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The First Sign of Canadian Spring....rrrrrrroll up the rrrrrrrrim (merged topic)

I have not had a Canadian spring since 1994!

Speaking of season changes, today is the first day of fall down here, ya 01 Mar. In reality we have two seasons in the tropics, warm and hot (mixed in with wet and dry of course), and TF the hot season is over, although it will still push into the mid-high 30s at times over the next moth or two.

Its just after 0600, already 22C, but windy and it wants to rain, the sun has just cracked over the Coral Sea.
I spend $700 + a year in coffee alone at Timmies, and all I get is a lousy Doughnut! ;D
Love793 said:
I spend $700 + a year in coffee alone at Timmies, and all I get is a lousy Doughnut! ;D

Maybe they don't want to have you win, when you call their merchandise "lousy."  ;)

I have not had a Canadian spring since 1994!

Speaking of season changes, today is the first day of fall down here, ya 01 Mar. In reality we have two seasons in the tropics, warm and hot (mixed in with wet and dry of course), and TF the hot season is over, although it will still push into the mid-high 30s at times over the next moth or two.

Its just after 0600, already 22C, but windy and it wants to rain, the sun has just cracked over the Coral Sea.

Sucks to be me :crybaby: Looking out the window at 2 feet of snow and freezing my a** off.

And then theres Wes, with all the scantally clad women, sunshine and 30 degrees weather. Wes I hate you!!  ;)

retiredgrunt45 said:
And then theres Wes, with all the scantally clad women, sunshine and 30 degrees weather. Wes I hate you!!  ;)

From Valentine's Day gift-giving deadline approaching
Wesley  Down Under said:
Jacinthe, ha, I am over it all. The more I date, the more I love my cats, and if its lust I am after, a little bit of horizontal refreshment, I'll use my accent to charm the locals, go back to their place, and leave in the morning.



I was going to say you don't have any reason to hate Wes, he's out of the love business at the moment.
But hey, maybe you would like to be in the same place  :) .
Grunt, I'm with you (weather-wise, anyway
...I'd definitely prefer scantilly-clad men, to be sure!
AND 0 for 12 on top of it all.
It sucks to be me too  :'(
(but I don't hate Wes...he might invite me down there one of these days  ;D)
Wesley  Down Under said:
Out of the love business YES, but not out of the lust business, ha!

Jacinthe, i did get your PM, bust just to lazy to respond, but I will  ;D
Honest typo... or Freudian slip?  ;)
That was an honest typo, but my sub-concious must have been wandering :)
0, 8 and 1 is my record.

I bought a friend a coffee today and his cup won.  He tried to press it on me, but I insisted that he'd earned it through a successful rim-rolling technique.  One of these days I'll win something.  I think at this rate I'll have paid for the SUV before I win it.
Closet Timmies to me is  249 km (146 miles)


Thanks for the reminder. I've got a 'donut' tab stuck in my wallet from last year. Better cash it in before it moulds away on me...
daftandbarmy said:
Thanks for the reminder. I've got a 'donut' tab stuck in my wallet from last year. Better cash it in before it moulds away on me...

WARNING! I just tried to cash in my 'donut' tab from last year and they wouldn't take it. Harrrrumph.... Use it or lose it, folks.
daftandbarmy said:
WARNING! I just tried to cash in my 'donut' tab from last year and they wouldn't take it. Harrrrumph.... Use it or lose it, folks.

Ha well they took my last year's coffee!! AND.....I WON A COFFEE YESTERDAY!!!! Treated my honey to a free coffee.....how good is that??? ;D