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Sept 19th "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"

Too funny von Garvin!

I have the manly name of Drownin' Radley Dawkins.  Better than Jelly Belly Bert or whatever oh-so-masculine handle you picked up!
I think my Taxi driver name was better.  There was an exclamation mark in my first name

scoutfinch said:
Too funny von Garvin!

I have the manly name of Drownin' Radley Dawkins.  Better than Jelly Belly Bert or whatever oh-so-masculine handle you picked up!

Does that mean we are now 'related'?
I MUST be your long lost sister, George!!

(If you say mother I am gonna kill you)
scoutfinch said:
I MUST be your long lost sister, George!!

(If you say mother I am gonna kill you)

Arrrr!  Pirate Talk......Arrrrr!    (The punishment would be a Keel hauling..........)
Shiver me timbers, just when I thought we had some adult leadership. Arrr.
Greetings, mateys, from Red Jack Rackham.

Oh, aye........... "Arrr"!!
ahoy from Rotting Daryl Sparrow.

Oh, yes....Aarrrrr, avast ye lubers, belay yer bilge, and so forth.....
Arrrrr Funny it is that a this here thread has 3 pages of belly aching and serious threads have less Yaaaarrrr

Arrrr! I add to the mayhem! Ahoy me mates and all praise the Great FSM!
OK, speaking now as Cap'n Mitch Jailbait (how'd that thing know I was a Cap'n  8) )....if you don't believe the Pirate/global warming connection....it's because you probably think global warming isn't a threat!

OK....MAYBE, it's not a bad thing ;)

Yarrr I be Cap'n Tobias Rotgut.  Twas named after the drink eyes used to wash down all me haggis!

Yarrrr, Eh!
Yarr I be Pirate Azriel the Cash-Strapped. hmm, how did they know? (Stupid insurance company taking advantage of young'ins with new cars)

...on an unrelated note, that same website gives me a Pet Name of "Extremely Large Jubblies".  :o
Pirate Iggy the Infected  aarrrrr.......be there a medicine man aboard this ship??? It hurts when I pee? I suppose I could go to the galley and pour some good old rum on this......arrrrrrrr
Pea said:
on an unrelated note, that same website gives me a Pet Name of "Extremely Large Jubblies".  :o

Ironic how did they know YaaaRRR  ;D
Arrrrrrrrrr mateys, t'is Cap'n Ramona Dullblade but don't be lettin' the name fool ye' tis my sharp wit what'll cut ye ta pieces!
yarrrrr, bow down before Saggin' Jowls Bernard, or ye will encounter thy faith...Yarrrrrrrrrr