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ROTP 2010-2011

I just told my employer that my last day would be the day I got sworn in (July 23). Pretty good date to quit eh? BTW, does our pay start once we arrive for recruit camp? Or the moment we are sworn in as officers?

GL for those who have to battle it out with their employers to quit.  ;D

Still any news from the Kitchener CFRC?  I will call tomorrow during my lunch break at work but some of you are swearing in about 10 days from now and I'm still waiting on any information since my original "do you accept the offer" phone call.

I will update when I find out something.

Good luck to all.
Also waiting on word from the RC since the original offer.
Anyone in the same boat from CFRC Ottawa?
sink2 said:
Also waiting on word from the RC since the original offer.
Anyone in the same boat from CFRC Ottawa?

I'm in the same boat as you and Rogo but im from Montreal. There is still plenty of time for us to swear in. I will try not to worry about until mid July. If by then I do not have a date i will probably start to panic  ;D
Same here, problem is I'm going on a trip and I need to know the date to schedule my return. If I don't have it before mt departure, I'm gonna be in trouble.
Rogo said:
Still any news from the Kitchener CFRC?  I will call tomorrow during my lunch break at work but some of you are swearing in about 10 days from now and I'm still waiting on any information since my original "do you accept the offer" phone call.

I will update when I find out something.

Good luck to all.

I found that the File manager for ROTP at CFRC Kitchener has been away for the last 3 weeks. A great time ofr leave. And all i have gotten was the phone call. And told my rough enrollment date July 30th ish.
Okay, I called yesterday from work and the file manager at CFRC Kitchener (who had been away) had gotten my file before his leave but had forgotten it would seem to call before the leave...either way.  He informed me that I will be coming in on the 20th of July at 0900 for admin and would take care of my package that day so that if I have questions I can ask right there rather than calling them. Swearing in on the 21st for me.  I would recommend anyone who has not received a package that might be in the same boat to give them a short call and find out.  It won't hurt. 

Still not sure about the date for the orientation but he said that they will know for sure by the admin day.

When I called on Monday I got exactly the same as you. Be seeing you on the 20 at 9:00.
Beers at ollies will be in order...that's our Campus Bar.  Carleton 2nd year for Public Affairs and Policy Management.
hi i have a question for someone who could answer this, i have just been accepted as an armoured officer for civi u, and i have accepted this offer over the phone with someone from the recruiting centre, and i am having second thoughts on my trade that i have accepted, i know i have not been enrolled in the cf yet or been sworn in, but i was wondering if everything would go smoothly if i were to back out of my trade that i have already accepted over the phone
thank you
just call up the rectruiters and back out, you can do so without reprocussions till the beginning of your second year. Just call them up and they will offer your spot to someone else.
Received a call from CFRC Toronto that throws even more confusion into the mix. The enrolment ceremony information remained the same (July 14th), but I was told I had to meet the ULO on July 19th. From the 19th forward I would be paid, so I would have to report somewhere and that it would probably be CFB Borden until just before school starts. No mention of the RMC recruit camp from Aug 14 - 28th. When I mentioned that this information greatly contradicted the letter I received in April, I was told that maybe the new information was wrong so just go with the info in the letter and he might have my file confused with another file. Needless to say, I am just going to wait until the enrolment ceremony to find out the next steps; whatever happens, happens...
punch701 said:
hi i have a question for someone who could answer this, i have just been accepted as an armoured officer for civi u, and i have accepted this offer over the phone with someone from the recruiting centre, and i am having second thoughts on my trade that i have accepted, i know i have not been enrolled in the cf yet or been sworn in, but i was wondering if everything would go smoothly if i were to back out of my trade that i have already accepted over the phone
thank you

Out of curiosity are you just more interested in another trade or focussed on fully pulling your application from the CF? Either way good luck and calling the recruiting centre asap would probably be helpful because if you want out I imagine there is someone who would be happy to get the call saying they've been accepted.

2010newbie said:
Received a call from CFRC Toronto that throws even more confusion into the mix. The enrolment ceremony information remained the same (July 14th), but I was told I had to meet the ULO on July 19th. From the 19th forward I would be paid, so I would have to report somewhere and that it would probably be CFB Borden until just before school starts. No mention of the RMC recruit camp from Aug 14 - 28th. When I mentioned that this information greatly contradicted the letter I received in April, I was told that maybe the new information was wrong so just go with the info in the letter and he might have my file confused with another file. Needless to say, I am just going to wait until the enrolment ceremony to find out the next steps; whatever happens, happens...
        Are you doing RMC or Civvy U?  Why would your ULO be in Borden?  Is that the closest Military office to your school?
I am attending civilian university. I am just as close to Trenton as I am to Borden and I am closer to Toronto than either of those. I don't know where the ULO's are located, but Borden being the closest doesn't make sense. It was my impression that I was to meet the ULO at the Toronto CFRC and then head to Borden until school starts.
I am going to be moving back to Canada 14 July and will not be able to carry everything I will need to take with me to school.  Does anyone know if I can mail needed items to the CMR campus before I arrive? and if so what would the address be? 

Thanks in advance.
I would speak to the recruiting centre because they asked me about this when I spoke with them last week. They asked what my travel plans were, where I'd be living in comparison to the school, and whether or not I'd need moving assistance and/or storage for my stuff.
I just got the call this morning.
My enrollment ceremony is july 8th and im looking forward to it.

Only hitch is my offer is a little different than I previously thought it was.
When I was called back in March I was offered Rotp at civi university. When the person called today,
he informed me that I would be finishing my degree at RMC Kingston. He told me that my previous
file manager must have misread something when she called me.

This is not going to to stop me. I am happy that I will be given the chance to go to RMC as I hear that it is one *ell of an experience.
So I will be bringing in my latest transcripts as I was told I would get some course credited. I only have 27credits out of 90 left at the current university I am at.

Heres hoping im lucky. See you all in Kingston.