You shouldn't have AVN techs standing around guarding a hangar.
The MP should be re-rolled entirely to a "force protection" unit where they are responsible for armed security of all defence installations. Roll this unit into DGDS. I envision they would provide all security guard functions 24/7, security systems monitoring, patrolling/dogs etc... including the specialty security functions like TASO and close protection and embassy security. Get rid of the commissionaires (you'd prob save 50 or $60M), hand over police functions to civilian police (who'd only come out for a call anyway), unit disciplinary matters handled by unit.
This would allow robust and real security domestically, a proper D&S force for deployed camp security, convoy security, airfield security, the whole gambit, PW handling. And everyone else can focus on their real job and not rotate through guarding a camp or wounded prisoners in a hospital for example. You'd need to take the word "police" completely out of the name... and that will be hard for some.