that he has no concept of national security.  But, we have seen worse; some very much worse.
Well....Just saw my first ATTACK AD......Lisa Raitt is attacking two candidates for the Leadership.....Kelly Leitch and the yet to declare Kevin O'Leary.......Insinuating that they are of the same ilk as Donald Trump.
George Wallace said:
Well....Just saw my first ATTACK AD......Lisa Raitt is attacking two candidates for the Leadership.....Kelly Leitch and the yet to declare Kevin O'Leary.......Insinuating that they are of the same ilk as Donald Trump.
You mean the guy who won the US Election by appealing to the people, smashing the status quo and riding a bow wave of pent up anger against years of extremist left wing social ideology?

Sign me up to Kelly Leitch then!  (Since Mr O'Leary has yet to declare)
Technoviking said:
You mean the guy who won the US Election by appealing to the people, smashing the status quo and riding a bow wave of pent up anger against years of extremist left wing social ideology?

Sign me up to Kelly Leitch then!  (Since Mr O'Leary has yet to declare)

But according to polls Trump only had a 1% chance of winning lol
I'm disappointed that Michelle Rempel doesn't seem to be interested in taking a run at it.  She seems to get us common folks, and isn't afraid to fart in church if it's necessary.
George Wallace said:
Maxime Bernier lost it in my books years ago, even before he put his name in the hat.  Taking Classified documents home, and living with a woman/biker chick with known Biker Club connections, then having all that widely publicized told me that he has no concept of national security.  But, we have seen worse; some very much worse.

Actually, she hadn't had any known connections to biker gangs for 10 years prior to meeting Maxime. It is entirely possible that he didn't know. And I doubt he's the only politician to bring paperwork home, he was just unfortunate enough to be dating a vengeful woman, happens to the best of us. But he admitted his mistake, resigned, and to this day admits he made a mistake. One mistake in a 10 year political career, and he owns up to it like a man and carries on. But, 9 years later, people still want to use that incident of all things.

I find it funny the weird nuances people seem to want to nail people against the wall for. With Gary Johnson it was the whole Aleppo ordeal, even though 98% of voters didn't know what Aleppo was and it was nothing in comparison to some of the dirt and dumb things that came out of the other two candidates.

recceguy said:
I like Kellie Leitch. She's the only one so far that has taken a stand on things. She's been fleshing out her policies. She's resonating with blue collar Canadian taxpayers. I also like being told the truth, which I haven't been feeling from anyone else. All I hear from her opponents is the same tired platitudes that every politician trots out when they have nothing to talk about.


Maxime Bernier has been policy heavy from the start...

Repeal the Canada Health Act
End corporate welfare (specifically pointing out GM and Bombardier bailouts, despite Bombardier bailouts being money for Quebec)
End supply management (despite Quebec having almost 50% of all dairy farms in Canada) **something every other politician is afraid to fight against**
Reduce government spending (you'll notice a lot of his policies involve cutting government revenues)
Scrap boutique tax credits and instead, increase the basic personal exemption
Abolish the maple syrup cartel
De-fund the CBC
Dismantle the CRTC
Eliminate the carbon tax
Replace the firearms act with legislation that protects property rights
Change our relationship with First Nations by respecting their property rights
Reduce Corporate Tax rate to 10%
End interprovincial trade barriers (which I can't even believe exist)
Abolish capital gains tax

7 years ago, he was saying the same things, he's been nothing but principled and consistent in his message... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3XSAXqoado

Kellie Leitch...

Screen immigrants for Canadian values (I am not going to call her racist over this... I am just going to say its a pointless endeavour and is more of a sound bite than it is a policy)
Take pepper spray off the list of prohibited weapons
Cap government spending
No national carbon tax
Against legalizing marijuana
Dismantle CBC
Let the People Speak Act (I actually like this, its from Switzerland's model and we need it)
And 5 things to support national resource development, mostly all authoritarian in nature.
Anything else?

As for "truth," her own campaign manager is gloating about straight up lying.... http://ipolitics.ca/2017/01/03/leitch-campaign-manager-gloats-about-spreading-false-info/
Kat Stevens said:
I'm disappointed that Michelle Rempel doesn't seem to be interested in taking a run at.  She seems to get us common folks, and isn't afraid to fart in church if it's necessary.

I think she's got a bright future ahead of her. She's only been an MP for 6 years and she's still young. She'll be a force for the CPC for a long time.
I still like Leitch and I don't want any more Prime Ministers from Quebec for quite a while.
Technoviking said:
He didn't win; the Russians hacked it. LOL

Yes the Russian hackers. CNN ran a story on it which included a picture of supposed Russian hackers.


Incidentally the hackers hacking looks an awefull lot like the XBOX video game I'm playing at the moment.
cavalryman said:
One almost became POTUS.  [:'(

123 pages in Radio Chatter about that.  :)



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Frankly the whole bunch of them (how many now?  13? 14?) are entirely uninspiring.  Bernier and maybe Raitt would get my vote if I was a voting member.  It doesn't really matter as whoever is the next leader won't be after the next election.  I honestly do not think any of them can take on Trudeau.

This CBC article, which is biased I must say but isn't necessarily wrong with the assessment. 


I hope that after 2019 or 2020 someone of true quality with lead the CPC.  Maybe by 2023-24 we'll see another conservative government. 

Kellie Leitch would charge immigrants for Canadian values test

Fee wouldn't apply to refugees — but they would still be required to take the test

By Catharine Tunney, CBC News Posted: Jan 07, 2017 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jan 07, 2017 5:00 AM ET

Conservative leadership hopeful Kellie Leitch says she would charge immigrants a fee to cover the cost of her proposed Canadian values screening test at the border.

"For myself, screening everyone for Canadian values, screening everyone at the border is important ... My intention is to transfer that cost to the individual who is immigrating here," the Simcoe-Grey MP told the CBC's Catherine Cullen on The House.

"Prior to our Conservative government, the Liberals had brought in a fee for individuals that were immigrating to Canada and my intention would be to bring back that fee."

Introduced by then-finance minister Paul Martin in 1995, the $975 right-of-landing fee was reduced to $490 and renamed the right of permanent residence fee under the Stephen Harper government during the 2006 budget.

Leitch said it would be a jumping off point, but any fee would have to be adjusted for inflation and the number of immigrants coming to Canada.

The fee would only apply to immigrants, not refugees, she added. Refugees would, however, still have to take the test.

One of the key components to Leitch's campaign is a push to conduct interviews with every potential new Canadian.

Leitch's controversial platform, which has been targeted by opponents, includes conducting face-to-face interviews with immigrants for values including equal opportunity, hard work, helping others, generosity, freedom and tolerance.

How immigration officials would go about testing for generosity is still being hammered out.

"The opportunity for creating appropriate ways of questioning  are absolutely there and I look forward to working with Canadian public servants and Canadians in general to make sure we have the right questions to ask," she said

©2017 CBC/Radio-Canada. All rights reserved
Zebedy Colt said:

Kellie Leitch would charge immigrants for Canadian values test

Fee wouldn't apply to refugees — but they would still be required to take the test

By Catharine Tunney, CBC News Posted: Jan 07, 2017 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jan 07, 2017 5:00 AM ET

Conservative leadership hopeful Kellie Leitch says she would charge immigrants a fee to cover the cost of her proposed Canadian values screening test at the border.

"For myself, screening everyone for Canadian values, screening everyone at the border is important ... My intention is to transfer that cost to the individual who is immigrating here," the Simcoe-Grey MP told the CBC's Catherine Cullen on The House.

"Prior to our Conservative government, the Liberals had brought in a fee for individuals that were immigrating to Canada and my intention would be to bring back that fee."

Introduced by then-finance minister Paul Martin in 1995, the $975 right-of-landing fee was reduced to $490 and renamed the right of permanent residence fee under the Stephen Harper government during the 2006 budget.

Leitch said it would be a jumping off point, but any fee would have to be adjusted for inflation and the number of immigrants coming to Canada.

The fee would only apply to immigrants, not refugees, she added. Refugees would, however, still have to take the test.

One of the key components to Leitch's campaign is a push to conduct interviews with every potential new Canadian.

Leitch's controversial platform, which has been targeted by opponents, includes conducting face-to-face interviews with immigrants for values including equal opportunity, hard work, helping others, generosity, freedom and tolerance.

How immigration officials would go about testing for generosity is still being hammered out.

"The opportunity for creating appropriate ways of questioning  are absolutely there and I look forward to working with Canadian public servants and Canadians in general to make sure we have the right questions to ask," she said

©2017 CBC/Radio-Canada. All rights reserved

Her and Trudeau are two sides of the same coin.  Some of her base will believe her stuff the same way Trudeau's base believe his.  Both are without real susbstance.  Her drain the canal analogy today sealed the deal for me about taking her seriously...
Remius said:
Frankly the whole bunch of them (how many now?  13? 14?) are entirely uninspiring.  Bernier and maybe Raitt would get my vote if I was a voting member.  It doesn't really matter as whoever is the next leader won't be after the next election.  I honestly do not think any of them can take on Trudeau.

This CBC article, which is biased I must say but isn't necessarily wrong with the assessment. 


I hope that after 2019 or 2020 someone of true quality with lead the CPC.  Maybe by 2023-24 we'll see another conservative government.

2019?  You mean 30 more PM Trudeau vacations from now?
Reflecting on the US election, and the failures in our recent elections, I can see O'Leary actually doing well.  People seem to dismiss the current crop of "leadership" candidates who have "no vision" or "dream", who just seem to follow the tired old Party Lines and seem to be only in it for profit.  Trump came out with a "dream"; a dream "to make America Great again."  Perhaps he was playing on Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" or actually had a desire to make America Great again.  I can see the Conservative Parties of Canada and Ontario, both having the same problem: people are tired of the "politician without a dream" and the end result is that only a "loser" will face off against the Liberals.  The candidate who comes forward with a "dream" may well take the leadership by storm.
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