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QL3 course, what are these rumours?

Ya, I know at the canex they have a little pouch to put the shears in, but it looks silly.  I've seen paramedics with a pouch that fits in the small of your back that has the shears sideways and you can also put a few pairs of gloves in them
exgunner916 said:
I agree with you there old medic, but with the Military On-Car Uniforms, they are the exact same as the OPD's for the Military Police, they just have the reflective tape on them, so unfortunately the leg pockets are just cargo pockets and don't have the pre-formed slot to put scissors in.  I have a funny feeling someone would go to the ground to aid a patient and well they will need some trauma aid because they stabbed themselves in the leg with a pair of utility scissors  :o

If you're using your penny shears, chances of you stabbing yourself with them are pretty slim - something about the blunt ends to them.  Surgical scissors, as some people (like me) carry as well on the other hand...well, I have a holster for my scissors, knife and flashlight.  Also have spares in my bag.

MM I agree with you on the blunt end of the scissors, but you never know with some troops you see today.  ;D  Speaking of those holsters, do you know where I can get one around the Borden area, or somewhere close?
Mine's an Uncle Mike's I got in Kingston many years ago.  However, I think there is an EMS kitshop as part of the bookstore at Georgian College, since they have a paramedic program - that would be a good place to start.


Hey Guys,
Does anyone know how to tell what "college" that you would be going to for your QL3?? Right now I live in B.C., but my family is getting posted to Ottawa in July. (on my husband's trade). Or is it just pick of the draw??  Does the larger gerber holder fit the scissors?? Just an idea if it would work?

Cheers, Kawigirl  :cdn:

You do your QL 3 at the CFMS School in Borden, PCP near Chilliwack, BC.
Is this for everybody?? I have been told to many things, and where you go when your done you BMQ..Is there people going to University that the military is paying them to do this, then they are doing the BMQ?? Anybody heard this?

Hmmm, Little rumors I guess!!

Kawigirl  :cdn:
kawigirl said:
Is this for everybody?? I have been told to many things, and where you go when your done you BMQ..Is there people going to University that the military is paying them to do this, then they are doing the BMQ?? Anybody heard this?

Hmmm, Little rumors I guess!!

Kawigirl  :cdn:

No. JIBC for PCP. Anyone who is going to University and is in the CF is either under CEOTP, ROTP or RESO or what ever program. No MedTechs are being sent to University.

JIBC will be where you'll be doing your PCP portion. BMQ first for EVERYONE as that is your BASIC Military Qualification. SQ or PCP depends on availability. As I've said before do your SQ first so you can work on your med skills continuously afterwards.
When you are done your BMQ, you will come to CFB Borden and stay in PRETC until there is an opening at CFMSS for your course.  When you get on course, you will spend 14 weeks doing your clinical care (CC) phase.  When you are done that, you will go to JIBC at Chilliwack, BC for 6 months to do your emergency care (EC) phase.  When you are done that you will return to CFMSS at Borden to do your field phase which last's around 3 weeks, but counting in your IRPP and posting briefs, you will be looking at close to a year before you are done your QL3's.  That is after you are done BMQ
It was exactly one year from when I left for BMQ to when I graduated from Phase 3 of my QL3, and that's with only a 4 wk wait from BMQ to QL3 (Thank God), and with the old 16 wk EC @ JIBC.  Total time not living with Domestic Niner was 14 months ( Tack on 2 months Imposed Restrictions while I house hunted).  I don't regret doing it, but it sure wasn't easy.  I also don't remember being told that I was going to be away that long.  Ces la vie. 

Thanks Guys,

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be that long, but you do what you have to do. Thanks for the break down of everything, that helps. Now I am listening MedTech but do I have the choice to do my SQ before my QL3 if the offer/tell me that I will be doing my QL3 first?? I totally agree with you as I have heard that there is alot of studing in the QL3's.

Have a great night,
Kawigirl  :cdn: :salute:
Basically the best thing to do because none of us work at PRETC is wait until you get there to see what is going on.  I wouldn't stress about which is going to happen first, its all about training priorities, so you just gotta go with the flow and see how it happens. 
kawigirl said:
Thanks Guys,

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be that long, but you do what you have to do. Thanks for the break down of everything, that helps. Now I am listening MedTech but do I have the choice to do my SQ before my QL3 if the offer/tell me that I will be doing my QL3 first?? I totally agree with you as I have heard that there is alot of studing in the QL3's.

Have a great night,
Kawigirl  :cdn: :salute:

Once you sign the dotted line, the CF makes your choices for you (in terms of course dates, etc.)  So...  No.  You can't choose which course you'll be doing first - although I'm sure you could write hundreds of memos requesting this that and the next thing.  I'm sitting here in Borden, fresh off my BMQ sitting on PRETC.  In less than a week I bugger off to SQ along with some that I arrived with - who are Navy - so you can expect to be loaded onto an SQ regardless of which element you pick.  It'll be good fun I'm sure.  Plenty of exercise if nothing else...  ;D

Last time I checked, there were two courses beginning in October; one early in the month, one late.  I'm on the later, but I remember only seeing a handful of names on both lists.  Nothing is even close to definitive here, but - and I don't mean to be discouraging - you'd probably be lucky to get on course as early as Oct.  The next one after that is in Feb. or so they tell me (like they told my one buddy who's scheduled for that course.) 

Good luck in BMQ!  It's fun, if you make it fun.  Just take all the advice your staff gives you, and listen to them.  Once you get to Borden, you'll have plenty of time to look into course dates.  Until your feet are on the ground though, all dates are tentative imho.

EDS334 said:
Last time I checked, there were two courses beginning in October; one early in the month, one late.  I'm on the later, but I remember only seeing a handful of names on both lists.  Nothing is even close to definitive here, but - and I don't mean to be discouraging - you'd probably be lucky to get on course as early as Oct.  The next one after that is in Feb. or so they tell me (like they told my one buddy who's scheduled for that course.) 

You are correct... well sort of....

QL 3 - 0035 - 17 Sept 2008
QL 3 - 0036 - 06 Oct  2008
QL 3 - 0037 - 23 Oct  2008
QL 3 - 0038 - 07 Jan  2009
QL 3 - 0039 - 02 Feb  2009
QL 3 - 0040 - 23 Feb  2009

I cannot remember which are in English and which are in French.  Of course, they are subject to change without notice as the wind changes direction.

I hope that is of some help.


Just to muddy the waters even more ...

The CFMSS website gives the following schedule for QL3 (Med Tech) ... "Last Updated: 29 Feb 08"
Med Tech QL3
(Emergent - 114589, Clinical - 114588, Field - 114590)

Franco    0039    17-Sep-08      Jul/Aug 09
Anglo      0040    06-Oct-08      Aug 09
Anglo      0041    23-Oct-08      Sep 09
Franco    0042    07-Jan-09      Nov/Dec 09
Anglo      0043    02-Feb-09    Dec 09/Jan 2010
Anglo      0044    23-Feb-09    Jan 2010

There was also a course that started 5 May 08 (0038 - Anglo).

Hope this didn't confuse the issue too much, or that I didn't overstep my bounds (not a Med Tech, but a QL3 "widow" :crybaby: who's anxiously waiting for his spouse to finish up at JIBC) ... actually the above-noted info is very similar to that which MedCorps provided, just different course numbers and I added the end dates.
BullDog said:
The CFMSS website gives the following schedule for QL3 (Med Tech) ... "Last Updated: 29 Feb 08"
There was also a course that started 5 May 08 (0038 - Anglo).

Hmmm... just for the record my list was last updated 25 May 08.

It was 0034 which started 5 May 2008.  It is a QL5A.  QL3 0038 starts 07 Jan 2009.

The website needs to be updated I suspect.


Oops ... that's what happens when you stick your nose somewhere it doesn't belong ...

Again, I apologize if I (and my outdated information) caused any confusion - should have known better about trusting information posted on the Internet.  :-[
Ahh course dates in writing.  It's like a placebo for the keeners.  "OH! Finally a date on my calender!"  jk

Until your boots are in the classroom, and you've heard your name in roll call, it's all tentative.  ;D  That being said, my name wasn't called off on the first day of SQ, but they kept me on and then graduated me anyways. 

The course dates listed here are much more detailed than I had seen, and look to be still accurate.  The only trouble now is trying to find out any information on the "updated" curriculum, and how long each portion of trg will last (ie. how long we're in Borden, Chilliwack, etc).  Anyone have answers?
Last I herd the durations are:

Phase 1 Clinical @ CFMSS in Borden 16 wks

Phase 2 Emergent Care @ JIBC Chilliwack, BC, 6 Months (Give or take a week)

Phase 3 Field/Posting @ CFMSS Borden it was 4 wks for us.  3 weeks Admin, 1 week training ( with 3 days in the field)

Good Luck
Thanks.  That was what I had been assuming it was staying at, but a few people and their unidentifiable sources claimed there was mass change on the way.  Glad I just popped on here. 

Now, time to wait out.  Kit check.  All issued kit, check.  Meal card, check.  Sanity...errr...kcehc?  ;D