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QL3 course, what are these rumours?

They've only been available since the spring as far as I know. There was a reminder in the
May MCSP communique.


The Med Tech (Reg F) shall go ahead and order their initial On-car uniform scale of issue through their supply section. The Med Tech On-car uniform Group Order is now available on the HS Policy and Guidance Documents site; you can access this document on the MCSP website under "Directives";

I like the patches personally, however, I think the maroon coloured sweater and jackets are hideous. We should just wear the regular lime/yellow coloured jackets that most EMS has, and have Medical Technician or Technicien Medical on the back, and the patches on the arms. But that's just me. Honestly though... wow... hideous...
The color of the uniform is area dependent, the medics in Petawawa used the dark blue jumpsuit for the on car training. The uniforms are good, it's the three dollar, yellow , bargain special raincoat that looked horrid. They try to match the uniform to where you would be working. :army:
bdcasey916 said:
I just came back from BC in July and this is confirmed information.  CFMGHQ has made licencing a requirement as part of the QL3 trade progression.  Not only has JIBC made the course a few more weeks longer, but CFMSS has added 5 more days to allow for licencing as well as paying for the fees of $450 as Health Service in BC have made it mandatory as of July 1 to have a fee for licencing.  I spoke to someone on the selection committee for the new college when I returned in July (no names, no pack drill) and he did tell me there is a new college as of January 2008 when the contract with JIBC ends, but would not tell me which college it was.  Rumors that I have heard at the school say that it will be Niagara College, due to the what the Medical Group wanted in the contract.  If I hear anything, I will make as know as I can. 

Any official confirmation about this?
I am not sure about the licensing component, but the new QL 3 starting this year will be a couple months longer as per the quoted post.

Anyways, Pea will be a good reference soon for all things QL 3 Med Tech, as I have heard she is starting her course very soon.
I can say that a friend of mine on a 3's not long ago had 5 days tacked onto the end of her JIBC phase for licensing - and it wasn't at their request.

I just started my Med Tech QL3 yesterday, but I can answer a few of the questions posted in the thread.

As for the contract being awarded for the civilian paramedic training, it's been done now. We met with the Commandant of CFMSS today, and she advised us that our course is "making history" in the Med Tech world. We'll be the first 'Med tech's-in-training' to be taking the newly extended 6 month course at the Justice Institute in BC. After that is finished, we too will be staying the extra 4-5 days to be licensed. Once that is finished we'll head back to CFMSS in Borden for our two week field portion of the course, and then finally graduate as newbie Med Techs.  :) The staff seem to have very high expectations for this extended course at the JI, and seem pretty excited about it. So I guess I'll just have to see how it all goes. I just have to work hard and get through these first 3 months of clinical first!

We were fitted for our on-car uniforms yesterday, and they're on order now we've been told. They were all black in color(pants, shirt and jacket), but the same maroon colored patch that was shown in the pictures earlier in this thread. I'll attach some pictures from my logistik unicorp page.(there are short and long sleeve shirts, as well as a jacket and pants)


Hope that helps. Feel free to ask any more questions you have, and I'll try my best to answer them as I progress through this new adventure.
medicineman said:
IIRC, the guys in Gagetown used jumpsuits - I'm told now that the uniforms are more like the MP Patrol Dress with Scotchbright in appropriate places.


Funny enough, we did try on the MP uniform in the QM when we were sized. So they must be pretty much the same by the looks of it.
Pea, let me know when you're in town and we'll go for a few brews :) and I'll make fun of your weirdo looking on car uniforms :D
Pea, are you saying the QL3 course is now:

3 months clinical;
6 months (+ 4-5 days) PCP; and
2 weeks field portion?

All I can say is, if so, holy crap!  :o  I thought my 3's were long!!  IIRC, my course ran 01 Jun 95 to early Feb 96.
Yup, that would be the breakdown for my QL3. It's going to be a long haul, but I suppose that means I will learn a ton of neat things!
PMedMoe said:
All I can say is, if so, holy crap!  :o  I thought my 3's were long!!  IIRC, my course ran 01 Jun 95 to early Feb 96.

Moe, Thier 3's may be long...But ours were much better.  ;D

Pea, I meet with the career manager tomorrow. I expect he'll confirm I am loaded onto the 6B for Aug. See you at school.
Good luck Pea.  With this excellent base knowledge you'll be good to go for the PA crse in the distant future.  Learn the basic well now to help with the future courses. STTM good luck hope you get the course.  Hard as hell but man I've learned so much.  Only 6 months to go until phase 2
PMedMoe said:
All I can say is, if so, holy crap!  :o  I thought my 3's were long!!  IIRC, my course ran 01 Jun 95 to early Feb 96.

Jeez - the rate things are going, what with the 2 year 6B, the long 3's and God only knows how long the 5's will be, the people are going to spend more time in school than on the job.


St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Pea, I meet with the career manager tomorrow. I expect he'll confirm I am loaded onto the 6B for Aug. See you at school.

Good luck on course, SMMT!  Maybe I'll be there too, I've asked for a posting to the school. 
The 3s ARE longer now, mainly the JIBC portion.  Part of the reason for this is that they have extended the on-car portion.  Rather than the 10 days that we had for ours, theirs is supposed to be upwards of 2-3months.  Definitely good for pratical experience as I know on my on-car I had about 50 calls total and most of those ended up being sick/unwell.

As for the 5s, on our 3s grad, we were told by the CSM that they have put to tender to schools for an ALS course as part of the 5s.  No idea when/if this will actually happen or not, but the approval for tender has already come from Ottawa.
Figured I'd post an update, as this week coming marks the halfway point on my Clinical portion. Course is going very well so far. We're done all our written exams now, and have been focusing on "hands on" stuff.  We've learned a lot of interesting stuff so far, and each day we learn something new. I've taken blood from classmates the past few weeks, and am pretty proud of how well I've been doing with everything. I'm learning a ton, and overall, really love this course. My course mates are an awesome crew, and we work really well together both in the classroom, and in the shacks.

We've received our on-car uniforms for our time in BC at the Justice Institute. They look pretty sharp, especially with the badges and our nametags. I'm looking forward to putting them to use in the future.

We were given some more "new" information this past week, about the 6 months we'll be spending at the Justice Institute, out in BC. We're going to be staying in a hotel in Abbotsford. It sounds like they've been working very hard to get these new accommodations set up for us, and have requested some changes/additions be made to help us be more comfortable and have adequate resources for studying and working on our skills. With this new info, we're all really starting to look forward to getting out to BC.

All in all, course is going very well, and I'm learning a lot of great skills. We seem to have an excellent crew of staff who really know their stuff, and work very hard to pass on their skills and experience to us.
    I'm now at JIBC in chilliwack doing my practical... It's a challenge but a good time!
    I've had 2 shifts in ERs and due to some scheduling issues I've had 4 ambulance shifts... I've had mixed shifts, some are slow, some are fast, sometimes all you do are patient transfers it seems or deal with the elderly. But, every once in a while you get a good trauma call and you realize why you are doing this, thats what I enjoy the most it seems is the fast paced rush and excitement.
    The next course that is coming here in May is staying at the Ramada just outside of Abbottsford, looks good, you'll get a good restaurant to eat at, 2 people to a room instead of 6, internet access in the rooms (instead of having to come to the school, sometimes I just want to study in my room alone) and best of all, there is a little theme park next to the hotel lol. The only draw back is the fact its 40 muinets from the school, so to come to the school and practice you will have to have a small group organized to get a van to come drive you. However, I have heard the school may keep some equipment at the Hotel for you guys to practice on instead of coming here.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you guys arrive as I miss seeing some of you from PRETC!
Well it's been a good 14 weeks, and tomorrow I'll be finished my clinical portion of my QL3's.  :) I've learned a ton, and have really enjoyed the course. I'm heading on leave for a few weeks now, before I head out to Beautiful BC for my 6 month PCP program. I'm excited and nervous to begin this next phase. However, I'm mostly really looking forward to gaining another set of skills, and getting out on-car to gain experience and put those new skills to the test. We're the first students  to be doing the new 6 month course at JIBC, so I'm sure we'll be "under the microscope" so to speak. We're all looking forward to coming back from leave and getting started on this next phase of training. It probably doesn't hurt that we're going to be living in a hotel either.  ;)