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Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!

I heard from a sergeant lastnight at parade night that the majority of my platoon was heading up to meaford instead of borden.. I'm actually kind of relieved that I have a high chance of going to meaford because on my weekend leaves I can head up to Sauble beach.

I picked up my kit & uniform lasnight before my shift ended. I had so much stuff I had to make two trips to the car. Anyway, when I got home I went to organize my uniform and stuff so I could get ready fast next tuesday, and what was missing from my uniform? MY PANTS! Yes, my pants are missing. It sucks so bad. I called the cf orderly office at my regiment but nobody answered.

the beret fits nicely, and so do the boots.

Cowgirl, where are you flying in from?
I'm flying out from Winnipeg, to Borden.  Although I may be taking my QL3 course right after BMQ, so I'm asking if I can take my car if I get the second course as well.  So I may be there for 5 months instead of 2, but back home just before my b-day.

There's 4 of us coming from my unit in total, 2 aside from that are on the spring course right now. 

I received my uniform back around March, but I hear that we don't wear any or much blue (navy) out there.  We won't be loaded on BMQ until beginning of June.

Also to answer your question,
who is over 17?
I'm 17.

RE: your car,

well, I'd have to say if you're flying over here to ontario all the way from winnipeg, I highly doubt they'll fly your car over as well. If you're joining up regular force, you go right from your bmq course to your next course. You might have to get someone to drive your car over and fly back, or think of some way to get your car to ontario.

So are you joining with the navy, then?
Who said anything about flying my car? That'd be silly.  No I want to drive my car, in order to have it for my QL3 course.  I don't care if I can't use it on BMQ at all.  It's just that 5 months without a vehicle is kinda crappy.  But either way, all I can do is ask, if they say no I'll live.

I'm navy reserves, yeah.  My parents live in Ottawa, so I'm hoping to visit them at one point or another if I'm gone for 5 months.

Brett, have you found your pants yet? haha

I ran in the rain and the lightning in the park this evening.  I must be nuts  :P
Sorry, Cowgirl, the majority of things fly right over my head  :D

and no, I never found my pants because they never issued them to me. I called the corporal today and talked with her, she gave me shit because she had told me lastnight when I picked up my kit if I had everything. I said "sorry", she said "don't kiss ass, you do what you have to do". It's all good, though, I'm heading down there after my afternoon class to pick up 3 pants.

I was definately not expecting that, either. But I guess I deserved it considering I didn't listen the first time.

ohlord, if that was the cause from not listening about pants, I wonder what bmq will be like  :-\
Just do what your are told the first time and listen to instructions and everything will be good in basic. if you stress yourself out about getting jacked up about your pants and wonder what its gonna be like in basic, your gonna drive yourself nuts before it starts. Just relax, do as your told, listen to everything you are taught and it will all sink in.
skdncq98 c4 mmfdsjjjjj49fs

... Sorry for my outrageous emphasis there. I seemed to have piddled myself.  :P

Haha, only kidding. But you're right. I'm far too anxious about basic. I'm excited, yet very nervous because this is an experience that will be totally fresh to me.

also, about my pants, they thought I was a 30. I'm a 34. I tried on a 32 and I had to hike them up almost to my nipples just to get the zipper done up. Think I made the right choice and decided to wait until my size comes in?  :D
I just returned from St.Jean on a med release, get used to taking the stairs at least 4 times a day and learn how to sew, trust me the first couple weekends your going to be sewing a lot of kit
I'm starting to get anxious to go already.  I'm off this week on holidays from my civvy job, then I only have 10 working days left there when I get back.  Hubby is in Shilo all week so I don't see him until the weekends either.  I go for the odd run in the park, but then I'm still bored after.  :-\

I'm not sure if I have to bring out my navy kit or not out to Borden.  Guess I'll find out soon.....and I'm still waiting to hear if I can go on my QL3 course right after BMQ or not.

Dinger_ca said:
get used to taking the stairs at least 4 times a day and learn how to sew, trust me the first couple weekends your going to be sewing a lot of kit

I agree on both of these points... I lost like 20 lbs and was only there for 5 weeks (made the huge mistake of VRing I'm in the process of rejoining), I've heard of people loosing like 40lbs while on bmq.. during the summer months you're pretty well sweating all the time, lol (drill, pt,etc).. drill was the worst, we'd all be sweating buckets which is scary when trying to do pushups, on a cement floor lol. As for sewing, first weekend you'll do lots (hrs upon hrs/most of sat/sun).. get good before ya go, I didn't realize how much sewing we'd do and I wasn't the greatest at it... gives ya a good chance to  help/get to know each other.
My name is Richard and I'm coming from Winnipeg for my July 16 BMQ.
Acs (Aerospace Structures Tech)
I'm 18
So excited!
:salute:  :cdn: :salute:
anyone else from Winnipeg
wolot said:
My name is Richard and I'm coming from Winnipeg for my July 16 BMQ.
Acs (Aerospace Structures Tech)
I'm 18
So excited!
:salute:  :cdn: :salute:
anyone else from Winnipeg

Hey Richard, I'm from Winnipeg but I'm doing my BMQ July 2nd in Borden.  I probably know some of your instructors...hehe

If my hubby wasn't PRETC for Afghanistan this year, he'd probably be one of your instructors as well.  (lucky for you...j/k)

I'm navy so I'm not doing my BMQ in Winnipeg or Wainwright, although Winnipeg would've been nice since I live here.

Good luck on basic!
I got my call on Monday for me to be sworn in on the 18th (I start BMQ on the 2nd or 3rd of July). I had my last day with civilian work last friday, and am now taking some time off before I head out to BMQ.

It is pretty freaky to think a month from now I'll be in training.
Prairie Cowgirl said:
I'm navy so I'm not doing my BMQ in Winnipeg or Wainwright, although Winnipeg would've been nice since I live here.

Good luck on basic!

Richard did not say he was doing bmq in wainright or winnipeg, i suspect he will be in st. jean for the 16th as that is where most of us going reg force are headed on that date. If i am wrong richard, feel free to correct.
Im going to St. jean... never atually stayed in Quebec before. Other than getting lost in montreal.
:salute:  :cdn:  :salute:
Oops you're right, Richard said he was coming from Winnipeg, not going there.  My bad.  :)

I may be going to St. Jean for my QL3, either that or Borden.  I'm hoping to do that right after BMQ.
Hello all,

I was sworn in May 17th with 31CER and just waiting to receive my joining instructions, but from what the unit recruiter said it sounds like I will be on the July 2nd course in Borden.