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Replacing the Subs

I do not think it was mentioned here previously from what I can tell using the search feature, VAdm Topshee had an interview with Dr. Adam Lajeunesse in last months edition of Starshell and gave out some information regarding the future Canadian Patrol Submarine Project. He atleast seems aware of the many difficulties which can potentially come into play in the future, hopefully this is an omen for a sensible and proper procurement.

Dr. Adam Lajeunesse

"Another of the big future questions is, of course, the Canadian Submarine Replacement Program. The replacement of the Victoria class has been hinted at by the government by DND, but there aren't any firm decisions yet. Can you give us an update on the status of submarine replacement?"

VAdm Angus Topshee

"The government has been clear that they want Canada to have to maintain a submarine capability. Our assessment is that we require a force of at least eight and, ideally 12, submarines to do so.

We've twice looked at nuclear submarines in our history and there is tremendous cost and challenge to that, as Australia is demonstrating right now. And, even if we decided on the need to go after nuclear submarines right now, we would still need to buy a replacement class to bridge the gap. So, no matter what we do the next acquisition for submarines for the Canadian Navy will be diesel submarines, whether it is a bridge to something else, or as the solution.

Our view is that that's going to have to be a military off the shelf procurement. We've got a recent report that explores submarine building around the world. The South Koreans, for instance, developed a really robust submarine building industry. It took them 37 years to get to where they are now. And so, would it be possible to do that in Canada? Absolutely. But we're talking about a multigenerational commitment by the Government of Canada. And, importantly, the Koreans operate a lot of submarines, and so we would be looking at building far more than 12 submarines for Canada if we wanted to go down that path. So, if the decision was to build a domestic submarine building capability, we're still going to have to start as the Koreans did with military off the shelf procurement and then gradually repatriate the ability to build submarines back in Canada.

That being said, I don't think that, given the size of force that we're talking about, in terms of value for money, it makes any sense to develop that capacity. So, we are recommending to government that it pursue a military off the shelf procurement. For this, there are a number of countries and companies that build submarines that will meet Canadian needs."
PDF link is here for anybody interested

baby subs for Canada carried by AOPS to Arctic?
Going this route means no manned subs ever. Which may be a thing in tbe future or may not. But this has good idea fairy all over it. Liberals and NDP will see this and think perfect.
Any politician, in any party, would see "no more sending people into dangerous places" and think "perfect".

I don't know why it's a Lib/NDP thing.
I was just basing it on weapons bad, costs. And about the Libs and Dippers. You will find Cons not like the cost too be fair.
Any politician, in any party, would see "no more sending people into dangerous places" and think "perfect".

I don't know why it's a Lib/NDP thing.
Plus it's sexy and buzzwords like "Transformative" "Cutting edge" "Game changer" "Technology leap" can all be used to insure a lot of peoples personal evaluations reports all look rosy with "Leading change" on them. Personaly I propose you call them Bomac II.

I am not opposed to them, but as a supplement to our current and new subs.
Which begs the question if you are controlling a uncrewed undersea system, are you a submariner or a pilot :unsure:

I have read about that program. Can you believe it they called it that?

Is it a bureaucratic troll of the highest order? Did some nerdy tech guys in the program office totally just troll the bosses. Or are they just being really really on the nose?

Which begs the question if you are controlling a uncrewed undersea system, are you a submariner or a pilot :unsure:
On Virginia class submarines, there are no longer the positions of Dive (Diving Officer), Chief of the Watch, Helm, or Outboard watchstanders. On Virginia class submarines, these four watchstanders have been replaced with... wait for it... a Pilot and Co-Pilot who sit at the Ship Control Panel.
On Virginia class submarines, there are no longer the positions of Dive (Diving Officer), Chief of the Watch, Helm, or Outboard watchstanders. On Virginia class submarines, these four watchstanders have been replaced with... wait for it... a Pilot and Co-Pilot who sit at the Ship Control Panel.
Why did you go and have to ruin my joke with actual facts ;)
On Virginia class submarines, there are no longer the positions of Dive (Diving Officer), Chief of the Watch, Helm, or Outboard watchstanders. On Virginia class submarines, these four watchstanders have been replaced with... wait for it... a Pilot and Co-Pilot who sit at the Ship Control Panel.
Oh great. Yet another bunch of people saying "I'm a pilot" at the bar :ROFLMAO: