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QL3 course, what are these rumours?


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I'm about to start my QL3 next month, but we keep hearing rumours about us not going to the justice institute in chilliwack for the second part of our training. And something about us being changed to a college in Barrie or a college (I would suspect niagara college) in st catherines. Any word on this?
Also, I remember reading we get an "advanced" corporal promotion, and some of us disagree on the facts involving this one.
The contract for the training was tendered some time ago; I have not seen it so this is just more grist for the rumour mill.

It has been circulating here in BC that there were geographic limits placed on where the training could occur, which precluded the JIBC from bidding on the project.  Something to the effect of training must occur withing X00km of CFB Borden, and precepting must occur within X000 km of CFB Borden.

I am no longer associated with the JI, so I'm not in the loop on this one, but I would not be at all surprised if the JI were no longer delivering the tng.

We did ours through Humber College in Toronto.  Of course, that was waaayy back in '96.  ::)  Who know what they have in mind now?  Being closer to Borden would be better admin-wise.
This would not surprise me if it happened. Not everyone has been impressed with what JIBC has brought.

Also the logistics of having new troops closer to the school makes a whole bunch of sense.
ASD = Alternate Service Delivery.

Still in the works for many occupations and is anticipated that will commence for most this fall. It is intended to assist in reduce teh backlog of PAT's.
Southern Boy is correct. JIBC is the institution for  QL3 PCP training. The other comments posted are bits and pieces of other contracts of which JIBC is one of the competitors. As for the quality of the product that graduates from JIBC - its is exactly what the CF requested and the PCP training is excellent. Judging by some of the comments posted, its unbelieveable how critical we are of ourselves. I remember my Sgts and WOs making some of those same comments way back when.
I would not go as far as saying the training is excellent, it does the job, but there are better places for this type of training.  The CF has to look long and hard at all the options and make the right choice, cheaper is not always better no doubt. We cannot always make everyone happy all the time, but there can be a happy medium.  As for all the rumours, try not to post stuff that cannot be proven as fact, that causes trouble for all of us down the road. Medicine and the ways of delivering it has always been a fluid creature, it could be time to try a new training establishment or not . :salute:
It is my understanding that there are a few other names in PCP training in BC.  I can see people's point of view regarding the admin cost of sending troops from Borden all the way to BC.  I have always wondered if a similar model of PCP training could be set up in Alberta especially considering the number of PCP programs there.

There are a few schools in Alberta that can fill the need for pre hospital care training. NAIT and SAIT are the big ones in Edmonton and Calgary, PMA in St. Albert , and some smaller schools in and around Edmonton that can provide high quality training that we require. The nice thing about training in Alberta is the numerous ambulance services available for on car training that are close to major centres.
As far as I know there is one other PCP program in BC, very new, and I also believe the jury's still out on their product.  I'd be very surprised if they'd even had anyone through licensing as yet.
I just came back from BC in July and this is confirmed information.  CFMGHQ has made licencing a requirement as part of the QL3 trade progression.  Not only has JIBC made the course a few more weeks longer, but CFMSS has added 5 more days to allow for licencing as well as paying for the fees of $450 as Health Service in BC have made it mandatory as of July 1 to have a fee for licencing.  I spoke to someone on the selection committee for the new college when I returned in July (no names, no pack drill) and he did tell me there is a new college as of January 2008 when the contract with JIBC ends, but would not tell me which college it was.  Rumors that I have heard at the school say that it will be Niagara College, due to the what the Medical Group wanted in the contract.  If I hear anything, I will make as know as I can. 
Thank you for that post, that corresponds with what I heard as well, and it will affect me since I don't start the 2nd half untill the new year. My clinical part starts in about a week so I'm pumped!
I have also noticed the the QL3/PCP students have switched over to a civilian style EMS uniform.  From the few preceptors that I have talked to they say that this has helped with patients being more receptive to them as well as reduced negative patient interactions.
The black uniforms that they are wearing now have always been in the system.  Originally they were issued after you were QL3 qualified for your MCSP.  But there was something about going to the east end of Vancouver with drugged out people and you showing up in combats.  There were also advantages to it as well, when you were dealing with psych issues, they were more receptive to you than the cops or BC Paramedics.  But yes, they have been issuing them now while the students are on their Clinical phase in Borden
bdcasey916 said:
The black uniforms that they are wearing now have always been in the system. 

Maybe always while you have been in. But they have only been issued for on-car tng in the last 3-4 yrs. Before that we were lucky to get a skunk jacket to wear over our work dress.
Nothing like the feeling of being the bigger target while on car, wish I had the jumpsuit instead of cadpat, we could have blended in better with th BC amb crews :nana: :evil:
does anyone have a picture of what these said black uniforms looked like?
IIRC, the guys in Gagetown used jumpsuits - I'm told now that the uniforms are more like the MP Patrol Dress with Scotchbright in appropriate places.
