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Politics in 2018

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Speaking of immigration, here is an Australian look at our rich immigrant policy, 100,000 Chinese millionaires to Vancouver over 2 decades .


John Ivison: Trudeau is in a fight he can't win with veterans, and his frustration shows

Trudeau was elected on a platform that raised expectations to infinity. To Blaszczyk, even the Tories look good right now. ‘At least we weren’t given false promises’

John Ivison

February 5, 2018 6:53 PM EST

You have to be pretty tone-deaf to tell a man who lost a leg in Afghanistan that the government is fighting veterans groups in courts “because they’re asking for more than we’re able to give right now.”

Yet that’s exactly what the prime minister did at a town-hall in Edmonton last Thursday - a gaffe that has gone viral on social media and infuriated veterans.
[quote author=Lachlan]

You have to be pretty tone-deaf to tell a man who lost a leg in Afghanistan that the government is fighting veterans groups in courts “because they’re asking for more than we’re able to give right now.”


Yup. That was pretty epic.
Tone deaf isn't the word I would use to describe that particular gaffe.
Waiting for the ABC Veterans commentary on the subject...
Colin P said:
The "anyone but Harper" crowd got their wish. Always be careful what you wish for.....

Not sure that they got their wish but they did get more of the same with an extra helping of crap.
Not that I want to take any spotlight from the stupidity of the Prime Minister saying the above to a wounded Vet but this deserves some of it's own ridicule.

Justin Trudeau interrupts woman to tell her to use 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind' because 'it's more inclusive'


What a real piece of work.
Wait till he says "Peopletoba" while in Winnipeg. ....
According to the PM's wishes, we'll have a constitutional crisis as his government attempts to rename Manitoba,
to a more inclusive term.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Wait till he says "Peopletoba" while in Winnipeg. ....

How will they man-age, and will it be man-datory in this no-peoples land of biological neutrality.
The name Manitoba is believed to be derived from the Cree, Ojibwe or Assiniboine languages. Thename derives from Cree manitou-wapow or Ojibwa manidoobaa, both meaning "straits of Manitou, the Great Spirit", a place referring to what are now called The Narrows in the centre of Lake Manitoba.

I think Manitoba is good.
Altair said:

I think Manitoba is good.

You just have to spoil our fun, don't you.

Altair said:

I think Manitoba is good.

Neither Cree, Ojibwa nor Assiniboine used cursive Roman script, so "Man" is white-person's interpretation of the First Nations' name.  Apologies due to and restitution for them, and a replacement name!
Altair said:
I think Manitoba is good.

The "Great Spirit" thing has got to offend somebody's religion, or lack thereof, somewhere.

And would the name not be considered to be cultural appropriation in certain circles, due to its origin and the number of older, patriarchal, privileged, cis-gendered (whatever that means; "functional normal human being", I think), straight, Christian white men who live there now?
Loachman said:
The "Great Spirit" thing has got to offend somebody's religion, or lack thereof, somewhere.

And would the name not be considered to be cultural appropriation in certain circles, due to its origin and the number of older, patriarchal, privileged, cis-gendered (whatever that means; "functional normal human being", I think), straight, Christian white men who live there now?

I'm sure it does, MSM just hasn't picked up on it yet, give it till the end of the year...
whiskey601 said:
How will they man-age, and will it be man-datory in this no-peoples land of biological neutrality.

Since the "man" in both these English words does not derive from the same origin as "man, the male human", other than trying to be sarcastic, what is the point?  Man (the human male) origin is Germanic - mann.  The man root in the other words comes from the Latin, manus or hand.  So when we manage, it is handling (manipulating) or if a mandate it is something commanded (from the Latin mandatum which is derived earlier from manus and dare - to give).  Neither is referencing the male gender.
No sense of humour? What next, "mandarin" is not really sexist after all?

Hennyway, some commentary from around the world: https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/02/06/woke-joke-trudeau-becomes-object-global-ridicule-peoplekind-virtue-signalling-backfires/
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