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The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

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Extra little selling point for the Argylls. Last week we did a little cross-training with Hamilton Police ERU on Urban Ops Tactics. Very enlighting. Check out the pics at:


How was that AUG? Is that their standard weapon?

One reference to go, then my app goes in.
You Argyll‘s get to do a lot of cool training. I‘m jealous.
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders will be holding an indepth recruit open house on Wed, 31 March 2004. This open house will cover all aspects of the unit, training structure, and recruiting process -- in particular, we will provide you with answers to FAQs on med exam, fit test, apt test, suitability interview, and how Basic Training is structured. Lots of info and take-home material to keep you informed. Soldiers, both new and old, will be on-hand to answer your questions.

This is open house is a must if you live in the Hamilton area and are interested in joining the Army Reserve, regardless of you unit of interest.

Date: 31 MARCH 2004
Time: 7.30 PM SHARP
Unit: Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders of Canada
Location: John Foote Armoury
Address: 200 James Street North, Hamilton

Keep and eye on our website for more details: www.sentex.net/argylls (update coming soon)

This is an in-depth look at the unit, training, and the application process. Starts at 7.30 PM.

Although this open house is meant to attact people to the Argylls, I‘ll give a hand to anyone joining the Army Reserve, regardless of unit. So, if you have a question or questions, please feel free to drop by or email me at argylls_recruiting@canada.com.
For information on joining the Infantry in Hamilton-area, please call 905.541.ARMY.

The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, which is Hamilton‘s largest Infantry unit, specialises in urban warfare and combat/non-combat operations in built-up areas.

Urban combat ops is one of the most tactically challenging and physically demanding environments to be employed. From IEDs to insurgent ambushes and building clearances, we train for the entire range of tactical situations.

Also, check out the websites at:

Are you from the Hamilton-Burlington-Stoney Creek areas and are looking to join the Army Reserve?


The Argylls are now recruiting for its fall 2004 BMQ course, which will be starting in September. The fall BMQ runs every second weekend, from approx 1900 Hrs Fri through 1500 Hrs Sun. All training is paid. The course lasts for approx 4 months with a break in December.


We are looking for people either in university/college or have completed post-secondary education and possess a diploma or degree. You need to be dedicated and committed to serving your nation and the Canadian Forces.

Info on the Argylls or entry qualifications, see: www.sentex.net/argylls

For more information, please call 905-541-ARMY or visit the Argyll Recruiting Office at:

John Foote Armoury
200 James St North
Hamilton, Ontario

Hours of Op:
Weekdays: 0900-1600 Hrs
Wednesday Night: 1700-2000 Hrs

Or by appointment by emailing: argylls_recruiting@canada.com

Sept 04 BMQ Course >> Don't wait-out if you want to be enrolled in time for the Sept BMQ start-date. I strongly urge you to get down to the armoury and start your application ASAP.

ARGYLL RCRTNG Office Hourse:

Daytime by appointment: Please call 905-541-ARMY
Every Wednesday through the summer: 1400-2100 Hrs

FAX your resume to 905-972-4004 or EMAIL argylls_recruiting@canada.com

Change in Application Process:

The unit now has more control over the application process. We will now open your file and collect all necessary docs and will assist you in scheduling your apt test, fit test, med exam, and interview at the CF Recruiting Centre. All that said, this should shorten the processing time to about 3-4 weeks rather than the norm of 3-4 months. However, it all depends on the applicant, and his/her desire to get through the process.


AKA Humint: Please don't confine the recruiting drive to the immediate Hamilton, Burlington, and Stoney Creek areas. There are plenty of fine, eager young people in other areas of Ontario as well. I believe that some current Argyll members travel from outlying areas such as St. Mary's, Barrie and Owen Sound to parade with this fine Highland Regiment. Remember the troops vote with their boots, which is how the Argyll's attract such a high caliber of member. If you want to be the best you can be, have plenty of top quality training opportunities / EX's and excellent NCOs & Officers the Argyll's are definitely the way to go! Cheers!
Seamus. Well, with compliments such as that, one would figure that you're in the unit.

Yes, definitely, if you want to join a unit that leads the way in training, in particular urban ops, than the Argylls are the way to go. No one can match us. We are even sending troops to train in the UK and the US Marine Corp on thier Urban Ops courses -- and these people have a ton of experience direct from Iraq. Can any other PRes unit match that -- NO, NO THEY CAN'T!

As noted above, you don't have to be in the Hamilton area to join the Argylls. Many of our members drive a long way to parade and train in the unit. And, your travel is compensated.

The Argyll's are definitely a top notch infantry unit. If you're looking for infantry employment in the Hamilton area I would definitely suggest you go look at them. Their leadership all seemed good and the NCM's I met were also good people. Plus some of the stuff they do looks just plain fun, in the challenging thrilling sense!

I was about 4-5 days from becoming an Argyll. Received my Sig Op job offer right on the cusp of my debating changing my application. Know a piper in the unit and he loves it there. Thanks for the time you took to show me around and reply to my e-mails btw, Lieutenant!  :salute:

Showed me a bunch about the reserves I had not known. Definitely a unit with their head on straight and information correct.

Niagara Falls is not a problem -- just as long as you don't mind the drive for parade night and on Exs.

However, we've got such great training, and so many employment and training opportunities, that being an Argyll (even if you have to drive an hour or so) is well worth it. Plus, you get travel compensation for coming in from outta town. As mentioned above, we got people who drive down from Owen Sound, Guelph, London, Toronto, Stoney Creek, Simcoe, etc, just to be in the unit. For high speed training, this is where you want to be.

If travelling is a problem, you may want to join the Lincs and Wincs -- since they are in your neck of the woods.

But, if you want to join a Highland unit, with all the esprit de corps and history that comes with it, you should get in touch with us ASAP.

Recruiting Update 07 July 2004

All pers looking to join the Army Reserve INFANTRY in Hamilton-Niagara-Guelph-Burlington-Brantford areas.

Make no mistake, THE ARGYLLS is the unit you want to join. We have a fully-booked training schedule for this coming year (2004-2005), with a number of EXs in the US. We are also the lead unit for the Brigade, which means plenty of work and employment for soldiers and officers.

We are now looking to fill approx 20 NCM positions and 5 Officer positions ASAP.

We offer immediate employment as soon as you are merit-listed and enrolled -- that way you have some part-time employment for the summer and fall before your course starts.


Email at argylls_recruiting@canada.com
Call 905-541-ARMY or
Call 905-972-4000 EXT 2168

Fax us your resume at: 905-972-4004

BMQ (NCMs) course starts at the end of Sept.
BMOQ (OFFRs) course starts in November.

It's a little late notice, but if you are thinking about joining the reserves (either through the CO-OP program or direct enrolment off civvie street) or fishing around for a unit, you may want to come to the following recruit orientation session/open house.

Recruit Orientation Session
Argyll & Sutherland Highlander of Canada (PL)

DATE: Wed, 21 July
TIME: 7.30-9.00 PM
LOCATION: John Foote Armoury
COORDINATES: 200 James St North, Hamilton

Session will include presentations on:

1. Training and Courses
2. Recruit Application Process
3. Trades, Skills, and Specializations
4. Weapons, Equipment, and Vehicles

Session will also include a tour of the armoury, including the Sgts/WOs Mess, the Officer's Mess, and the Argyll Museum.

More info by calling 905-541-ARMY.

I should check this out. I've been debating how I want to join (Reg or Reserve, Infantry or SigOp). 
Jonsey -- I swear you've been debating this for nearly a year on this board.

What's the problem?

Take the plunge, my friend. You can always switch trades/units if you don't like the one you're in!

We've got a weekend BMQ course starting in the first-week of Oct. Let me know if you want on it and we'll get the army wheels in motion.
Yeah, it's been about a year (I believe I registered in October), but my situation has changed recently. I decided to take some time off of school. So, it leaves me with either getting a normal full-time job and joining the reserves, or getting a full-time job to get me through till I join the regular force. 

For the reserves, there is no long term commitment, and I can leave if I don't like it. However, it's not full time, and I would have to get a "normal" job as well, which I've been having a really tough time with (I've started my second wave of applications. I revamped my resume and am applying everywhere, again).

For the regular forces, it's full time, three years guaranteed employment. But, it's three years, mandatory, with little chance of getting out if I don't end up liking it.  I'm a little hesitant about doing this because I just jumped into this past year of college, I didn't like it and I didn't do well (it's also why I'm taking time off school).

Do you know if they offer "Open House" days with Reg. Force units? Perhaps seeing what a day in the life of a Reg. Force soldier would be like would help. I should check in with the CFRC.

If you come in, and get on course, you could get a whole whack of employment for this fall/winter, and will be guaranteed full-time employment for next summer. 

If you are so inclined, you could get a part-time civvie job and do the reserves for this fall/winter.

I really don't think you'll find a RegF unit that does open houses.

And, what is a typical day in the military?

It's easy for us to describe the ResF world, because it is so segmented and compartmentalised into small, easy to undertand chunks. But the RegF world is way different -- not just more of the same.

You need to make a choice and stick with it, and not second guess yourself. If you keep doing that, you never be able to make a decision.

Also, you can always get out of the RegF. They don't keep you in for the full three years if you want to leave. Sure, getting out isn't easy, but they'll eventually let you go.
