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Pay FY 07/08

CountDC said:
I have already stated prior that we get a good wage and that outside the government my trade becomes about $20k if lucky - nor have I complained about the rate of pay. My point has been, as already stated, that I would like to see them match the increase in cost of living once in awhile to show how much they value our work and keep our spending dollar at par.

Ah, i see now. To an extent I agree with. 2% is better then 0% though....

CountDC said:
Glad this means your kid will be able to take on an extracurricular or you can take them out to dinner - I on the other hand can not say the same unless it is McD's which costs $40. Most extra activities are over $200 so this doesn't even cover half and with the price of everything sky rocketing this is a drop in the bucket. I cycle to work to save money, keep shoppng trips to a minimum (unfortunately everything is so far away we have no choice but to drive), even given up the daily timmies to ensure we can maintain the life we value more (although I do miss the timmies!!).

An McD's night for myself and my 3 kids(13, 10 and 7) costs about $24 and that is only if my oldest super sizes his angus burger combo. That McD's offers a 10% military discount as well.

Also see if there are some programs in your area that help to reduce the costs involved when enrolling your kids in extracurricular activities. Thats what i did and it has saved me a ton of money! Enough so that I am still able to get my mornng coffee and drink it as I drive in to work!!
Springroll said:
Ah, i see now. To an extent I agree with. 2% is better then 0% though....

An McD's night for myself and my 3 kids(13, 10 and 7) costs about $24 and that is only if my oldest super sizes his angus burger combo. That McD's offers a 10% military discount as well.

Also see if there are some programs in your area that help to reduce the costs involved when enrolling your kids in extracurricular activities. Thats what i did and it has saved me a ton of money! Enough so that I am still able to get my mornng coffee and drink it as I drive in to work!!
2% is better than nothing and is a nice farewell gift by the best CDS (my opinion) in the last 23 years. I am also sure that if HE could have it would be more. Unfortunately TB controls the purse strings and they hold them very tight.

McD's for me is 2 adults and 4 kids (14, 11, 3 and 1) and cost over $40 for regular meals for 3 and kids meals for the young 2 - the youngest gets the scraps from the adults.  I did keep it under $30 by getting everyone a kids meal once but it wasn't filling so cost me more later for fillings. Here there is no military discount - in fact when I first came here I asked about it and was laughed at by the staff and everyone else around me.  Seems the military is not as appreciated everywhere. As for programs to reduce cost - the $200 is the reduced cost programs I have found that they would be interested in.  Luckily the 14 year old decided cadets were interesting and the band would be fun so he cost almost nothing to take care of for his extra. 
Not sure if it was a glitch or something, but while at work today I noticed this particular CANFORGEN was no longer on the list.  Can anyone verify this?
Okay, maybe the page was being changed at the time.  Thanks!

Edit to add:  I am now at work and see why I thought it was gone.  Here is how they are listed:

Date           Number    Subject                                                                                                   
24 JUN 08   118/08     honours and awards                                                                                 
17 JUN 08   117/08     tax relief and impact on income tax slips and military pay                             
19 JUN 08   116/08     im gp key appointments for 2008                                                               
23 JUN 08   115/08     amendments to compensation for disability and death gratuity - res f           
23 JUN 08   114/08     reg and res force - pay and environmental allowance increase                    

So, obviously, I was looking at the dates and not the subject.  D'oh!!!
ArmyVern said:
I suppose then, that when they do that -- you'll have them take away the PLPD??  (Oh, I see you're in Ottawa, lost yours already <-- some of us have never gotten it though).
Holy crap people -- get a grip on reality. You got a raise ... more than the average Canadian did. Be thankful for that.

>:D but I am not an average Canadian - I am a member of the Military that has hung on through the years of downsize, budget cuts, no increases period, food banks (was that really needed??), help everyone in dire need but go away when no one needs you, been spit on because I wore the uniform, been told not to wear my uniform back and forth to work as some people may find it offensive and react to it, etc etc etc (I am sure others can come up with some I missed) so feel I have the right to express my opinion ie free speech which is that I feel the government should recognize what we and our families do and actually give us a raise and not just an increase that is below the increase in cost of living. The $$ amount in my case is pretty mute as usually what I end up taking home in net pay is offset by a reduction in CTB that leaves my family with about the same amount of spending dollars.

Reality is the governments and people of Canada want us to be there when they want us but do not want to spend the money to have us unless there is an immediate crisis. Cold war ending - reduce the military - terrorism/war - increase the military.


Ummm... do you think you're the only one who'se gone thru the whole shebang ?
I was doing my GMT in 1970 when the October crisis kicked in.... Loads of fun & games
geo said:

Ummm... do you think you're the only one who'se gone thru the whole shebang ?
I was doing my GMT in 1970 when the October crisis kicked in.... Loads of fun & games

I was busy being born around the same time.  Geo, do you think you'll be around for that 3rd clasp on your CD?  (around as in still lacing the boots up...)
geo said:

Ummm... do you think you're the only one who'se gone thru the whole shebang ?
I was doing my GMT in 1970 when the October crisis kicked in.... Loads of fun & games

No I don't - as I said I am sure others can come up with some I missed. Perhaps you should read things for what is said instead of what is not said there.
And here I was thinking this thread was directly relevant to CF Pay rather then rants of perceived inequities and self-ownership.
Eye In The Sky said:
I was busy being born around the same time.  Geo, do you think you'll be around for that 3rd clasp on your CD?  (around as in still lacing the boots up...)
Still have money in the meter..... will have to see if it gets me to the end of the road :)
CountDC said:
No I don't - as I said I am sure others can come up with some I missed. Perhaps you should read things for what is said instead of what is not said there.
Thought I had read & paid attention to all that was written.... If I missed something - my regrets.
So now we have a CANFORGEN stating our "pay increase" as stated at CANFORGEN 114/08 CMP 044/08 231403Z JUN 08


is actually an "Economic Adjustment":

CANFORGEN 136/08 CMP 054/08 221440Z JUL 08

REF: CANFORGEN 114/08 CMP 044/08 231403Z JUN 08


I wish they would get their wording straight.  But I suppose an adjustment is an increase.  ::)

PMedMoe said:
I wish they would get their wording straight.  But I suppose an adjustment is an increase.  ::)

only if it is an upward adjustment  ;D
$10  more on my base pay and $6 on my aircrew allowance.........humm.......thanks .......i think  ;D
CDN Aviator said:
$10  more on my base pay and $6 on my aircrew allowance.........humm.......thanks .......i think  ;D

is that all??? Now I feel better - quick estimate is that I (correction HFD9) will get about $25 per pay. Every 2 months we can fill the gas tank!!
CountDC said:
is that all??? Now I feel better - quick estimate is that I (correction HFD9) will get about $25 per pay. Every 2 months we can fill the gas tank!!

I went from $5484 to $5494 according to the April 08 pay scale posted on the DCBA site. Aircrew allowance went from $291 to $297 for me according the the CANFORGEN that was released along with the one for the non-raise adjustment.
CDN Aviator said:
I went from $5484 to $5494 according to the April 08 pay scale posted on the DCBA site. Aircrew allowance went from $291 to $297 for me according the the CANFORGEN that was released along with the one for the non-raise adjustment.

are you sure that isn't $5594 that you went to? This would work out to the 2% we are getting making it $100 before deductions, about $60 per month after (depending on where you are and the tax rate there) so $30 per pay.

CountDC said:
are you sure that isn't $5594 that you went to? This would work out to the 2% we are getting making it $100 before deductions, about $60 per month after (depending on where you are and the tax rate there) so $30 per pay.

You are correct....$5594 now.

Thats $67 128 a year in base pay plus $3564 in aircrew allowance.........$70 692
