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RCN Dead Reckoning

A wide ranging interview with CRCN Rear Adm Topshee by the U.S. Naval Institute. There are a bunch of things in here that inform various discussions over various threads.

What follows are things that I thought were interesting.
  • Stating the CSC would be called Destroyers well before the announcement. Many of us knew this was the case but it's fun to see the evidence after the fact.
    • returning to our roots as a Destroyer focused navy
  • Submarines were clearly directed to be purchased particularly for guarding the arctic approaches
    • true MOTS - contenders are in Korea, Japan, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Netherlands (with a specific discussion on how the Dutch sub is very close to our requirements)
    • discussion on submarine AIP, CRNC stated that battery technology is at the point where AIP may not be necessary as battery technology has advanced to the point where may meet the indiscretion requirements
    • more submarines than the current fleet size are needed, 8 or 12 are the numbers mentioned
  • Arctic security discussion on the main threats China and Russia. Interesting to see how CRNC was not overly worried about Russia as their behaviour makes sense (but bares watching), but the China declaring to be a near arctic nation is a concern
    • Only resources extraction that seem of concern is fishing and protein extraction
    • AOPS are a timely capability for the Arctic and for Canada to understand what is going on up there. Their capability has gone beyond what was expected already.
    • Arctic infrastructure. RCN contributing to civilian infrastructure to ensure that its viable for our uses (Grays Bay?)
    • Submarines are critical to provide presence in the arctic approaches.
  • Shipbuilding
    • Irving is building AOPS now ahead of the revised schedule (which was pushed back due to challenges with the first HDW build)
    • Seaspan has some significant respect for being so agile in their design and build process as they have to constantly shift gears to build different ships
    • Submarines will not be built in Canada (see MOTS comment above).
    • River Class as of May was at 80% design completion and construction will start on the blocks that are now set in stone/complete in their design.
  • Looking to the future mine clearing and discussions on how to clean up the mines in the Black Sea after the war is over (whatever that looks like). Teams or ship deployments to the Black sea and what equipment may be needed to do that job.
  • discusion of revitalization of our roots to be amoung the best in the world at theatre ASW, which informs equipment decisions like P-8's
I've left a bunch of stuff and nuance out, but overall a really interesting discussion with a lot of information.
Loved the info on the need for Subs and the range of numbers - hopefully its in the 9+ numbers, allowing for 3 available at all times.
I'm hoping for an official announcement this week during the NATO meeting, basically a stave off criticism announcement.
I think our allies would see right through it though.

An announcement to stave off criticism, from a PM who won't be around for much longer anyway.
I think our allies would see right through it though.

An announcement to stave off criticism, from a PM who won't be around for much longer anyway.
In private sure, but in public maybe not. And it also not a message for allies. Its directed at the domestic consumer who doesn't know any better.
I'm hoping for an official announcement this week during the NATO meeting, basically a stave off criticism announcement.
Will it be an announcement that Canada is seeking formal tenders or an announcement that a formal decision by Cabinet has been made and we are going with 'X' company for 'Y' subs.
Will it be an announcement that Canada is seeking formal tenders or an announcement that a formal decision by Cabinet has been made and we are going with 'X' company for 'Y' subs.

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